ARE YOU READY, Sup Forums?
ARE YOU READY, Sup Forums?
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not really i'm still working
I'm so fucking hard.
Let's make history!
when is the speech? i thought it doesnt start for another 4 h?
I think it's like 5 hours
The day has come! Libtards btfo. THE WALL SHALL BE BUILT KEK WILLS IT!
To watch a live Presidential assassination? Okay.
forget the speech, his first moves after are what it's all about
What time does it start? They shoud really do this shit on a sunday
Dumbfuck won't last over two weeks or at most a few months in office before someone kills his pathetic ass or he gets impeached. Either way at the end he will be the sobbing spoiled child he is who soiled his pants.
exactly 4
My body is ready
Oh I hope so much that it is.
West coast fag here.
Not sure if I should sleep or stay awake.
It's in what 5 hours?
Tell me to stay awake or sleep.
I hope he ends with "Oh and by the way, Obama, you're fired" followed with gun gesture
holy shit anons, i may have deciphered the prophecy
"it will happen when the weather cools"
>europe is experiencing a wave of cold air from scandinavia/siberia
"three branches will become one
>If trump gets killed or survives and a war is declared, considering the scale of this either him or pence will get the full powers, thus merging the three
"an island will drift away"
>brexit is happening
"a killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill"
>North Korea's ICBM test
"the star will gorge itself on clay"
>maybe Israel will invade its neighbours ?
"idols will speak and move about"
>maybe important figures will address messages to their nations ? or maybe it is kek (a false idol according to christianity's ten commandments) manifesting itself ?
"the black flag wil fly above the dome"
>either it's the capitol after something happens or the flag of ISIS above jerusalem's dome of the rock ?
"the belly of the dragon will drip water"
>either China rupturing a dam or something in antartica ?
"two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear"
>nuclear exchanges ?
"a rock will stand on seven hills"
>now that's the scary shit, according to the prophecy of the popes, our current pope will be the last one,
"Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills [i.e. Rome] will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End.[17]"
>A nuke will land on rome ?
"the ravens will starve"
>pretty self-explanatory, or maybe it's the tower of london's ravens, the legend says the day they all die something very bad is bound to happen
"the bear will leave its cave forever"
>maybe russia nuking the US/some other country for the last time ?
"the rod and the ring will strike"
>most possibly a nuclear bomb's primer, which consists in inserting a rod to start the reaction
Digits for Never Come Down to play at the inauguration
Someone screencap the lib meltdown on Twitter, tumblr and reddit when the inauguration happens.
You are wrong, France. Do not listen to the Swede in the other thread!