Was this the most successful political piece in history?

>Absolutely DESTROYED drumpf's credibility and made him look like a babbling hypocrit.
>Drumpf supporters and the racist cheeto still ass blasted over it today.
>Lead to drumpf having over 3 funcking million votes fewer than madam clinton



>filthy immigrant has no legitimate criticism so he makes fun of a man's name
>man becomes President

Worked like a charm. Thanks, Current Year Man.

yea, fuck drumpf and fuck white people

shoo shoo slimy limey

You are so gay op. Madam president lmfao.


Where is the joke?

>Lead to drumpf having over 3 funcking million votes fewer than madam clinton

kek, none of the illegals that voted watch John Oliver.

Maybe they shouldve pushed harder. He still won the election.

nice fake news you got there drumpf boot licker

sage this


No, this was good for Trump. Even among those who didn't take up "Drumpf," it did kick off people refusing to even say Trump's name, instead saying childish shit like "the bad, bad, Cheeto man." Normal people see this and recoil in horror from the Hillary Kool-Aid.

You had this exact same thread last night and got btfo'd by a leaf and kek.

>can't handle dank leftie memes

>worst thing they could dig up was him changing his name
>got everyone and their mother talking about him
>oh yeah, he still won
I'd say is was successful, but not by the metric you're going on.

We handled it all the way to the White House. They're the ones who just can't even.

Doesn't matter, still MAGA.

Can't wait for the 2017 edition

People obviously didn't get the message last time

>He still won

Lol current year man tried hard.