The military is a waste of money

Why are military fags so proud to be on welfare?
>they can make beds
>they can exercise
>they can wake up super early
>they are big boys!


Does Canada even have a military any more?

> Working for a living in the military
> Welfare queen

Choose one

> checks flag
I've seen enough.

how much of the defence budget is spent on salaries?

now how much of the welfare budget is spent on some niggress?

This is right...for Canada, who cares in attack you, you will not defend your ass anyway, total waste of shekels

At work and when amongst normies, I do the standard "thank you troops" routine. But inside, I cringe any time I see one of these fucks. It's a big jobs program. Go to a military base in America. It's all litlle midget Mexicans who they are training to mop floors and work as secretaries.

Soliders are the bigest cucks and socialist scums on earth. They feed on you.

Even if this is true, soldiers have guns and know how to use them. You have fatsweat and a keyboard. You're going to get shaken down one way or another, tubtubs.

>not lurking /fit/ and /k/

>get rid of military
>non retarded country or warlord invades
>you are killed
>you win

It all makes sense now

>Clearly not in the military
Also Canada has the lowest standards in NATO.
I mean you know, unless you want all militaries to be privately owned OR funded by donations

Holy shit, the shills didn't take long to find this threat.

>le military didn't gibs me the internet, gps, superior camera technology, superior flight technology, advances in plastics and alloys, etc. :^)

>advances in science were made with tax dollars
>therefore you must always support military people

Uhh, what?

>free market Military
>am subscribed to the Walmart Militia
>decide to switch military subscription to Tim Hortons PMC.
>Walmart declares war on Tim Hortans
>get droned

Ahh yes much better

I unironically agree with this

Being in the military is the same as going on welfare except you have to work out and wake up early

No, then you'd just have corporations bumping up the prices.

Like the U.S. ...They have the worlds highest military spending, yet they can't defeat people in pyjamas and sandals.

Military has nothing to do with politics. It can be done good, and it can be done bad. Everyone is ultimately responsible of defending their own home, so conscription is a quite cost efficient option. Norway is starting to get jelly of Finland, because they only get 10 of the shiny toys, where Finland gets 30-50 of less shiny toys, that won't break down in the first minus degrees.

What, you dont think the military drives new technology?
>mentioned scientists paid by government

>>they are big boys
for you.

Their risk is greater than their benefit(s).

Canada being both a neighbor to Ameica and commonwealth of Great Britain has the benefit of ultimate protection, being parented and lorded over by both powers respectively.

Now be a good boy and do you chores, or no duty free border shopping for you this weekend!

Don't tell that to the teens here. They think investing in military instead of infrastructure makes them some kind of bad ass because their murican

The military needs to have its budget reduced.

They don't. Not anymore fagot.

This, desu, famalam.
Canada is a cuck country but enjoys the cuck status because its a well looked after cuck.
Yes, America spends stupid money on the military and could easily afford to cut back and spend with more efficiency, but having a standing army/navy/air force is imperative.
What happens when Mexico goes full civil war? Who is going to defend the U.S border?
Oh, that's right, the U.S Army/navy/air force.

Sure as fuck won't see the true welfare queen fat niggers and NEETS standing between utter, true chaos and civilisation.

Alright, well we'll just take those drones, and self driving/flying cars and planes that are coming soon , fagot

So lurking /fit/ somehow counts as exercise now?

>3 posts off of trips
Is it because I mentioned chaos in a bad light?!

Maples burnt the fuck down!

Not the argument. Reread.

That's the joke

Of course they do

Until they become homeless vets. Then they become useless. Pay attention to the aftermath of it all.

In the end, it doesn't even matter..


Success breeds jealousy

>Canada abolish its army
>Quebec smell the blood in the water and invade
>Canadian get holocausted and they win
>Quebec get Canadian land as a participation prize
All according to keikaku
TL note: Keikaku means plan

What, no hospital corners?
Become useless vet> be degenerate NEET

Dont forget, they pay my entire college tuition, for as long as im in, dumbfuck. get cucked

Once you get out of boot camp life's easier

I'm aware, been out of boot for 2 years