tfw Georgian woman married to Saudi guy... the only good thing is that uglies like her are leaving our fatherland. *Natural Selection*
according to my stady: the ones who dates with niggers are all uglies asf
Race mixing in Georgia
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she'll look good in a burka
without any doubt. i wonder if japs got similar problem with mudslims
Don't a disproportionately high number of ISIS commanders originate from Georgia?
What race is guy like this considered by mainstream? I'm confused
Both are kebab tier mud people. That's not racemixing
most of "Georgian" ISIS commanders are Chechen refugees who moved to Georgia after Russo-Chechen war. Omar al Shashini is mixed Chechen and Georgian, he was raised among Chechens and converted to islam despite his father is Orthodox Georgian. Shashini basically means Chechen in Arab language as far as i remember.
i have no problem with other races, but race mixing must be forbidden
she looks scum indeed, but this is just an example. even my relative married to nigger from nigeria or whatever... she got mixed baby
had been trying to figure out where Shashini was in relation to Atlanta before realizing that your flag was from the other Georgia
east and south was kebabed to death, west, not so much
sorry for your loss.
at least we dont get reported to police for laughing at niggers in public
t. shclomo shekelgibsmulticultistein
genocide of the Georgian people.
Get fucked
Georgia (country) is the original Georgia, state is fake one
women who dates with niggers are nigger by soul anyways, but our demographics is already fucked up, this is too much for us
hating kebab removing elves
t. pablo escobar
shut up you paki bastard
Fuck off Georgia.
i saw once a video on yt of 5 georgian girls with group of american niggers, fuckingg disgusting eastern european women are probably the biggest whores out there tbqh
How is this cunt so brown? Is he half slave or somthing?
t. irreverent shithole that should be wiped out
Remind me when Georgia is a country to cry for
irrelevant shithole that produced relevant leader by whom Muricans were so scared off
>Go to Georgia
>Can't fugg women because too white
I think he looks Egyptian.
What an accomplishment. A land that gave birth to a midget that nearly killed Russia forever. Putin should genocide you people for retribution
fugg you cousin
Looks like a baked white man
Nips don't take in refugees so no they don't have that problem.
you need to bully them to discourage it atleest hey will move eaway from your heimat that way keeping it pure
its disgusting indeed.
no, he is some kind of "noble" saudi
Stalin was leading system which was supported even by average Russians. commies gulaged lots of Georgians as well
Yeah but only having like 27 of those problems makes it easier to handle
Tally ho! Georgian thread!
While I'd usually begin conversation with wishing well beings and hence salutating first however at the very moment I wish contributing to the thread and nothing else! Race mixing is a underestimated and frowned down upon as a threat, sad thing is, it is a threat. I'll tell you more about it
according to story, he is not rapefugee. he met her by skype using indian trick. it was like: "helo dear let's make frndship, show me pussy"
I t hink these women pretty quickly leave the guy too because they discover that muslims are actually muslim
We don't need such kind of girls, they're scum and I'd never wife her. Hence and herby devil take Her
>I'd never wife her
i guess that was main reason why she was forced to marry with foreigner
Churkas aren;t while and already have Semite genes.
0 Fucks given.
Go play on /int you irrelevant shitskin.
>implies Russia is white
>is mongoloid rapebaby XDDD
Oh well I'm fairly sure that doesn't work in Japan either.
We got the UN and "progress" to thank for this shit, even a century ago, all of these niggers would've just died, now thanks to Bill Gates and all these other supposedly guilty fucks, we are looking at a poopy broen future.
> tfw im from slavic country and vast majority of men look like what your pic describes as germanics
> tfw literally 0 gopniks in Slovakia
Also, nobody gives a fuck about Georgia.
cuz Slovakia is irrelevant and fake as gay. it must be ceded to Hungary already. i know several slovaks and they look like average gopniks
Still better than a Churka.
GTFO khazar scum.
mfw this thread
russia is hacking us send help
>is mongoloid rapebaby
>admits it
bump for more shiposts
Looks like the kid will be more attractive than both of them.
with saudi genes....
>but race mixing must be forbidden
Why? In this case it's clearly an improvement.
Those Saudi genes fixed her kike nose and mannish face though. In this it clearly improved the kid.
The daughter is QT. I bet the father rapes her every night.
Mods please ban the Georgian shitposter.
Also: Sage.
Also. you are using the villages electric bicycle and only internet connection for this rubbish. You should be ashamed shitpostavilli
no the fuck not
Youre just mad because Mark Richt was let go and now youll never win the SEC
He looks like a poo in the loo, and kid looks latino.
When I was in Georgia a few years ago, my hired driver told me that his entire village, and the ones nearby, is full of unemployed men who spend all of their time drinking beer and playing dominoes. The women from that village are either working in big cities, in the garden or nearby countries like Turkey and Russia, while the men live off whatever money their wives and mothers send them. Fix yourself before blaming le kikes and ebil racemixing propaganda.
thats true desu.... im unemployed myself, and whole family desu. we are running low on savings, and im trying my best to get job, ill most likely will start working next week in railway service, paperwork is already getting done.
my dad been supporting family for 25 years without making my mom having to work.
but everything went shit due crisis
still i know many men that are like that
She looks like Joseph Vissarionovich female version...moustache included