Most of the history we learn in school is pure bullshit custom made to brainwash us. Take antiquity for example. Pyramides are suposedly millenias old yet there is not a single mention of them in Exodus. Egiptians use there bricks, not giant stone blocks transported fuck knows how. We are told that romans lived in marble palaces yet not a single word about this suposed splendor can be found in New Testament. You would think there would be somethingabout it. Most if not all "ancient" stuff was made in either medieval times or was faked in renesanse. All that shit was made up to build up pagans as some kind of authority. Just look how succesfuly this hoax undrmined faith in Christianity!
Historical redpils
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Who cares about what some Hebrews wrote?
>some hebrews
>new testament
And you dare talk about history? lol
How isn't that history, dipshit?
Isn't it the same book that tells the story of a jew zombie walking on the water and healing the blind men? Cool story bro.
The Hebrews just had no interest in talking about how great other cultures were, because they thought they were the chosen people.
It's hilarious, because you noticed some things very well, but you made wrong conclusions.
Why there wasn't a single mention of Exodus? Because Bible is fake and gay. It's funny how Christkikes see this bullshit fairytale book as some ultimate proof for anything.
>Pyramides are suposedly millenias old yet there is not a single mention of them in Exodus
That story didn't happen, at all. It was the ancient Holohoax. Always "oy vey, we was slaves in Egypt". The originators of that story probably never stepped foot in Egypt.
Don't get your history from myths, you retard.
----> israel
It goes deeper than you know, brother! Have you ever noticed that the Bible doesn't mention the Americas at all...yet we're supposed to believe they exist!
The world is upside down. Complete madness. When will we break free of these chains, cast off our blinders and admit that everything that's not in the Bible is fucking fake?!?
>a best goyim calls me a jew
christkikenity is a jewish nonsence, and has no place in MY continent
>polish education
Americas aren't in the Bible becouse this is not where it took place, faggot.
> taking bible as a credible source of anything
You must be mentally challenged I presume.
>the history we learn in school is pure bullshit custom made to brainwash us
>the Bible isn't pure bullshit custom made to brainwash us
You're a retard, Poland.
>good goi, pray to fucking trees, dont breed
Fuck off redditor fedoras.
>good goi, pray to a fucking jew, dont breed
you think the pyramids were build in the 1700s? I don't believe it. Only an ancient super race could have done it. They're too perfect.
Most recent Redpill:
The Holocaust Hoax
The Kalergi Plan
t. polish education
But you're the one who thinks ancient Hebrew myths are true and anything outside them is fake. You're retarded.
Then why did you mention Rome?
Jesus was in Rome for one scene. I feel like the Apostles didn't think describing the architecture was worth taking time out of documenting their Lord's works.
Oh look it's another christcuck shill thread.
>New Testament is just Gospels
Why are fedoras so retarded?
>Jesus was in Rome for one scene
I don't remember that. When was that?
The 3 pyraids in Giza are close to 36 000 years old.
The new testament is the historian version of lügenpresse, fool
>taking the new testament as historical record
wew lad
All you need to know is that all ancient civilisations used to visit the DMT universe constantly to gain more knowledge.
That's also why the Egyptians couldn't stop documenting the afterlife.
You're retarded.
The plan on Sup Forums is to praise kek and have 6+ white children.
The plan for Christians is to pretend they're virtuous by being cucks and lecture others while they sleepwalk through the world and sin anyway.
That Jewish trash is done.
>Ancient Aliens show up
>this species looks promising
>free electricity global by way of pyramid future tech
The russians are one step ahead
>yfw John Trumps possession of Tesla's research and Donald Trumps friendly positions toward Russia make a little more sense
Amanita muscaria too in the case of what later became Christianity
Fuck off faggot. Whites without Christ are no better than muslims.
>whites who don't worship a nonwhite are worthless
Is that what you're trying to say?
How the fuck can God have skin color? Your Odin spermeater isn't white neither then.
you are so fucking cucked.
>how can God have a skin color
God came to earth in the form on Jesus Christ who was fully God and fully human.
He appeared as a man so I imagine He appeared as a man of His region.
Was that region white? Probably not.
It doesnt matter you faggot.
>the ark of the covenant is a superconductor, when stashed in the kings chamber, makes the pyramid a giant electric system
I believe it.
Humans lived in caves for 150,000 years. Then all of a sudden we get recorded history roughly 5000 years ago and here we are -- laptops powered by quantum-mechanics and universe-juice. Something happened!
Body of Christ = mushrooms
Baptism = drowned until near death experience (natural DMT release)
Psychedelics -are- religion
Golly! I think hes got a point.
What is wrong with you polish posters tonight
There is no archeological evidence of enslavement of Jews by Egypt and the subsequent exodus, its fiction.
Contrary to popular opinion, Rome was a shithole before Augustus, even after Augustus it was largely wooden buildings.
Because Rome was just a shitty city, the Great Fire of Rome allowed Nero to replace the shitty streets with buildings that we associate with Rome.
Under Vespasian the Colosseum was begun.
The Pantheon which is arguably Rome's greatest building endeavor was completed in the 2nd century.
Rome became a fabulous architectural monument after it acquired an empire to build it.
Remember, the Romans were a bunch of mountain niggers originally, they never really conquered the waves.
>this hoax undrmined faith in Christianity!
It is a commandment, "Be ye not deceived"
>"If ye love me, keep my commandments"
great conductor
whats inside?
future tech
I believe it too.
Don't worry man, I'm with you
Somebody got an F in history. Salty faggot.
>Still pretending that (((Christians))) are Christians
>Pyramides are suposedly millenias old yet there is not a single mention of them in Exodus.
It's almost as if the Bible isn't a reliable guide to history.
Amen comes from Amun, an egyptian deity lmao
Finally someone gets it.
Only the Jews know.
>Odin spermeater
>quoting Jewish homosexuals as authorities on anything
HAHAHAHAHAHA, wew. You people are so corrupt in your kikeworship.
>Pyramides are suposedly millenias old yet there is not a single mention of them in Exodus.
top kek is this bait?
blind edge lords with no capacity to see the bigger picture
Why does it seem the bible is your go to point of reference? A book translated, retranslated, retranslated back, copied by hand 10,000 times over... it wasn't even reliable when it was originally written, now it's just a blubbering pile of poorly translated shitty poetry.
The bible is pretty much all a purely character driven narrative. Fuck all scenery is described in any part of it, especially given the pyramids have fuck all to do with any of the themes the bible was made to communicate, the egyptians were just some random pagans to be made an example of by (((hashem))), why would the bible describe their cultural achievments in a positive light?
The bible did talk about Pyramids
> hanging gardens of Babylon
> Tower of Babel
If you take the Bible literally you're a dumbfuck who fell for the Religion meme, now go back to eating your family's shit Poland.
>Build a tower so tall we can touch God
Always wondered what this guy was actually up to. The ever-cryptic and useless bible is of no use in this regard.
Well that's just your opinion.
Just an opinion on some factual observations I have made.
even worse, brown greeks
Babel means "Gate of Heaven." Nimrod wanted to create a gateway to heaven so the remaining fallen angels could charge the throne room of God
Yeah, but this notion that people were stupid enough to think that building a tower made something like this possible... I just don't buy into. Inbreeding to points of straight up insanity? Some serious psychotropic drugs? Something else was afoot.
Aleister Crowley thought he opened up a demon portal by raping a bunch of children.
anyone else notice how juedo-atheists only ever speak out against christians?
Maybe they just prefer the multilated dicks of the jews and mouhammed mongers