Would life be better if we lived in the Warhammer universe?

Would life be better if we lived in the Warhammer universe?

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying we aren't already living in 40k and didn't just elect the God Emperor


>depressing emotionless world
>scientifically decaying
>you will be used as cannon fodder
>life sucks and you will most likely be eaten by Tyrannids

>if we

Who said we dont?

Fucking no.
Are you retarded?

Only if you were a soldier.

If you mean as a peasant or civilian then no.

Also, do you mean 40k or Fantasy?

Why not? No liberal cucks, strong military, Nat Soc government. WH40k is Sup Forumss wet dream

just like the balkan countries

I would say i think Islam wouldn't be such a problem and liberalism would be a thing of the past

Everyone can be a soldier in WH40K.


Warhammer is gay.

Starship Troopers is based.

>We just saved the world from the (((social scientists))) who brought our world to the brink of chaos.
>Civic Nationalism Across the Galaxy
>Argentina is white
>Normies arent entitled to the right to vote, they have to earn it.

I would totally go for admech and then just go 'rogue'

They need to probe Hilary's brain!

Fucking no it wouldn't 40k is one of the worst futures you could possibly have

Whats so bad about it?
>No liberal cucks
>Strong government led by the Immortal God Emperor
>Strong sense of civic duty embedded into every citizen from birth
>Fights against Chaos (Islam)
>Degenerates are executed on sight
It's paradise

Depends where you live.

Even a lowly Guardsmen is provided with a higher standard of living than most people alive today.

Only those who hold high office will have the perspective needed to behold the Imperiums staggering grimdarkness.


This parade should get you the idea of what it would be like.


6/10 u could've do better

Earth would be inside a new Eye of Terror caused by the simultaneous birth of Kek and Slaanesh's more perverted tranny twin.

so just Russia but emotiomnless?

The warp is already in turmoil, from our unholy meme sorcery

I thnk not. You have a change to become practically immortal.

Become crazy scientist or adeptus astrates.

See the galaxy, kill heretics and illegal ayyys

You mean later on when space marines an sheeit exist?, because somedays it seems like that's where we're headed

Nigga plz.

Orcs or Chaos will get you long befor the 'nids do.


We are!