can you stop leaking your Trumpet shit from this containment board?
no one outside gives a shit.
thanks, Sup Forums
Can you stop leaking your Trumpet shit from this containment board?
Other urls found in this thread:
But murica is in the middle of spacetime user
>Sup Forums in current year
Jesus how gay are you OP? Are video games only for democrats now?
Ah, Yes, The totally important necessary posters that are on Sup Forums. Oh we're so sorry to disturb you guys. your highness .
Clearly they have more important matters to take care of in these tough political times..
Sperging about the Nintendo Switch all day long everyday
i'm not american, and i don't care about Trump.
Anything he brings to the table is negative for my country so fuck him
>Sup Forums
>the worst contaminent board on Sup Forums
Please go back to making shit threds about the new Nintendo Gadgets
Everytime I see a political opinion I don't like, I tell the poster to go back to Sup Forums.
tfw you forgot what v even was
>Please go back to making shit threds about the new Nintendo Gadgets
1) Consoles are shit
2) Stop leaking over then nigger
3) fuck off aussie
>1) Consoles are shit
Implying I care
>2) Stop leaking over then nigger
Only have once, it was then I realised Sup Forums wasn't the worst board
>3) fuck off aussie
No u
whats the difference between v and vg?
Less retards on vg
its gonna happen everywhere you dumb polack. i cant wait to see Sup Forums explode. it will be glorious.
vg is for "not new" games generals
>its gonna happen everywhere you dumb polack
no need to be rude
/Vg/'s pretty comfy and only legit enthusiasts lurk the /generals/. Sup Forums is just Sup Forums with a video game theme
build your own army. also stop being a overall faggot.
>build your own army.
video games?
This except stay away from /dsg/ and is /ksg/ still alive? Well if they are, don't go there.
Sup Forums is Sup Forums. Let it go. It won't get any better than it already is. And it's already trash.
>Less retards
>on vg
>that id
>be from Sup Forums
>Sup Forums ironically supports trumps
Shouldnt have let your fellow countrymen leak to the rest of europe and making everyone mad fella
>/board/ is one person
stop posting
If we had more than starve-tier salaries and any perspectives for future we wouldn't leak Huebro
REPORTED Sup Forumsirgin faggot.
the general census on Sup Forums is supporting trump ironically
What the fuck happened to polish posters?
>implying Sup Forums is better than anything
you're Sup Forums mixed with reddit at best.
>What the fuck happened to polish posters?
do you expect me to suck Trumps dick?
I know how it feels. Its shitty, the game is totally rigged.
Its bad here in Brazil but we live. Wages are not that bad.
No, but you can try stop being a little bitch about everything.
you Sup Forums guys aren't alright don't go to school tomorrow in the north east
All the other boards are just colonies
Get in here and celebrate, Hillary wanted to fuck with your games.
>Get in here and celebrate, Hillary wanted to fuck with your games.
>Hillary having anything to say about games in my country
another fagot muslim jew commie socialist liberal feminist non American subhuman
Oi cunt fuck off threads full
>another fagot muslim jew commie socialist liberal feminist non American subhuman
a lot of projection coming from islamic state