I rarely see Monarchism discussed here, so I want to see what the general consensus on it is here.
Is it based? Is it doomed to fail? Is it better than the current system?
I rarely see Monarchism discussed here, so I want to see what the general consensus on it is here.
Is it based? Is it doomed to fail? Is it better than the current system?
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Its doomed to fail because the US will bring you some the ((((((democracy))))) either way, sooner or later.
It's doomed to fail if it's a nepotistic succession model.
Elective monarchies, bascically non feudal aristocratic republics, are the way to go.
Sons inheriting their father's as rules seems utterly illogical.
The best should rule.
who decides that a person is best?
I agree to an extent. History's shown that if you give the right guys unlimited power, they can do remarkable things. The problem is, even with an electoral system I believe, the chances of getting that really good ruler are still random. And if even a slightly sub-optimal person gets into the unmitigated seat of power, all bets are off.
That's why more democratic systems, while easily not the best, are more 'safe' than having monarchies, I find.
I think an Elective monarchy is a good system, though I prefer an absolute monarchy with elected ministers.
The monarch is raised their entire lives for statecraft. The ministers, elected by the people, can advise them.
A monarch is also great for national identity. A line that goes back centuries interwoven with the culture of the nation.
We have Christ as our monarch.
He's cool in my book.
So I think that monarchism applied with a pinch of Divine Intervention is based.
But monarchies have always been applied with a pinch of Divine Intervention, otherwise they're just dictatorships.
Christ is the only true king man will ever perceive.
Monarchs were chosen by man, and man only, but Christ has been acknowledged as a king that he has always rightfully been.
Which Christ are we talkin' about here; I've got conflicting sources.
Only monarchy - (((political))) systems are the cause of what has been happening since the french revolution. 20th century to this day is a prime example.
With the right guys in the right time you'll see incredible results. See the rulers of the Swedish Empire, they managed to turn a cold depressing shithole into a super power.
Monarchy is based af
God save the Queen, and death to filthy dictatorship shills and democratic demagogues
Jesus Christ, Son of God, our Lord and Savior.
OP, it entirely depends on the ruler.
It should be given back certain key powers within a mixed constitution. Look up the King-Byng affair for an example of our viceroy using his power perfectly to stop some corrupt elected politicians. Said politicians then promptly set the wheels in motion to remove all of the position's few powers and made it 99% ceremonial.
Why did you get rid of that clearly superior flag?
Which God are we talkin' about? I'm also unclear on that.
God Almighty, who led the winged hussars to victory against Ottoman hordes.
It makes the most sense for someone raised from birth to lead, knowing he will do so, to be in charge.
This person will be best situated to resist corruption, he already has royal authority for life. He also has less interest in corrupting others.
Benevolent Monarchy is the highest tier political system imaginable.
They just have to remain strong and moral. If not, they eventually get overthrown.
It's interesting, but if allowed to devolve into absolutism it's really not very different from any other dictatorship.
The (((republicans))) wanted to get rid of monarchical and colonial symbols
Monarchism is what caused the most powerful industrial and military state in europe to be led around by a retard in the 1900s
Hussars? Never heard of 'em.
When the Empire ended, we had a lot of shit flags, including a bootleg American one.
Many haven't, just like many haven't seen the Light of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
thanks for the (You).
Monarchy is the true redpill. Democracy is a sham which has allowed such corrupted ideologies as Communism to flourish.
>tfw no based emperor to physically remove all the degenerates
What? Is Jesus just not that shiny that not many people have seen his light?
Cheap units you can build by thousands in the lands of unaccepted culture subhumans.
He is not, because only those who believe in his Light do see it.
Is there any reason to believe in it?
>Its doomed to fail because the US will bring you some the ((((((democracy))))) either way, sooner or later.
Fucking russkie cunt.
The US is an infinitely better nation than your crapfest dictatorship. They have elections that actually have real results.
You're actually right. All our best rulers have been absolute monarchs. We had a period during the early 18th century were the nobility succeeded in a coup and created a pseudo-republic (in reality it was more of an oligarchy ruled by the noble families) with 2 political parties called the Hats and the Caps. One was young and pro-war and the other was in favor of the status-quo. Thing is they cared only to indulge themselves and the king had been made powerless. One king (Gustav III) refused to see his country fall to pieces and pulled off a bloodless coup where he reinstated absolutism but ruled after enlightened ideals. He was fucking awesome, but was then killed at a costume party by a butthurt noble. Since then our kings have been garbage. Except for maybe that French guy who started the Bernadotte dynasty and won us Norway.
Those who would willingly blind themselves to the Light are free to do so. Those who wish to remove God from their minds are allowed to do this (Read the first chapter of The Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans).
Yes, the Love of Jesus and God.
>The monarch is raised their entire lives for statecraft.
this may be an issue, as the monarch in question loses sense of connectiion with the people that put his good guy ancestor onn the throne.
The throne winners always fight with the lowborns.
Otto von Habsburg wrote an interesting piece on this subject. He called for a Monarchy with a "judicial tribunal" to declare laws or act unconstitutional, act as counsel and deem if an heir is fit to take the throne.
Yes democracy is great, you get to vote for a good goy wearing a blue shirt or a good goy wearing a red shit.
I actually see it as potentially useful in the context of nationalist revolution; but its still inferior to a more restrained form of fascism.
What do I need their love for, huh? What can they do for me no one else can.
>I rarely see Monarchism discussed here,
Because it's shit.
>A line that goes back centuries interwoven with the culture of the nation.
No, that's any given citizen.
He saved us from communism in the time before Internet.
If you're having a token head of state, might aswell go with a king. Merely electing presidents costs a chunk.
Then make them live among the people instead of sheltering them in a palace or with other upper class kids. Let them go to the same schools and be treated like everyone else. A monarch is above all else a public servant. He serves the needs of his people and have to know them. The sooner the heir-apparent learn this the better.
God and Jesus can give you a proud afterlife by Their side.
But, see, I was talking to these bald guys sittin' on top of a mountain and they say the afterlife involves becoming one with the trees or some shit. So what's the deal with that?
I never heard of those people. You might be lying to me.
It's not "they", it's "He". The reason you don't believe in God is so you can masturbate to furry traps with less guilt. Being devoid of morality gives you the excuse you need to remain a slob with no plan to cease being a slob.
The opinion of the masses can be relayed through the parliament, that's the whole point of constitutional monarchy.
I'm all for bringing back a Torries and Whip system for our country, with a degree of reverence being paid towards the royal family; i.e. they aren't seen as celebrities who live to serve the public but are seen as our rulers.
Also, 60 or so years of democracy has shown us that the general population is more interested in their own lives than in some concept of a nation, one could argue that most can't comprehend the concept of truly belonging to a nation.
A well bred and raised monarch has been acclimatized to this concept, that of a nation as a solid entity, since childhood and is therefore more likely to make sensible, objective decisions in the best interest of the country.
They also act as living protectors of the nations Traditions, the importance of which cannot be understated.
The Parliamentary system stops this getting out of hand and gives a voice to select individuals, preferably males over 30 who are married with children.
>Calling Slovakia "russkie"
Oh wow.
It appears that your irrational rage affected your ability to see properly
>Torries and Whip
*Torries and Whig
I learned at (((university))) that the best government according to (((SCHOLARS))) is a """"""""benevolent"""""""" (((MoNaRcHy))) ()()()()()()()()())))))(()(()(checkem
I'm serious man! It was so weird. I just don't know who's right anymore.
its the juice
You're hallucinating. Might be the devil taking over your mind.
The Kool-Aid?
Devil? Never heard of him outside of Rock N Roll.
So the devil it is then. I will keep you in my prayers.
Thank you? What'll those do?
Its much like fascism, only better.
Fuck off, pastanog
This is the closest we have achieved in creating an ideal political system, the Republic of Venice.
>The kings only son goes to public school
>radicals are aware of this
>The only heir to the throne is murdered and the country is thrown into a political shit storm
I sympathize with what you are going for but it wouldn't be a good idea in practical application.
get it trending