>overwhelmingly white
>overwhelmingly rich
>overwhelmingly liberal
What gives?
Overwhelmingly white
You forgot
>overwhelmingly educated
Massachusetts, Vermont and Rhode Island have been fucked by leftist politicians and colleges.
New Hampshire and Maine are the racist bigotted States of New England.
The Northeast has an abnormally high IQ, so they are wealthy.
However, for every IQ point, they also have that much more unnecessary empathy, so they are liberals.
They don't live around anybody else except mostly other white people, so of course they are successful despite it.
Give them the chance, and they will hand over their states and become just like California.
Maine user here. Central Maine is a dumping ground for migrants/"refugees". Somalis galore. Plus Mainers are pretty retarded. Really white in northern Maine = fucking HEAVEN
Maine has a funny governor
Kinda like a proto-Trump
>tfw Rhode Islander Trump supporter
/mainer here/
maine is funny because the further north you go, the more based. Here in portland is practically commiefornia
High IQ
>overwhelmingly white
they defend niggers because they dont know any niggers
Im from Maine.
And our leftist policys have worked good for so long you right wingers want to turn us into a trash heap.
>when it's canadian migration season
overwhelmingly this. I live in new england, its only my friends from all white areas who give me a hard time about hating niggers
Now YOU got me to laugh haha
>seth McFarlane smart
The North is full of French Canadians,
The people in overwhelming white states and cities have lived to easy a life. They don't have enough niggers fucking shit up all the time.
>never exposed to anything that could challenge their utopian worldviews (niggers, mudslimes, poverty, etc)
>get to keep living in their alternate political realities
Nothing to see here, move along.
MA fag here for every whiney shit lib there is right leaning blue collar worker who is too busy working or watching the sports to care.
Maybe they were TOO fat and TOO gay to stop him.
CT here AMA
Is loli allowed in Maine or NH?
Thinking of moving there.
why would you download porn, ever?
the stupidity bothers me more than the degeneracy
I don't download porn, I am just asking if I'll get to jail if I look at lolicon pictures on the internet or download games like Violated Heroine
Ctfag here, most teachers in schools nearby are taking the day off to protest trump
loli is legal everywhere in the states, isn't it?
come to maine, we need backup
RIfag here
This basically
Maine and NH are amazing places
>overwhelmingly addicted to cuck fetish
>overwhelmingly sexually flamboiant
Connecticuck checking in.
Managed to redpill 4 of my friends but Jesus Christ are we outnumbered here.
Where at?
And sudanese and the congo. I work with a lot of refugees at my job at a newspaper .
Theyre our version of white trash.
I'm from New England. Yes, the region is liberal, but there's another aspect at play here, especially in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, but also Connecticut: state politics are dominated by Unions. The Northeast as a region was the first to really have unions take strength in local political dealings, and even as their influence has started to wane in other parts of the country, in these states they still are a prominent force, and as we know, unions skew heavily towards the Democrats. In Massachusetts, literally every single public works project goes through a union, hence why they take so long to complete and always have fraud involved (the Big Dig is a great example). Rhode Island is the same way. Connecticut is similar, but they have the added problem of increasingly becoming New York sprawl. Vermont is just really liberal, no saving them. New Hampshire is a weird state, they're always the closest to going Republican but can never seem to do it, and the problem is NOT Massachusetts residents moving to NH. Maine gave one EV to Trump, but the state is in trouble because the average age of a Mainer is something like 43 years old.
near Danbury, I grew up across the border in brewster
Tolland county. Pretty comfy.
Any anons here go to the University of Maine?
im from CT and I managed to get 4 of my friends to vote liberal this election
net gain - 0
>2.2% of the America's population is Jewish
>Massachusetts has nearly double the percentage by being 4.3% and growing
There is your reasoning
I'm near danbury too
whole area is pretty nice we're lucky
Education most likely, 'race' shite tends to attract only those who have nothing else to be proud of.
And for the rest the Repubs and Trump make very little sense honestly, to the point of being countereffective to their intents most of the time.
not totally true
hillary only won CT by 10%
take out the non whites and we would have gone red
these blue states are really liberal
Empty your bin.
CT here too, former Shelton reporting in in my opinion new England it's too smart for its own good and hasn't really had to deal with the type of blacks the rest of the U.S. has. It segregates on economic lines very strictly which means blacks stay on their own with all the Porta Ricans.
Checking in
Holy fuck, even white Californian males are generally ok.
liberalism is reasonable politics when everyone is white
This is due to their colony in longmeadow
Sad to see Maine turn into Minneapolis (downtown Mogadishu). Wait until they go apeshit like they do up here in Canada all the time going on stabbing rampages or spraying a family picnic to shoot at some other Tyrone
White rich people don't live where the problems with being liberal live. However if they find themselves alone, a minority they will be gassed by Adolf Niggler and gulaged by Jose Stalin.
that's mostly due to the college quantity on the est coast and the commie infiltration after ww2 into at first mostly the new england schools
Faggots have been making a concerted effort ala bloc voting Jews to take over Maine.
Easy to be liberal when you don't have to deal with black people.
Get rid of Portland and Freeport and Maine is solid red.
I think NH is Red where it's rural, but Massachusetts goes hiking/skiing in the White Mountains on the weekends. Some move there for retirement.
Maine has pockets of this too, but NH gets it more because they are closer.
>racist bigotted
>The Northeast has an abnormally high IQ
An interesting coincidence comes along when you weigh that against the demographics.
>our leftist policys have worked good for so long
Why not go on safari in darkest Lewiston and let me know how well that's working.
>the state is in trouble because the average age of a Mainer is something like 43 years old.
Explain why this is a problem? My neighbor cuts 100 cord of wood a year still and is 77 and has terminal cancer. We're not fucking pussies and we do NOT need a New York City population density.
Liberal policies keep the rest of the country down
Stop with this "MA ruins NH" meme. Look at a political map of New Hampshire sometime, the engine of the state GOP is in Rockingham county, where MA transplants move to escape the people's republic. The bluest part is Grafton and Cheshire counties, being flooded by commie Vermonters crossing the Connecticut
>Wait until they go apeshit like they do up here in Canada
Let's see how long that dog huts. Almost everyone I know carries open or concealed. My only worry is that when the day comes there won't be enough of those sub humans to go around.
>Explain why this is a problem?
That takes into account Portland being a younger city, and places like Orono that have lots of younger people. Libs don't have many kids, and if the population is old and there aren't many younger people to sustain the state, you'll have to find a way to attract young people to Maine, which might not be very easy.
>you'll have to find a way to attract young people to Maine
Again, why? Aspiring libtards won't stick around as adults because all the actual jobs in Maine are fishing, forestry, farming, or other actual productive work.
I really don't understand why there's this meme that we constantly need more and more people.
What year? Please don't be a nigger
I'm a frosh, getting ready to go watch Trump
If your population is dead, your state might have issues.
They're sheltered, they don't experience diversity first-hand.
You see vids where women and people with dogs can't walk though the park in Sweden where there are Somalians, but I didn't feel at all endangered walking through hundreds of them in the park in Lewiston.
These are the same people as cause the trouble in Sweden but they seem to know that anyone can be armed ( we have permitless concealed carry here ) and that nobody will need to worry about defending themselves if necessary.
The result is it is safe to walk your dog though a horde of them unarmed. ( at least in the day ).
I think the impunity granted them in other countries allows the worst of their culture to come out. But in the US we keep everyone in line. We're a nation of immigrants, so I guess we've needed that level of immunity over the years enough to keep it from the wild west times.
Don't get me wrong, I am red-faced mad that my hometown that I knew is gone. And I fear that unbeknownst to me there may be some plotting terrorism.
Still I doubt that they would commit any terrorism here where there wouldn't be much effect.
I wouldn't go amongst them where there would be no witnesses though, especially if I was a female, and I imagine they are raising hell in the schools and I hear they do things like steal all the ketchup packets in workplaces' cafeteria and won't listen to/respect women bosses ( though I don't work with any where I work ).
I white-flighted to a neighboring town without any Somalians to speak of in the school system so my kid won't be dealing with that.
Because of this there will be an ugly brown spot where my hometown was in the future.
Don't care for that one bit.
thinking folks prefer liberal policy.
I wonder... if the Pats win the SB and Brady, Belicheck and the team go to the White House coupled w. Brady and Belicheck endorsing Trump.... will New Englanders start to wake up a bit?
it's the survival instinct
I lived in Rockingham County for a few years. Rockingham County is where the major businesses are ( I moved there for a job myself ). But liberal Massholes don't move there. They work in Mass and retire in Rural NH.
It's almost as if upper middle class white people are naïve and ignorant when cloistered away from the results of their actions.
don't you know all the city people voted hillary? only country bumpkins and cousin fuckers voted trump. but in all seriousness we can't let that man get the nuclear codes.
NH here NH is ruined by massholes moving to NH should have been red this year was really close
Frosh too. Never thought there were any Sup Forumsacks on this fucking campus
White people are civil, forgiving, and accepting to a fault. The folks in this region are also pseudo intellectual.
You are such a pathetic fucking reality removed retard that you shouldn't be allowed to make decisions because you will endanger yourself and the world around you. Please, please tell me you live somewhere that isn't 99% white and you interact with non-whites regularly. Have you been to a city? The people are so fucking brainless and empty. They're fucking bacteria.
what about north dakota and wyoming?
Both are white and have two of the highest gdp per capita.
no shit dude, me either. doesn't seem like the place
fuck off, we're full
NH isn't overwhelming liberal. We have a republican governor now and only reason we have that cunt Maggy Hassan as senator for my part of the state is because the old republican senator (Kelly Ayotte) was a retard and was a never-Trumper.
Plus New Hampshire has based gun laws. Also Massachusetts needs to be genocided.
I think there's only particular kinds of jobs there. Like if you're moving there it's for a job. Both are very low population
If by overwhelmingly liberal you mean 60%, sure
Knox, you?
>overwhelmingly suffering from white guilt due to all aforementioned items
>>overwhelmingly white
>>overwhelmingly rich
When you live in an ivory tower, liberalism looks appealing.
No fucking kidding man, same building
They should have done a recount she lost by like a hundred votes
>Still says thank you
Well at least he is polite.
OP NH is not liberal, Maine also goes back and forth,. but just look at the governors and statehouse of Maine and NH, both are Republican. It's the rest of New England that is a liberal shithole, Mass is a lost cause, needs to be annexed by California.
Vermont actually has a republican governor now.
Bernie and Leahy completely eviscerated the economy here.
The only people that can afford to move to Vermont are rich white liberals that want to play make believe farmer. Older people that live here are conservative.
Liberals have been importing diversity here though and its crazy to see the effects in just the past 8 years.
Burlington was extremely idyllic 10 years ago. Even the poor areas were nice and quaint, now theres ghettos rotting away in those sections.
Bennington was kind of a disney land for wallstreet types coming up on the weekends and now theres people laying in the street strung out on heroin.
What is New England like? It sounds very comfy
I am in the south and it's a fucking shithole desu. Even the conservatives here are braindead neocons
Rich people get a ride from being "liberal" just like fat people feel good for only drinking one pop a day
NH has become highly liberal in the past 8 years.
Same, Hartford county here
He's obviously joking, it's hyperbole and stereotypical liberal talking points
Anyway I'm from NH and I've found that all the young people are liberal and old people are conservative (go figure). The usual logic is "muh racism, muh white privilege," which makes me think they are less likely to be conservative as they get older. In the past, young people were liberal for economic reasons as opposed to social ones (they supported redistribution of wealth and so on), so they became conservative "once they got their first paycheck," as the old saying goes. The social stances like smoking pot and staying out late were just the usual teenage rebellion and weren't grounded in any political ideology, simply a parallel. But younger people now define their politics in terms of social stances, meaning they are less likely to have a moment of realization that causes them to reconsider their role in the world, like getting their first paycheck and seeing how much is taken out in taxes. They already accept that they hate their race and themselves, so everything negative that happens to them beyond that is justification for their beliefs. It all reinforces itself in a tautological fashion.
The future is a scary place, lads.
You also forgot
>best public education in the country
>most prosperous state economics in the country
>recession proof real estate markets
>highest quality and easiest access to health care in the country
I implore Sup Forums to stay in their nigger-infested containment zones. This is also a friendly reminder that every failing red state PROVES that skin color doens't make you a nigger--being a republicuck makes you a NIGGER.
>Liberals have been importing diversity here though and its crazy to see the effects in just the past 8 years.
I don't understand how mass immigration is accepted as natural demographic change when Democrats openly say it's how they expect to dominate in the future.
It's not natural. Without a prolific government these immigrants wouldn't be here.
I thought people were saying that gen z is going to be very conservative, much moreso than the millenials are.