How do we stop them?
How do we stop them?
you stop posting them
They're on our side
They will never spoil the secret though
They know the laws of the universe better then we can at this dimensional point in time.
you cant, just take the bogpill.
Kill them before they lay eggs
It's too late
Accept them as your rightful saviors.
you think trump isn't in on this shit?
think again drumpftards, he's been ceased by the twins, and he has already started his transformation.
this is the worst forced meme ever, but the question is why?
His transformation is almost complete, under budget and on schedule,
the bogdabots have done a really great job.
We force meme them everywhere because this is the most hilarious meme ever seen on the internet. Thank you op, I will never stop laughing now.
In all seriousness these threads are pure forced meme unfunny cancer and you should be ashamed.
Convince Soros they want to get the ovens going
By saging your forced meme.
The bog pill will save western civilization
bogdabots will bring us on mars
Wow, I bet you're fun at parties.
Can someone give me quick rundown on them ?
Make the call.
Stop posting these fucking freaks all over /pol./
I'd tell you, but I fear you won't be able to handle reality after swallowing the bogpill
sure thing medpack
>rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
>in contact with aliens
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>control france with an iron fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies
>both brothers said to have 200+ IQ
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>These are the Bogdanoff twins
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
>They learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>The twins are 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe
>The Bogdanoffs will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love
rothschild monkeys please go and stay go, there's a new super predator in the playing field
Someone want to tell me who these guys are?
Only kids care about partying, but I'll humour you and point out the obvious, you're not funny.
If you were at a party you'd be the biggest try hard sad sack in the room.
who are these jews?
The Boganogs bow to the True Conservative
>The phonecall that saved Dahnald
>implying they can be stopped
two trannies that one or two faggots in Sup Forums are obsessed with
these threads belong in /x/ , good Sup Forumstards report this threads so they get deleted quickly
The worst forced meme ever is the "praise kek/kek wills it" shit that turns every thread into a roll thread. This is bad too though I guess.
Who are these guys? Can someone give me a slow rundown?
The future will be one of trials and tribulations but one thing we can count on is the Guiding Force of the Bogdanoffs.
It is scary but know in your heart the Bogdanoffs will guide us to new and exciting heights never imagined before by humans.
They know only love, though it may seem like hate to those not aware of the bigger picture.
Cosmic forces revere the Bogdanoff Mind for it is the most wisest and fairest of the all of Humanity.
The Archangel Gabriel is rumored to have appeared before them - instilling in them the knowledge of Heaven & Earth.
The Bogdanoff Mind is incomprehensible - untouchable - a true Force of Nature.
Know that the Bogdanoffs want only happiness and enlightenment for Humanity and we must let them take us there.
Breathe Bogdanoff - Live Bogdanoff
Here's a rundown
>All elder gods are bogs
>Can reproduce by splitting two, each time producing an identical copy
>Can split space and time but do not wish to
>Rothschilds worship gods that were destroyed by the bogs
Seriously funny guys, I bet there's sides splitting everywhere.
Some newfags want to make a cool meme, but they don't know how to be dank and funny, so they just force the fuck out of it and hope they can contribute to the many keks created on this site.
by ignoring them
But it is funny
your the hypebeast meme guy in IRL imo
>that one autist newfag that thinks his low IQ opinion means anything and that he can speak for Sup Forums as a whole
mere monkey pawn, dont call people newfags if you haven't been on Sup Forums longer than a decade
It's objectively shit, pure cringe.
pretty much either bend over or accept your ultimate demise..
not really good choices here but hey I dont make the rules
the 3rd brother
It's pretty funny and, honestly, you're making it even funnier.
Yes but who is he?
sif not bark cable
>only high IQs find this funny.
:) that made me chuckle slightly, that's a first for one of these wonderful threads.
Nice memeing guys can't wait to see it on know your meme and 9gag.
Typical heretic, this is why you will never get digits.
A truck of liquid nitrogen is the only thing that could stop them now
I'm not even slightly salty buddy, it's more sad than anything else.
BIDF is out in full force tonight! Trying to suppress the truth! Stay bog-pilled /bog/bros
HAHA :D excellent
Or YOU are just an edgy faggit with ni sense of hunour
Whats their end game Sup Forums?
forced meme is shit meme
We do not stop them. Bogda goals are our goals.
No, it's just not a funny meme, and has turned Sup Forums into Sup Forums: lite edition. We don't need fucking roll threads every 10 minutes, and we don't need stupid faggots turning every thread into a roll thread by saying that "kek wills" something. It's the worst meme to ever come out of this board.
Replace all the biomass on Earth with Bogdanoff clones. It is a beautiful plan no?
There is legitimately hilarious stuff on Sup Forums, this is just babbys first forced meme.
If it's still being posted in a month I'd be surprised.
Wrong thread peter.
it never will, we have wonderful people like you keeping it on the downlow, keeping on the dark side of the street, the other side of the coin so to say, the bottom of the shoe, so to speak, out of the limelight into the grimesight, if you know what im saying, never on the one side always on the dun side, if you catch my drift, ghastly if you have sight happy if you lose light, if you understand the contextual meaning of my words, hiding behind an elephant in plain sight, if you take a suffienct meaning from my words as to understand in a conceptualized way the message im trying to convey with the indicated type-text, jello is as jello do, if ya know what i mean
What's the story on these guys? What's their end game?
The push up that moved the earth.
if you catch my drift
All memes Are objectively shit
That's what makes them memes
good post
By sending them back to and gassing them all.
Cut off their growth hormone supplies. Or wait till cancer kills them.