Redpill me on the King James version of the Bible. Why is it so widely accepted, and does that mean it's the best version to read?
Redpill me on the King James version of the Bible. Why is it so widely accepted...
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Kang James was a Nigerian Prince who one day wrote a book called the Bibble.
It's a new "translation" of the bible removing 7 books and changing some of the words to fit the protestant theological positions. Basically, it was church of england vs Catholic Church
All other versions are propaganda and screwed up. King James was the one when the Anglo Saxons came here to USA
OG Luck 1:26
And then on the six month the Lord holla'd at the angel Gabriel and the winged nigga crashed the hood of Nazareth, yo.
The Kimg James Bible is a very nice work and the language in English is very nice but Douay–Rheims Bible is a better translation
It's a completely bastardized piece of garbage. Go to for dead sea scrolls and oldest Greek manuscripts
>king jimmy wanted to be able to divorce sluts
>the Quakers didn't like that so they volunteered to go to america to be further from the kings influence over their religion.
>then king jamyjims taxed the shit out of america and they started a revolution
its a bible.
>how to be a modern Roman- the book
>t.Catholic cultist
The Catholics removed an entire commandment.
The Apocrypha wasn't removed, it has always been considered non canonical so in the 17th century it was removed to save on the cost of printing this email books.
You can still buy KJV Bibles with the Apocrypha, and buy the Apocrypha separate. And in fact, the Catholic Apocrypha is only 7 books, while the Greeks and the KJV readers have 14 books.
So the Catholics are the ones who outright removed 7 books from the original Greek and act like they never existed.
I consider myself Catholic. Yes, the KJB removed some books, but it's a damn good English translation. I'd read it over (((modern))) Catholic versions of the bible.
>caring which kike fairytale makes you the goodest goy
Oy Vey!
good shit faamz
Choose one
>Dead Sea Scrolls
>Egyptian gnostic heresy
There's a reason they hid their heresy in caves.
>believing God would keep His Word hidden from man for 2000 years
>trusting writings that come.out of Egypt
Never go full retard.
Also, His name is Jehovah, you kikecuck.
Despite what fundies may tell you, it is not perfect and without error (it doesn't establish the difference between Hades and Gehenna - it translates both as 'hell'). In saying that, it is one of the best translations to read. Just be sure to cross reference it with another translation or two.
the bible is an allegorical cookbook about how to make drugs, the fact that they build an ark to contain gods word from a box made from gold and the wood from a tree that contains major amounts of DMT is a dead giveaway
anybody preparing the wood to build that ark would be stoned as fuck by the time they finished preparing the wood
The best way is to learn Greek and read it that way.
>So the Catholics are the ones who outright removed 7 books from the original Greek and act like they never existed.
And Orthodox removed books so they didn't look like they were heretics for breaking away from the Catholic Church.
Orthodox recognize 1 Esdras, 3 & 4 Maccabees, Prayer to Manasseh, Letter of Jeremiah (subset of Baruch in the Roman Catholic version)
Roman Catholics recognize Tobit, Judtih, 1 & 2 Maccabees, Wisdom of Soloman, Sirch (Ecclesiaticus), and the entirity of Baruch
Catholic bible has 73 books, Orthodox has 78.
The King James version has most of the relevant reading material.
It was partially based off the Douay-Rheims translation from the Vulgate. Protestants btfo.
Basically this, but also have a good grasp on the OT and knowledge of 1st century Judaean society
I'm in love with you.
Are you a cute 19 year old virgin girl of a Catholic upbringing?
Too bad Jerome sucked at Hebrew after living with them for three decades and butchered the Old Testament translations.
Kept his word hidden for 13.8 billion years, what's another 2,000?
Hahahaa drugs lmao xDdd
So truuu
you have to know how a lot of words were used back then to understand it
prevent (KJV) = precede (Modern)
if you read it wrong you would think it meant "to stop from happening" whereas it means that it happened first