...or at least fired
stupid cunt called for Trump's assassination AND HER TWITTER PAGE IS STILL UP
commencing dump of incrimination
...or at least fired
stupid cunt called for Trump's assassination AND HER TWITTER PAGE IS STILL UP
commencing dump of incrimination
Other urls found in this thread:
Academia really does make people too comfortable nowadays.
gotta to admit this stupid cunt goes hard and is probably a raging alcohol and benzo addict
she works at a glorified community college
straight up liberal white trash
>damage control
>Its a joke
>But seriously a lot of people feel this way
It's like people who tweet bomb threats to airlines as 'jokes'
bitch has weapons
>He said MEAN THINGS to me and my illegal mexican friends
These people are psycopaths, America fix your shit
Admission of guilt.
Anyone contact her employer yet?
She might be damage controlling but her kikebook said she had been unemployed because of "paralyzed vocal cords" for 10 months
(((twitter))) lets her keep her account up but if you send a gif to Kurt Eichenwald your account gets deleted and they give up your IP address so he can press charges and sue you
psst op, wrong board.
how can i help get her aressted from over seas
I think the best you can do is fuck with her on twitter if you want.
Secret Service knows now. If she keeps her twitter account though I will be pissed
We are trying mate. I wish we had more good blokes like you.
prolly deep-throated too many black cocks
actually she doesn't work at a uni she is an unemployed secretary
Well well well, looks like someone is overdue for a visit from the Secret Service.
wtf happened to Jew_goldstein btw? did kurt get to know who he really is or does Jew live in some shithole where no law can get to him for a gif?
Kurt claims he found out but he hasn't named him so people think Kurt might be lying and just giving up to save face
Trump called for HRC's assassination
"Maybe the NRA folks could do something I don't know"
Trump threatened Hillary on stage so why isn't he in jail?
the butthurt from the loss never goes away eh
Just a disgruntled woman
Fuck off, us NRA folk can get rid of Democrats quite easily by voting against them, it works just about everywhere but CA and NY
>university of Denver
kek that's where my high school graduation was. Literally couldn't explain it any better than this
>tfw when i went to university there