daily reminder that hillary won the popular vote and drumpf is one of the most unpopular presidents in history
here in argentina the news are destroying him
daily reminder that hillary won the popular vote and drumpf is one of the most unpopular presidents in history
here in argentina the news are destroying him
no they aren't, la nacion loves him
Argen- what? Hmm? Anyone hear that just now?
He's not President yet though...
Remember to report as illegal content all posts speculating on violence at the inauguration
Sup Forums could get shut down
Of course he'd be unpopular in a nonwhite shithole
So let me get this straight: a bunch of white men known as the "electoral college" went against the will of the people who overwhelmingly voted for Hillary (6 million votes), and decided to put Trump in power. Wow. Democracy is dead. I hope you're happy.
>not a shithole
i wipe my asshole with your country. feels good
>here in argentina
who cares. Get your shit together
found the argentinean, you have to go back tyrone
lmfao, how many ocean beans did you have to beat away from the communal computer, Pacito?
fake gay
>b-b-b-ut hillary won the popular vote!!!
every fucking day we have a few dozen of these threads.
suicidate por favor
>thinking that the population of california should decide on any president, ever.
Like we care want some slave of Soros thinks. Fuck off or we will nuke your mud huts.
please do it
>brazil flag
popular means gender neutral pronouns like Ne/nem/nir/nirs/nemself won't like him?
wow was this from the airfield raid
one of the early brits killed literally ran into open ground elevated defense and got mowed. scientists don't know why
That Trumpkin looks so mean, I much prefer this one
Daily reminder to BRAZIL that the USA is not a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic, and winning the popular vote is like winning the special Olympics......Retarded....Yes, winning ONLY the popular vote makes you retarded.
>one of the most unpopular presidents
>hasn't even been inaugurated
>only poll has been from Washington Post which is liberal biased fake news.
most of those electorates voted for the will of the state that they came from
if you want direct democracy, go somewhere else (legally)
>here in argentina
>here in argentina the news are destroying him
Same in Brazil, even though (or precisely because) the Obama administration was the one to support the current coup d'état.
you are fake news,drumpfkin
Serbia is 99% loyal to Big Don
Fuck Clinton and fuck neoliberalism
>Serbian CTR shill was a proxy
Reminder why we help our Bong brothers control the Falklands.
Its about time for England to drop some more Argentinian jets in the Atlantic.
Soon you'll be able to invade English Territory by walking across the bones of Argentinas pilots.
Wtf I hate Trump now
>daily reminder that hillary won the popular vote and drumpf is one of the most unpopular presidents in history
And she STILL lost. Imagine being that much of a failure.
If it was reversed you'd be crying your piggy eyes out, you little fascist
>the news are destroying him
Protip: He doesn't give a shit what journalists or degenerate artists think or say about him. He just views it as an opportunity to hit back at the pawns of his enemies-unlike George W. Bush and other panzie Republicans.
>hillary won the popular vote
We don't give a shit. The opinions of thronging crowds of degenerate urbanity mean nothing to us.
We are in charge now. You've sought to shove globalism and your HIV-positive thinking down our throats privately and institutionally. We're sick of it.
The Right is rising. Get used to losing.
Your country is also a massive leftist shithole specifically because of massive leftism so
Nice racism. "Well they were niggers."
Guess what though, it didn't
Enjoy 8 years of right wing glory. I give it 2 weeks before your safespace is destroyed.
>blah blah falklands blah blah
thats all you got,drumpfkin?
it was definetively because of that, i think its quite funny that in the us and canada the jews controll mostly the left and a bit of the right and here in brazil they do the opposite
Do you actually believe the fake news on tv?
I hope you're trolling.
I said degenerates. Why did you ASSUME I was talking about blacks?
so the guy said america needs to be great and all the liberals went nuts coz healthy nation with lot of open jobs and smart stuff is not in their best interest. they just want a reason to nigger around under leftist excuses.
Hell I bet liberal cucks are so delusional they don´t even listen to anyone in right or certain races coz they´re BLM racists.
So there you have it, a white privileged male in power position just so you can be the shittiest childish rebellious anti-white SJW cunt (moderate terrorist) you can be. Enjoy.
Goddamn, politics is just one big fucking circle. Trump is going to take away a lot of freedoms, the contrarians will oppose him, and progressivism will resume unless he kills us all with nukes.
callate nigga
포클랜드는 영국인이에요.
Triggered, Kirchner?
Well shit I guess I'm just psychic after years of this poorly veiled racism. Just say nigger, you fucking coward
>4:44 PM
This bait is very fresh.
The news are laying it on him here as well, but the collusion is blatantly obvious so very few take it seriously.
>here in argentina the news are destroying him
No one cares faggot, your country is irrelevant.
Suck my dick zurdito.
Less and less people care what the news has to say since they're a bunch of lying fucks and it becomes more obvious with each passing day. Even though most people are unaware of the leaks that showed blatant collusion between the DNC and many previously well-regarded news sources like the New York Times and the Washington post, but then you've got the obvious shit like the whole MSNBC family, CNN, Huffington Post, etc etc. Liberals are so mad about Trump they're even taking BuzzFeed seriously these days.
Is it any wonder so many simple-minded fools hate Trump when their TVs and their Facebooks and reddit spew hate all day long?
most people care,drumpfkin
>a bunch of white men known as the "electoral college"
Wait until it actually starts,dumbfuck.
where is the jpg of say it shill simpsons jpg?
>netherlands flag
>here in argentina
How many pallets of pesos did it cost you to rent your communal computer?
which media outlet correctly predicted the election results again?
Trust in mainstream media is at an alltime low, and falling. Maybe because the mainstream media is a bunch of fucking liars and more and more people see it. There is no journalism in the MSM, just fear mongering and biased opinion pieces.
i bet you love the fake news circlejerk,drumpfkin
only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump
YFW you haven't blamed white people for the death of democracy for 5 minutes
I do enjoy that more and more people are waking up to the fact that media these days isn't reporting on reality, they're trying to influence it by warping people's perceptions of the world. I've seen this since long before Trump ran for office, but it got especially bad then because he really pissed off the elite. They don't much care if it's a democrat or republican in office because they mostly act the same while the people argue over a handful of petty issues, while they keep marching on with endless wars and privacy invasions. But then Trump shows up, forces his way into the Republican party against their will (rape haha) and wins! And the establishment is fucking pissed about it.
So they play on the liberal superiority complex and tell them they're better than all those dumbass rednecks that voted for Trump (even though they didn't bitch when pretty much all blacks voted for Obama) and tell the liberals facts are on their side, when really it's just feelings. The established powers that be are very upset about this change in affairs and they're playing people like a fucking fiddle.
If you don't like Trump then fine, don't like him. That's one thing. But this blind, rabid hate for him is EXACTLY how they want you to act.
Did you see who voted for Obama? Overwhelmingly, uneducated blacks. Is that okay? Were they being racist?
Yes, both Obama and Trump are trash. Hillary was the correct candidate.
maybe if you actually did the pledge of allegance once you fucking hippie you'd notice the part where it says republic.
Fuck argentinean proxy.
dayum,a smart leaf
thats rare
>the news is destroying him
yeah lmao what a shame your spic news is irelevant
>Hillary was the correct candidate
Now you're just fucking with me. That cunt who wanted war with Russia, funded by Saudi Arabia and US megacorps and special interests, who wanted to further weaken the 2nd and strip away our privacy even more than Obama did was the right answer? No, she wasn't. You could make an argument for Bernie I guess, but Hillary was a fucked up candidate and everyone can see it.
t. rural and suburban retard
I like argentina pls don't be cunts
Cry more cuckboy. I'll just take this opportunity to remind your joke of a country you have no legal right to the Falklands
> here in Argentina
Are you insinuating anyone cares what your subhuman "news" reports? Toppest of keks, today will be a grand day.
Nice argument, faggot. There's that liberal logic you guys are so proud of. You don't need facts because you know the TRUTH
>implying MSM here aren't just puppets of US' MSM
kys nigger
noneone wants those shitty islands,drumpfkin
Fuck of Bolivian subhuman. The "media" here is owned by the same jews that own the media in the US.
Go back to La Paz, brown skin mongoloid
callate nigga
And yet he's still going to be president
funny how you call people niggers
Illegal votes don't count
>Argentinian press