Other urls found in this thread:
>Paki mayor who has fought for terrorists in the past
>Muslim pedo ring runs amok. Media covers up
Makes sense
please help me
Can you live off of that?
>4 days off
Or are they actually targeting migrant women with this kind of offer.
>Allowing yourself to be ruled by foreigners
Was empire so bad that you really have to forcibly colonize yourself?!
>22k per year
I'm not even shocked now
I fear that Britian's time has come.
I..I dun wanna be arrested by a penguin
How bad this payment is on the scale from "broke" to "upper middle class"?
The orderly "beating you up" again Dad?
You asked to be put into this home...
It's almost as if they are, in general, completely non-integrable despite all the "subtle" brainwashing, coverups and propaganda.
>38,000 pound after 7 years
>equals 62k AUD
Holy fuck why is their pay so low starting base salary for a cop here is 65k going up to 74k after 5 years. I also bet they don't get 6 weeks leave a year either.
It's "can survive".
It just about qualifies as "employed" on that scale.
They get paid less after 7 years then cops here get when they first start.
>23 k£ a year
lel. Who would lift a finger for such a pitiful pay? I made that much working as a janitor, with lot better hours AND I slacked off all the time
That's shit money in the UK, right?
This is for the Sharia Police, correct?
Cops in large cities here get paid very well (rural gets jack shit but tend to have really good benefits to offset it). Where does 22k fall there in terms of average income? How much would that be taxed given Europe's heavy tax burdens?
maybe they r looking for a batman
Sorry dad :(
The pro to it is that you can decapitate people for almost nothing but only while on duty
Average is £26,500.
20%, plus VAT, council tax, etc. etc.
A 6 month recruitment process for that kind of pay is ridiculous.
Every time I see something like this on Sup Forums I always hope it is britain and not germany.
Lucky bastards get to save themselves out of the EU.
>Australia avg income $78,832
>White country
>Nice weather
>"Near" Thailand
Based Australia. Is it the best country?
In Yorkshire 23k isn't bad at all for a starting career if you are single.
We were right. It's time for you to have your own revolution.
"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. "
-Winston Churchill
Shit, I was looking forward to off duty decapitation videos on liveleak.
Even with exchange thats like 50grand. Even the lowest paid Aussie cops get 65grand a year starting wage as a probationary constable not including over time. Most cops make 80grand a year.
Probably because everything is so expensive in Ausland. You pay like £5 for a single banana. For us that's 10p.
Exaggerated but your cost of living is insane.
Dude, even bus drivers make more money than police officers! Considering it's expensive as fuck to live in London you're essentially putting your life on the line for minimum wage while your boss rakes in a six figure salary plus benefits for rubbing shoulders with politicians and local councillors.
>Nice weather
Heatsluts please go
They need people can translate "drop the knife and my co-workers head and you can be free to go considering you've played your tv license"
>An Islamic caliphate will have nukes within your lifetime
Blimey that's troubling m80
6 months isn't to bad. Getting into cops, fire department or military normally takes 6-12moneths here assuming everything goes perfect. It takes a while because the multiple stages of recruitment all happen at set times through out the year. They also have to sort through thousands of applications.
thanks op im going to apply im a white male.
It's a lower-middle class salary, not terrible, but pretty okay for the region.
>The median average UK salary is currently £27,531
Those cop's don't make shit.
I'm in flyover and ours start at twice that.
But the again, they actually do their job.
Lol poverty police.
Behead all those who refuse to come quietly
22k isn't very much. But then you consider that she'll be off on maternity leave for most of the time until they decide to sue for discrimination the first time they're not promoted, it'll work out very nicely.
You can talk mick
> €45,793 per annum after 19 years
On that money could you comfortable afford to rent an apartment or would you be required to share?
>All the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll look down and whisper "No."
>I'm a guard
I'm on €60,000 after two years and I get an automatic increase every year.
If you want to start a thread about Irish police I'll call them underpaid in that thread too. £22,000 is a DISGRACE.
You might JUST be able to squeeze your own 1 bed flat considering it's West Yorkshire, but the smarter thing would probably be to share and save money until you're on a better salary.
Good bonuses and overtime then? Because i got that figure straight of your website.
The circle jerking is starting to get out of control here
Thats what you get for defending sandniggers and not letting us take Constantinople MULTIPLE TIMES YOU ANGLO SCUM.
please i need money, are they accept cyber hijabed police
I'm not a guard m8. I have no idea.
You might as well not have cops at that point if you pay them that low.
May I immigrate and become mussie-bashed in Ausland?
What the hell, is joining the Police in Bongland so easy? Just being over 18, having finished high school and being physically fit?
No military training? No mandatory years of service?
Not for West Yorkshite.
Brit here. They don't do anything anyway. Robert Pele got the police on the street and the Labour and Conservative governments of recent years have gutted the force. Police are useless after a crime has taken place.
Well, I just picked the area around a mosque in Rotherham on Rightmove, and you can get a 2 up 2 down terrace house for £45,000. So yeah, a muslim could do all right. If any of the lazy fuckers could be bothered to work.
A lot of the police force were volunteers when I lived there and as for military training... they don't carry any guns and run away from criminals wielding knives even if they outnumber him 10 to 1.
But muh equality!
Wow, that's actually a fucking joke.
muzz police, what could go wrong?
What's with that liberal minimalistic art style they always use with bright colors, simple shapes and no lines?
A house for that price would mean the Muslims around there arnt very nice people I assume?
Because they want it to appear extremely positive
I fucking hate it, politicians complain about growing crime rate, the fact it can't be dealt with, all the while gutting the force and having Police dedicate more time to finding people who say mean things on the Internet
The last point isn't even something that bad in England, it's worse here in Scotland, Scottish police would put the fucking Stasi to shame
>should I report my daughter being fondled and passed around to my friendly chaste policewoman?
>nah, she'll juz accuse me of racism mate
>don worry and keep doing my job and jacking off
The Alps are nice you should come see em again brits maybe you'll escape your gloom and doom
could someone explain what those hours mean? I've never seen a job described like that.
It's cheap to have a small phone center with a few people taking phone calls and it's something they can point to to keep the shit skins happy. If they had well payed policing jobs that would keep crime down in two ways. Give people good jobs and have motivated police.
That would cost more.
I'm just shooting but I work in a EMS and my duties look like this depending on the day
>early in the morning from 7 to 15
>12h from 7 to 19
>12h nights from 19 to 7
Or 24h from whatever-hour to whatever-hour-the-next-day
I assume Police works in similar hours.
Britcucks will never recover from this.
It's just fucking annoying, Britain, mainly Scotland and some places in England are full of druggie criminals, terrorist sympathisers etc etc but they dedicate so much time to online insults to pacify 3% percent of our population
About three times what I earn.
that is poverty level income in america.
>tfw no tough hijabi cop gf
>starting salary about 44k AUD
>probably to live in one of the most expensive cities in the world
mate fuck off that's basically the academy salary here, constables get paid starting at 57k
>22k starting