Does anyone else feel like this isn't real? Seeing all of these people freak out so much over Trump? Celebs, comedians, singers that you loved now all seem to be sellouts? I dunno man this just doesn't seem like reality anymore to me. I feel so happy that Trump is president, but at the same time I don't like seeing how things really are. I don't like to talk to my friends anymore because they think I am a terrible person for supporting trump. Anyone else feel the same? This really is one of the biggest moments in history.
Does anyone else feel like this isn't real? Seeing all of these people freak out so much over Trump? Celebs, comedians...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Complicated Business
>New York Values
>The 2nd Amendment
>The American Dream
It is a strange feeling indeed. I'm not even an active agent in the world anymore. I just meditate and watch it fly by. We are truly in the greatest of timlelines.
I think I really do believe in timelines switching now.
All these celebrities and media figures are starting to convince me. Maybe we're wrong. I don't want to be on the wrong side of history.
I don't see too much political stuff on my fb, but those I see posting are legitimate retards who think Obamacare was good and Trump is ~literally Hitler~. Usually the stuff is pro-Obama though, rather than Pro-Hillary.
I call them out on it and explain how Trump was better than Hillary, but they just distance themselves from her with the whole "I never supported her!" line (when we know for a fact they did)
It's interesting, most of my close friends are giving him a chance, others are in full support, but the crazy leftists are still bad.
Upbeat point though: Most everyone else is tiring of the crazy leftists, one guy I know is posting it to fit in because he's shallow and in that whole "woe is me my gf broke up with me" beta self-cuckening phase, and one chick is so up her own ass her intestines are a life sized mold of herself.
So, things are looking up lads, we're so close to Trump officially being POTUS and I would like to personally thank all of you who helped make this timeline a reality. I love you all, I'm tempted to make a dummy fb account for people who want to friend me desu, I love you guys that much.
That's about all.
Gas the Kikes, race war now.
Have you considered the fact that maybe all these people you used to respect have a good reason to disapprove and be afraid?
>good reason
not a good reason, a stupid reason, and illogical reason, but definitely not a good reason.
Trump is the most misquoted candidate in American History. It's absurd how the anti-Trump people refuse to listen to reason, refuse to do research, and refuse to look beyond their own propaganda to see things Trump actually said and did.
I get what you're trying to say, but no, no one is afraid of him for a good reason.
My dream activity has been through the roof lately, and I typically never remember my dreams. I have a feeling of happiness, because Trump, but feel a huge disconnect from many of my friends, and am disillusioned by some of my favorite actors, musicians, and writers.
I fear a happening at the inauguration today. Please Kek, let it be a smooth transition!
Pray kek keeps him safe
At some point, the left lost its ability to think critically. It's strange watching them carry on like hysterical women; through fear-mongering and lies they turned Trump into this big, bad boogie-man, and now they're actually afraid of this imaginary caricature which THEY THEMSELVES CREATED.
It's also strange watching Fox News become the most level-headed news source. Years ago they were a joke, but somehow they've become more professional and now they're far superior to all the other MSM news channels.
The self-proclaimed "celebrities" are the absolute worst--- in their insufferable arrogance, they take it upon themselves to lecture and chastise the general public about political matters. Disgusting! Singers, actors, and """artists""" only exist for one reason: We throw them coins, and they entertain us. That's it. That's their only role in society and it's all they're good for. We throw coins, and they dance like a monkey. That's their only purpose. Arrogant fucks.
What a time to be alive...
Today I had the first person unfriend me because of my support for Donald Trump I have a pic of the God Emperor on my profile, so everyone knows my position but I don't post anti-leftist propaganda every minute of the day like this person does. When I called him out on it he couldn't handle the bantz and unfriended me....fuck them...40 years of being lied to are going to end today. God bless Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America.
i'm glad he won but i'm in a dazed and jaded state of anxiety and i think i'll probably die this way.
Shadilay, brothers. None of my friends believed me back in April when I said Trump would be president. I eventually won one of them over, and he boarded the Trump train. In November, I received texts from the friends who were doubters congratulating me and saying "you were right" and we all had a hearty chuckle.
Find better friends. This timeline is rockin'
Are they the only news channel not freaking out lately?
Obviously the praise kek stuff is just board culture. But yeah all my friends don't like Trump. And I'm sure they'll keep listening to shitty headlines and lying media. Fuck it I don't care. What matters is what he can accomplish despite everything else being against him. The wall needs to start immediately.
basically yeah
local news channels are okay too, but national news is a fucking trainwreck.
It don't matta. What mattas is that we've already won.
>the left can't think critically
People who study authoritarian states academically will tell you how dangerous Trump is. People like you aren't very intelligent but holy fuck are you numerous.
>Celebs, comedians, singers that you loved
Well, that's where you initially fucked up. I stopped caring about celebrities after hitting puberty and discovering women.
Haha you people sound like a cult. Trump is going to gut everything and send the US further down the spiral to becoming a third world county. Air travel will become unsafe, the highways will fall apart faster, crime will rise, race relations will get even worse, and the signs of spending cuts will be felt everywhere.
And it's not like the corporations had a lot of roadblocks before. Stop kidding yourselves. We memed Trump to victory because the establishment hates him but at the same time he'll be a terrible president. You thought the W era was a fire sale? You ain't seen shit, kiddo.
Any person who believes Hillary would have been a better choice than Trump shouldn't be called an academic.
"people who study authoritarian states"...please user, tell us more how thoroughly indoctrinated you are.
>Air travel will become unsafe, the highways will fall apart faster, crime will rise, race relations will get even worse
So it will be like another 4 years of Obama? Bummer, dude.
Not an argument
I guess it is, but at the end of the day, you see who they actually are.
It's insane how much the press is lying about Trump. It's also insane how much Danish celebrities somehow care about and love Hillary for no reason at all. I guess you can't blame ordinary people for hating Trump, when they are being blasted with anti-Trump propaganda 24/7.
There have been a lot pro-democrat candidates for president flowing around, maybe Trump is really going to be killed lolololololol.
Sweetie please.
>having friends
It's a massive brainwashing operation.
Anyone who takes the time to really research Trump and the issues inevitably comes to support him.
Celebs and entertainers did not get where they are by being high IQ unfortunately. They have no idea.
Take a look at yourself and how you would have reacted if Hilary won. You horrible gits would have been calling for liberals to be MURDERED. Well actually, you still do anyway.
Anyone who disagrees with that especially now that we've seen his cabinet picks, shouldn't be called intelligent. But the vindication will be sweeter than Trump losing outright. Now he gets to embarrass himself and you on the world stage while the left says I told you so.
GF of 2 years left me this week citing "we have different values and different beliefs". Shit changed for us after the election, but this is becoming all to real for me now. Feels bad man
I'm sorry, I don't speak frog.
You're not a terrible person just for supporting Trump, but there are a lot of terrible people who support him, and many of them are on this board.
I never liked these people. I always knew they were just media puppets churning out whatever the elite want people to believe. It's disgusting how condescending they are about preaching their beliefs towards the class that this stuff actually matters to. None of this shit is going to effect these celebrities.
Hopefully by the next 4 years Trump whips these lame asses into shape.
Image if mememagic was so powerfull we collapsed upon hearing Hillary won that we went off into our own world and sorta crashed our brain
Not saying that we are in a coma or something but just highly deluded to what's actually happening
If they think you are a bad person because you support Trump, they were never your friends.
Is that how you are taking it with people?
The problem with lefty fucks is that they have no idea what Trump's policies actually are. All their information is basically hearsay and gossip. They ACTUALLY BELIEVE that Trump wants to "ban all Muslims" or "deport all Mexicans" and they repeat these lies to themselves obsessively like a mantra.
I say again, leftists have invented a boogie-man caricature of Trump and now they fear it, while remaining ignorant of the man's actual policies and positions.
You didn't post an argument either . You just said "smart people are scared!".
Trump wants to transfer certain powers back to the states and undo things obama has done. How is he more "authoritarian" than Hillary or Obama, please tell us. Please don't use enforcing the laws of the nation as evidence of authoritarianism.
Well, i think it's reality. I would know for sure if my brain has a blue screen and spazzed out, and so far, it seems pretty real to me.
Lol. Youre a fucking loser and a fag
I don't even want to speak my mind at work anymore. All of the women are 100% convinced that he is the boogeyman and going to be the end of the US.
FOX keeps peddling the "we must go to war for Israel" neocon bullshit. Be careful!
Where do you even get these unsubstantiated ideas?
Infrastructure has been one of Trump's major goals all through his campaign. Highways and bridges are going to be repaired, not neglected (as they have been under Obama).
It's almost as if... you people have never even read his policies and just gossip lies to each other like a bunch of teenage girls.
>"This story is mine. It is not actually reality, but my reality, my way of surviving,"
Their time is coming to an end. America is going to be great again, starting today.
We haven't been experiencing reality for some time now. Society has gone soft, and the government/corporations grabbed up all they could. Nobody took notice, but now that real change lies ahead those that have gotten by with things always going their way are now scared to death. In turn, those people are willing bring everything down because it's not going their way. Rather pathetic isn't it?
What a convincing argument. Well-cited sources, and definitely doesn't resemble the histrionic ravings of an emotionally unstable woman. 10/10, great post!
It's nice that rich people have problems too.
He's selling the roads to his cronies, you stupid fuck. It's gonna be like Brazil, just a big fucking scam for tax money to go to big business. Keep sucking his dick though, maybe they'll let you run a toll booth until they get a robot to do it for free.
Holy shit. We've done it. We made trump president and get one of the best selling authors to admit his story wasn't real! Praise god!
I has me wondering if we actually in the wrong. I've never seen such hate for one man.
I think you are a terrible person and you will hide in shame after he gets impeached or does something terrible. Good thing you kept stuff anonymous though so your life won't be ruined.
Why try to debate anything, you're not going to listen. You're just going to be all "Ooh fake news fake news" because your formerly democratic demagogue waffles better than any pussy-ass leftist. He's the political equivalent of a used car salesman, and you're happy with that for some reason.
>they think I am a terrible person for supporting trump.
You're friends are right.
People called Obama the Anti Christ. People really are this dumb.
>that they have no idea what Trump's policies actually are.
No, we believe the things that actually come out of his mouth. You know the crazy shit he says.
>he's not even human
Do you realize how dumb you sound?
This is exactly why Democrats lost. They have no idea who Trump even is.
You did the same thing to Obama. Get over it.
My face book is now filled with negativity daily
>dude trump is dumb
>dude this celebrity said this epic thing
>his cabinet members are idiots
but with obama is was lots of
>omg he's adorable
>i love biden ^^
>michelle can slayyyyyyyyy
i dont know which is worse honestly.
You put the anti-christ or his false prophet right on the throne.
Live with it.
>Imma build the military!
>Imma build roads!
>Imma slash taxes!
Hmm maybe its me but how does that math work?
>Why isnt everyone else as mentally retarded as I am?
Gee i dont know
It's like those videos of the mourners crying about kim jong, they all just look like they are trying to out do the guy next to the
Popular people don't mind selling out country, as long as the can sell more music and movies around the world or to illegals. Face the music that no such thing as conservative exists when you are international. USA is doomed to fail aka be replaced by brown people, simply because of greed. One rich celeb living in big house in protected area doesn't cares if 99% of other country gets flooded by criminals/illegals as long as they buy their products. This is the basis how you should look at things, everything on top is just illusion.
It's not real
Nothing is real
Belief determines reality
And we believed the most of all
Sup Forums has attained CHIM
I supported Obama though in 2008
gut welfare
I just love knowing that that's how you feel and yet you're totally powerless to do anything at all about it.
>invoking Christian fear
Nice try, Ahmed.
It's just you. The math works fine.
>Sup Forums has attained CHIM
then why am I still without a gf ?
Hmmm OP, it's almost like they're all brainwashed or something huh?
wow great idea, i wonder what a bunch of low income niggers are going to do when they no longer are being given money? probably just do nothing and die in there basements right?
DEFINITELY wont turn to violence
what do you think they are doing right now you dumb fuck?
because Sup Forums didn't meme you into having a gf, we attained CHIM but as a chaotic collective, the only thing that keeps us in check is who we are.
>Add Spending
>Add Spending
>Cut income
So where does this magic money come from? Do you think the Republicans are going to cut their own throat and gut Social Security?
I gave Obama a chance in 2008. He turned out to be just another war-mongering corporate puppet. Eight years of perpetual war--- Obama was basically George W. Bush, Part 2.
You have no understanding of the man; your entire understanding is based on pro-Clinton MSM sound-bites and Daily-Show-tier pandering. You're probably one of those people who call him "RACIST" when in fact there isn't a shred of evidence to actually support the claim.
Fair enough, but my point was the right was overzealous about Obama hate, and now the left is overzealous about Trump. It's not supernatural; like most elements of America politics people engage in literally the exact same form of degeneracy and point fingers across the isle. Bipartisan politics has been this way for decades.
>I drank the Bernie Kool-aid
It's crazy tbqh. It means they are all in on corruption and others are retarded by default.
For example look at Berlin in the early 1930's. Jews literally turned the city into a city of sex and degeneracy. Now loon at our current state. Our own country. Now we are the Berlin of those 1930's.
These celebrities are mostly their underdogs. Their paid off shills.
same shit you are doing dumb fuck
>having slave morality
Tax efficiency works on a bell curve. Past a certain point, higher taxes will lead to LESS revenue as people and companies say "fuck it" and reduce or stop activities that are taxed. I believe the USA is at that point where you can get more tax revenue just by lowering taxes. Youre right though, Trump is going to gut the government, and it is going to be gooooood. I wouldn't be suprised if you could cut the government work force by an entire 50% and no change in functionality would occur, that's how bloated your fucking government is with useless agencies and busy body beaurocrats.
those who run will find themselves cornered eventually.
we never develop or grow strong if we don't fight.
It feels almost surreal but right now we are living in the best timeline.
today is independence day in my opinion. They have had 8 years to fuck this country up, and now we actually have a chance to fix it. IDGAF about Hollywood or celebrities, if we all stopped watching their crap they would be poorfags like the rest of us.... and IDGAF about the cucks on my friends list either, I have had to put up with their bs long enough.
Today is a great day, we get to see if Trump really can turn this ship around, we get to see the salt of the lefties tears, and we will (probably) get to see some chimp-out habbenings.
THIS IS THE BEST TIMELINE, believe me folks.
Why are you guys celebrating?
Gutting welfare, cutting taxes on businesses instead of them having loopholes. Math works out fine.