"Patriot Militias" Deploying to D.C. to "Protect Trump"

>A statement released by a notorious American militia leader has raised 'alarm bells' among the massive security presence expected in Washington, D.C. for the inauguration of President-Elect Donald J. Trump.

>Adam Kokesh, self-proclaimed mastermind of the 'resistance' to Operation Jade Helm, has called for an "armed resistance" to "liberal terrorists descending upon D.C. in an attempt to depose him from office." He called for "patriots to open carry near the Capitol Building and the White House," and to "resist communist and Muslim insurgents with extreme prejudice."

>The Secret Service, which has banned any and all firearms from being anywhere near the site of the inauguration, remain on high alert. Riot police have also been deployed, expecting widespread protests in light of the controversial President Elect's taking of office.

Is it happening?

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The fire rises.

>yfw trump pardons the militia

>Right-Wing Death-Militia

>no source

Is this spencer?

>implying we need a source if it's something we like
>implying we shouldn't spread it everywhere to scare all the dindus, spics, and SJWs marching today

Patriot militias sound like a good idea.

I feel like they'd be a more intimidating target than cops since they aren't restrained by job procedures to act a certain way towards violent crowd members.

I thought the American procedure was "if it's a nigger pull the trigger?"

This too.


>Adam Kokesh

where have I heard that name before?

>The Secret Service, which has banned any and all firearms from being anywhere near the site of the inauguration

That is illegal and against the constitution. Shame on you, Trump. Being able to open carry in this country is a God-given right that shall not be infringed.

Mmmmm those digits. What a time to be alive.

Probably from mugshots of being a completely retarded chimp libertarian.

Ask his old roommates.


It's only illegal when libshits do it. When Trump does it, it is for the White Man, and you will sit down, shut up, and fucking like it.

Trump did say he'd be getting to work on day 1

>where have I heard that name before?

He demonstrated how free the USA is by dancing in the Lincoln memorial and got indicted and put in prison for it.

God bless the burgerland.

I think it's gonna be a while before he gets to that point.

More likely he'll back out of TPP, put forward a bill for the Wall and/or his health care proposal, and then put a gun to NAFTA's head and demand Mexico and Canada renegotiate or he'll pull the trigger.

>He demonstrated how free the USA is by dancing in the Lincoln memorial and got indicted and put in prison for it.

That's fucking brilliant. Never change America you glorious clusterfuck

Here's hoping for some dead leftists today.

Isn't he the guy who pro Ron Paul in 2012 but then proceed to sabotage his rally in somewhere i forgot?

> also a jew

you trumpfag should be wary of this snake

We've always been wary of Kikesh.

He was basically controlled opposition during Jade Helm. Why Alex Jones keeps inviting this faggot to his show is beyond me.

Any inauguration stream links?

I'm the one who is a patriot

the biker's army will protect him

>Adam Kokesh
hahah i hung out with that guy at anarchapulco last year.
giant d-bag.

macey was cool though. i can see why they split.

>Adam Kokesh


Russkie agent of influence.

What are the russians planning?

Whatever it is, I hope it results in dead liberals.

Their day of reckoning is now.

God help us all.

>((((ADAM KOKESH))))

Smells like jew shenanigans...

>banned any and all firearms

Well they could bring melee and throwing weapons.

>tfw this was in Greece

I can see the Old Royal Palace in the background.
Kill me.

He's another kremlin kike

lol at le e/b/in implicit man in the background. I thought he was banned from the event?

So progressive goy

nazi trump supporters will attack and kill protesters
the crowd will go beserk and tear Trump in thousands of little pieces
Cruz will be the President
Make it happen, the US don't need a clown but a true republican

i bought 3 Louisville bat/sluggers and 12 feet of barb wire to make my nigger bashers. feels so good.

Found the Mudshit.

Get out of my country, Ahmed.

Airsoft guns are completely illegal in Australia we have some dumb laws roo but your nation is much worse

>Why Alex Jones keeps inviting this faggot to his show is beyond me.
Because he's also extremely obvious controlled opposition.

Link newfag

Mudshit pushing for a true Christian conservative

Crouching puma hidden flying eagle knife?


This kike shill is not a 'true' Christian.

>TFW bad shit's gonna happen today

*teleports behind you

>63% and plummeting

Not sure why the other fag replied getting triggered. I too, think it's hilarious. Fags can't handle the bantz


brb homeland security

They probably already know

>being this mad