Discuss ways we can stop the Trump Inauguration and resist Trump's presidency.

Remember to be safe out there is you are protesting.

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I didn't know Liberals wanted communism.

Now you know

You can't trump WILL be your president within a few hours KYS worthless commie scum.

>Kill every pig

Can we start with grindcore jedi?


What we need to do is take the money earned by the wealthy, and give it to the lazy

This is a honeypot thread but I am Antifa and will continue to dox any nationalist scum in the Midwest we encounter

>Kill every pig

I thought leftists favored animal rights.

If you have a problem with me then meet me at the inauguration where I will be protesting instead of talkingshit online. If you want to have a civil discussion I wouldn't mind.

You better be ready to die if you or any protesters try anything you know damn well they will use deadly force.


Offensive to muslims though

remember to report hide and sage these children's awful bait

>abolish state

come on Ivan, you should know what communism is

that's why they work so hard to destroy culture

It's not bait. I want to discuss ways to resist the presidency, preferably peacefully.

>1 post by this ID

>shilling your own twitter
antifa's are so fucking spineless.

>tfw the only antifa are dirty socialists
>tfw I am the only one defending capitalism and globalization
>tfw I habe tasted the only true red pill


It's always been their end game.

Leftistism always result in totalitarian communism.

>Civil discussion ever

Sorry, I like the back of my head free of foreign objects, like pipes for example.

>work together
>by promoting divisive extremism and killing everyone who goes against you

Really activates my almonds

>Antifa protesting the guy who wants smaller government
>Protesting that they want to abolish the state


>resist the presidency
>bitch and moan and complain while Trump isn't delayed whatsoever

>execute every politician
E-even Bernie??

How many antifags would stand around to fight without cops around. Probably none, that's why they cover their faces, wear black to hide in the shadow and hide behind women

now how on earth are you going to do that on here lol

The left has lost it

You want to kill cops, but want to protest peacefully....oh, wait, no, you want OTHER people to kill cops. You just want the public works to stop working. You want the lights to go out and the water to stop coming out of the pipes. You want everyone to suffer because you're a miserable coward. Don't worry, after the assassination you'll get the chaos and a fuckton more death than you were expecting.

>work together

I can have a civil discussion. What would youlike to talkabout?

Then don't follow it?

I hope you get hung for treason

>thinking Sup Forums has account names kek

cringy dumb teenagers
they are the best servants of leftist regimes

how's the LARPing today? I'm an edgy teen, too, out of school for inauguration day.

They want to abolish the state and create a new one. And that one is obviously totalitarian communism.
Come watch these fucks speak.

Someday soon, someone like me is going to bust into your house late at night and take you to a blacksite. You are a disease that needs to be wiped out.

The funny part is that antifa usually disproportionately get their asses kicked when they try to intimidate normal people

who would have thought that a bunch of vegan NEET twigs would be such weak pussies? It really is shocking!

Any comrades know where I can find a black bull? I think it's the best way to protest. Once my wife and I have a black son it'll make all the drumpftards cry so hard

I want nothing more in life than to kill communists and anarchist

Hahaha faggots kys

AntiFa usually have the mental capacity of a dog. They're also super cowards that won't say shit to you unless they're surrounded by 100 other masked people with bricks.

Hey Antifa

>implying new systems wouldn't form, more or less identical to the ones we have now

It's funny because they want opposite things but they are both so terrible.

It would be scary but we would make such good rwds.

Antifa are zergs. You need at least 10x more of them then the other guys to win.

the day of the rope is here antifa

HAHAHAHA. You cucks will hang first.

>now let's go protest a lawful election that we don't like

>work together and create change

makes you a politician, no? Opening borders is also kind of an political act...

It is just a means to them
For true advocacy for reasonable and humane treatment of animals on an ideological basis look at hitler

Post some AntiFa getting worked


Shit your pants and go to the inauguration to stink it up to the Trump supporters #TrumpDump #Feces4Fascist

All you antifa faggots arent gonna do shit, keep shouting your chants theyre quite catchy

>kill every pig
>open every border
>smash every prison wall
>abolish the state
>execute every politician
>work together and create change

If I ever found out my teenage son thought this way I wouldn't stop beating the shit out of him until he had permanent brain damage.

>I can have a civil discussion.
You can't actually. You think you're giving off an air of calm but your word choice betrays you. You are not interested in discussion with anyone on this board, rather you are interested in lecturing them. You have not come here to learn, much less to participate, but to attempt to impose your ideology as if it would be that simple (after all, it's only logical that your worldview and values are the correct ones). Internally you're seething with adrenaline every time someone replies. You think you had them with the last post but NO dammit! He replied with a counter!

And so it goes until the thread dies or folks stop responding to you.


Antifa are so insecure. They are the losers of society, trying to pull everyone down to their level.

Thanks, Based Biker Dave

Has antifa been ancap this whole time?

You won't be missed.

>kill a bunch of people
>create anarchy
>allow invasions
>"work together"
How is it possible to be this stupid

top kek


sjw's publicly talking about disrupting the peace and think its going to end their way.


>implying he already doesn't by speaking like that

So they're Russian as well?

Thanks based biker dave

Try to get past 10,000 Police and special units you commie, your little nugget won't make it very far in.

In the bizarre parallel universe that Leftists operate in, Communism IS Anarchism.

You see in the depraved worldview of a Leftist, communism is supposed to be a classless, stateless society. A stateless society is by definition anarchy. The supposed end-goal of the Comintern is international anarcho-communism.

Now how this makes any sense at all is beyond me. I do not understand how something can be international if nations are abolished as part of its implementation. Nor for that matter do I understand what exactly is supposed to be international about it since there isn't supposed to be a State, and something that doesn't exist can't be international or national.

I also don't understand--and this is really the problem--how one enforces this whole "classless" thing without a state, or for that matter the workers' ownership of the means of production, or whatever. I do not understand these things because there is nothing to understand. It is all fictional. A contrivance of language that holds no actual substance. Marx can describe this paradisical society in the same way that I can describe a machine which knits Yarn into covers of broadway showtunes, but neither the Utopian anarchy of Marx, nor such a machine, exists or can exist because reality does not support the mechanics of such a device or system.

Understanding AnComs is simple: They actually just want to riot, steal things, and kill people who have more money than them. That's their actual motivation. To that extent they have adopted an ideology with no actual tenants or coherent beliefs because it -justifies- their doing whatever they want to whomever they want. Anarcho-Communism is essentially a convenient fiction that justifies a bunch of criminals squatting in empty buildings, robbing white people, or beating up anyone who wants to stop criminals from committing crimes and enforce order--I.E. right wing people.


If enough of you set themselves on fire, a national emergency will be declared and Obama will stay for another 4 years.


Nice try, but leftists are only capable of five of these things

my name is Richard Lishytski of Coatesville, Pennsylvania. Please dox me.

This person can't even hand people disagreeing with him on the internet, so I'm not sure who he thinks are locked up in prisons that he would get along with so well. These are the kind of autists that only communicate in tiny social media circlejerks and that have alienated everybody they know in real life because they either find him too insufferable or vice versa, so I'm not sure how eliminating laws and committing genocide will somehow make him want to suddenly work with them.

this guy is edgy, and a jedi too wow

>tfw you don't know what liberal arts means but use it in memes anyways because it has the word 'liberal' in it.

Its actually funny how nobody from "ANTIFA" actually got any idea about what is fascism about, and are more or less participating in fascist actions.

FYI Hillary is much more of a fascist than Trump.

You could try killing yourself, I'll let you know if it works or not.

Antifa faggots can't even give the right definition of fascism

>I can have a civil conversation

Do you realize your unrealistic dream of multiculturalism is reckless and has harmed many innocent people caught in the crossfire?

Do you realize there is a reason for borders and that forced multiculturalism has led to countless deaths and is essentially as unrealistic as communism?

> goes to political board
> 0 knowledge about the words being used here and their meaning
> shitposts anyway
> replies to a russian poster stating that """"he"""" should know what communism is, even though he himself got no idea
> kekest.gif

>I'll have a civil discussion with you
>people ask actual questions
>doesn't respond
>has probably left the thread

I actually wanted to talk to an antifa :/


off a high building preferably.

Hi there, Me and Abe-chan will wait for Trump-chan so we will commence the day of the rake.

Kill all drug addicts
Tighten the Borders
Deport all leeches

when did anarchists get turned into leftist garbage? anarchy is as far right as you can get

>inb4 some retarded brainwashed yuropoor argues that doesn't equal less government

watching the antifas getting chased like rats is hilarious. they getting maced like cops are watering their plants

>sullying Sakura-chan's image with your message of hate and destruction

My name is Bob Krahpenschitz. Come at me bro.

All Antifa has EVER done no matter where is just vandalism and violence.
Not ever has Antifa done anything positive for any one in whatever way possible.
Antifa's are just asholes who like to riot and blame others for their failures

Jesus christ, I would love to send people to the worlds they claim want.