So drain the swamp was a metaphor for making government as corrupt and cornyist as humanly possible. How can any Trumpfag defend this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Swamp refers to Washington, i.e. the Marxist career politicians and bureocracts
it doesn't refer to successful businessmen that never set a foot in Washington (the swamp)
Any Marxists?
Any AA hires?
OP is either a bot or a really assmad hillshill that is crying right now
>career politicians and bureocracts
Yes plenty of those in my pic.
>Any Marxists?
So anyone who doesn't suck corporate like, like Trump, is a ""Marxist""" now?
Yeah there are plenty of long time public officials in that pic along with CEOs for big corporations.
Thanks for proving my point
>Carl's Jr
Yes, anti-capitalism is pretty Marxist, you commie hippie
At least I'm not a kike.
>not made up pic at all
>not shilling
try jewer
There are Jews everywhere, in all ideologies
But know where they are overrepresented?
>But know where they are overrepresented?
Trump's cabinet.
Half the people in your picture are dead. Roy Cohn was a renegade Jew and regularly got kikes jailed or killed.
fuck you zionist kike shill, go fuck yourself
Easy, the alternative is dickless cumwit
do you approve of term limits, banning lobbyists from his administration, and the five-year lobbying bans after leaving government?
>hurr durr all Jews are bad, even the right wingers
How to spot a false-flag
>calls me a Zionist while support ((((((((trump))))))))
The reason he's getting sworn in is because the kikes put him in power.
There were lots of Jews among the Nazi ranks, actually
Screencapped as proof of your idiocy and proof you are just false-flagging
>do you approve of term limits, banning lobbyists from his administration, and the five-year lobbying bans after leaving government?
Wow meaningless stuff that doesn't talk about kike money in politics. Government Sachs
no kikes wanted to put hillary in power
trump will stop immigration and stop jewish plans
so stfu kike
u lose gtfo, leave thread tell your employer you quit and kill yourself for shilling.
>soros was literally a nazi jew who sold off other jews to the nazis
American education
>There were lots of Jews among the Nazi ranks, actually
Into the oven with you.
The denial is strong
what are you saying at this point that drain the swamp was supposed to mean purging all jews? how are those things meaningless in regards to your original statement.
If it is pissing of liberals, it is a good sign
>trump will stop immigration and stop jewish plans
Your first election kid? No matter who is elected the kikes win to matter what. Talking about Soros is a distraction for deep state and ZOG. Trump will do whatever his but buddies in Tel Aiv say.
Behind the scenes, the jews and Pence run the show. Trump is just the frontman who will take the fall later on.
>what are you saying at this point that drain the swamp was supposed to mean purging all jews?
alright have fun talking to yourself bud
This. US have more jews that Israel itself.
That's not corruption though
>have so many jew pics
you are well prepared shill.
We both know that immigration and mixing of races is the ultimate goal of jews.
Trump is just playing you so you don't "remove" him thinking you can convince him.
props for playing an idiot, but you are not fooling anybody.
Tell your employer to put you through another infiltration course
don't be fooled
It's not my country thats about to get kiked
>We both know that immigration and mixing of races is the ultimate goal of jews.
Only for NON-JEWS goy, ISRAEL DOESN'T RACE MIX or have IMMIGRATION, which is why Trump will defend Israel and take out Iran, no matter the cost!
Kek what the fuck?
I know there;s always tonnes of shitposting about stock markets on pol , but going up about 30 percent in roughly 1 month.
He really is the eternal jew.
>He really is the eternal jew.
They don't call him the first jew president for nothing.
here is the part where it is revealed you do not acyually think jews are bad
after all, the country with the most jews? those jews voted against trump
>There were lots of Jews among the Nazi ranks, actually
His body guard was Jewish
>he bought into the Holocaust stories
>claims to be redpilled
Drain the swamp is about term limits in congress you illiterate retard. Did you expect trump to appoint unemployed failures like yourself?
Like the 50+ Obama appointees asked to stay on a few days ago because the transition is a shambles?
>Trump drains the swamp, replaces it with a bog
>America fell for this
Nah man, DTS means that Joe the Plumber should be secretary of defense
No, DTS is "Drain The Street", Trump's initiative to help upcoming superpower India to catch up to 500 year old plumbing technology.
You're an idiot. Read the end of this article which explains how retaining staffers between administrations is common practice.