Have you ever been in a fight/argument that ended up with a gun pointed at you?
Have you ever had a gun aimed at you?
Of course I have
yes i tried sticking me thumb up the coppas stinker
When I was 14 a cop pointed a gun at my face and screamed he was going to blow my brains out the back of my head.
'T was nice to see him get bullrushed by his colleagues.
Annoying Texan borderguards is hella fun.
lol did he?
people like this make all of us look bad. i hope they got charged.
I'm not a cunt
Once, by a tourist who came to the range and unintentionally pointed his gun at me with his finger on the trigger while leaning over into the neighbouring lane to talk to his friend.
No, but I've had a punk ass from the west side threaten to come back and shoot me and my family.
Guy with the gun is right, fuck this retarded bike culture.
Also, you call that infrastructure 'Murica? Looks fucking thirdworldly lmaoooo
This, bikers are a scourge on all of us.
Bunch of redneck nerds.
home invasion when i was a kid, nigger kept his gun pointed at me
and another nigger robbed my cell phone few years ago
>t. Niglet
fuckin straya cunts
Why is it always the skinny fucks that can't grow anything even resembling a proper beard but instead always have that thing garbage like OPs pic that are the ones that try to act super hard all the time?
Is it that they're trying to prove that they're a man because they can't grow a beard?
why is the biker trying to act cool and proceeds to talk to the rednecks after they pointed a gun at him?
Shut up and get the fuck outta there man.
Bandmates and I were shooting a faggy black metal set in the woods near a gated community, bullet belts and all. Off-duty ATF guy saw the camera flashes and detained us. Aimed a shotgun at my face.
Yeap. Some jeepney driver pointed a deringer at my uncle after a minor fender bender so I stepped in and took out my 45.
Thankfully it simmered down after the passengers diffused the situation and stepped in.
The most nerve wracking moment of my life.
1 Gun, 2 Knifes, 1 Metallstick
shit trigger discipline
lol actually these truck rednecks are 100% correct and the dirtbiking betas are a bunch of idiots just like most other biker 'clubs'.
Yup, lost my wallet and phone too.
Good thing is my cousin is a cop, robber's dead. Never got my wallet and phone back though.
Not really.
Got shot at by a hole bunch of shitskins. Also I my buddy occasionally poked his barrel on my back and told me he was gonna fuck my wife when I'm dead.
>no trigger discipline
Fucking fudd. Why would you photograph your stupidity?
Typical redneck Americans can't fight for shit. Can't even pull the trigger either.
Pointed directly? No.
But someone told me if I ran he was going to shoot me. He had a revolver of some kind. He held me there until the cops showed up.
Pretty lucky, looking back on it he could've been a psycho or something and was waiting for his buddies so he could do a Pulp Fiction.
>I din du nothing
>Also I my buddy occasionally poked his barrel on my back and told me he was gonna fuck my wife when I'm dead.
What the fuck? That's not even funny.
Castle doctrine in Texas includes your vehicle as part of your home.
When the biker started knocking on his window, the driver went full get off my lawn.
Yeah, they stole my ipod, guy pointed me with the gun pressed against my stomach and he was shaking, more nervous than me at the moment
since that gun has a grip safety, i see no problem for him to hold his gun like that to take a pic
Fuck these bikers. I use to ride and people are fucking idiots, but these bikers think they can play traffic patrol.
1. All that bike gear wont stop a single bullet. That bike wont outrun a bullet either.
2. Your youtube channel isnt reason to fuck with traffic and block off cars so you can film. Shove that little grom up your ass.
3. I wont brandish a gun, I will draw and fire instantly. Also one little bump and that bike is totaled and youll need a wrist surgery or knees or ankle or mix of that.
>ameriturd road etiquette
Let me guess, these guys are trump supporters
Fuck trumpfags, you need to be gassed ASAP
False ID on myself led to a cop getting out of his car and drawing on me. Wasn't fun man. I am a fucking white male.
> Also I my buddy occasionally poked his barrel on my back and told me he was gonna fuck my wife when I'm dead.
hate to break it to you but that does not sound like a "buddy"
Lol sounds mean but kept him awake, pissed off and alive.
>when you kill a gang of bikers for tapping on the window of your car because your car is an extension of your private property and doing so violates the NAP
It was funny to me. The normal boundaries don't apply after you have don't hard time together.
are you triggered faggot
hows your death cage running
Why would you drive around with a fake id?
I'd rather have a cop draw on me than a nigger, still sounds like a shit experience, dont get me wrong.
How could he have mistaken you for a black guy?
For people that used to sing songs about dead babies and raping women while we ran that was considered light humor.
I used to steal nudes of his gf of his laptop and crop me with my dick in her mouth then set it as his background on his laptop.
Was drunk, got into a conversation with some user. After a quick exchange of slurs I headed to go my way. Guy pulled out a gun and brabbled something about he wants to shoot me.
I was so drunk I just left him where he stood and walked off.
When I look back it was maybe the smartest thing I could have done in that situation.
More like:
>getting your little feelings so hurt by the sight of a middle finger that you need to demand an apology during an already tense situation.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
A shitload of times. It's never as scary as you'd expect it to be, for some reason.
>Bandmates and I were shooting a faggy black metal set in the woods near a gated community, bullet belts and all.
>3. I wont brandish a gun, I will draw and fire instantly.
>t.Internet Toughboy
yeah I'm sure you'll go to jail cause some guy cut you off.
>jaw walked across a street
>cop car screeches around the corner onto the sidewalk to cut me off
>cop flings the door open with his gun pointed at me
>he's screaming incoherently for like 30 seconds
>gets back in his car and leaves
He was black, by the way. Affirmative hiring yes!
Kek'd. Typical American culture.
someone on Sup Forums is being a negative contrarion ???
since wheeeen ???
None of what he said is even remotely contrarian. Most people would agree with everything he said, minus the drawing and firing instantly.
Yes, I was 9 and almost shat my pants.
Fucking PTSD war veterans here should be locked.
I was a chuck in the US infantry. Have to be crazy to go dig a hole out in the side of a mountain and sit in it for a few days while people around you want you dead. Maybe you get shot at. Maybe you have to drop some rounds. Either way you are either hot or cold and your dick stays hard from the excitement.
I accidentally swerved like crazy when i drove into a big puddle at night. For some reason the cop pulled me over with a gun drawn.
I've had a random car full of spics point a glock at me while driving through a neighborhood.
someone else on Sup Forums is defending the contrarian because the majority of people here are contrarian so its technically not contrarion
No at me but at some random stranger in the street! I was with my little bro in a shitty muslim hood, told him to walk fast but no shot fired!
Stay triggered you poncey little bike twat.
This, we get guns pointed every week on the weekly robbery schedule, if you act like a cunt on top of that you become a headless corpse
>threatening a man with a gun with your Jewtube channel
I'm still alive, obviously he didn't pull the trigger. And I'm pale and unquestionably white. I was sitting in the backseat, and the cops freaked out cause they saw part of a lighter under the drivers seat. They thought it was a gun and started screaming for us to put our hands on the dashboard.
I was 14 and all I could think was "I can't reach the dashboard from here". So I put my palms flat on the ceiling and thought that would be cool. It wasn't. They yanked John out of the car, put him in cuffs, and then they pointed their guns at me and that's when the one threatened to make my brains go out the back of my head. They told me to put my hands on the back of the seats in front of me, so I did.
They yanked my other friend Jeremy out of the car, got him in cuffs too and then went for the "gun", found out it was a lighter, and started acting slightly less shitty to us. Let us go with a ticket for the driver for speeding.
I've never been comfortable around firearms since. If it wasn't clear, all of us were white as snow.
Ive had 7 cops pull guns on me. Every time was when I was in my taxi. One almost shot me in the head. He searched me and threatened to search my taxi I guess for drugs and I was like wut?
Cholos role up on me and pistol whip me cause I wasn't scared of them. Gave them the money then they hit me.
Had weed dealer trying to act tough put one to my head in High School. Thats how he answers the door after getting robbed like that.
Guys in the hood pointed one at me where my first love lived. They just laughed and tried to sell it to me for $100.
Go fuck yourself Rodriguez I'm white.
I've been car jacked before and you guessed it they were niggers.
>Coming to a website to complain
Seems you're the only contrarian around. Don't forget to take some screenshots to show your pals just how wacky you are!
a scared old man pulled a gun on me for disobeying traffic laws on my bike on a country road.
It wasn't a fight or anything. At Boy Scout camp one summer I took the riflery merit badge. One of the days the kid next to me was fiddling around with his rifle. Next thing I know, the instructor was screaming his lungs out at this kid. Turns out he had his rifle pointed right at my head, loaded, while fiddling around with it.
Sounds like Brazil, except for the white part
we invented
character defamation an an insult you brits are 15 years behind us in everythig
go defend you Canadian orphan murdering queen some more
>Have you ever been in a fight/argument that ended up with a gun pointed at you?
Both had a gun pointed at me and had pointed a gun at some punk when a business deal went south.
>Have you ever been in a fight/argument that ended up with a gun pointed at you?
Yeah lots.
Nothing intentional. Was at the range and some dumb kid was holding his rifle in his arms and it was aiming parallel to the firing line pointed directly at all of us. He was young and didn't realize. His dad quickly smacked him and told him not to do that. Wasn't his fault. Probably wasn't loaded but when you don't know it makes you uncomfortable.
Lol put that on a ball and youre immortal!
The guys in the SUV are right.
Jay walking should be punishable by dead on the spot.
>Driving to mall for whatever the fuck (don't remember)
>Dude cuts me off hard, have to pop on to curb to dodge him.
>Make the universal WTF gesture.
>He starts nodding his head up and down violently.
>He brake checks me repeatedly.
>Fuck this I'm white, call police on cell tell them what's going on.
>Dude weaves around the road like a nut and follows me into the mall parking lot.
>Parks behind me to block my car in.
>Go to confront him.
>He pulls out a Glock and racks a round in shakily.
>Drops gun on ground.
>Rush him and push him away.
>Friend gets out of car and steps on gun.
>Dude starts chimping out.
>Police pull up and pull gun on us.
>Explain what is going on.
>Dummy keeps chimping.
>Gets tazed and arrested.
>Event ends with handshakes from the police.
The guy looked just like the dude in the OPs video. White trash is the worst.
Go check the youtube comments faggot. You're yhe contrarian you mock so cut your pinky finger off to remind yourself.
>be me
>be driving to a company event at a golf course
>be on a single lane highway with no passing areas for miles and miles
>driving the ol' speed limit of 55
>eventually come up on some faggot doing about 10 under
>notice he's talking on his cell phone and periodically taking his other hand off the wheel to make hand gestures as he drones on in his talk
>i am about 1.5 car lengths behind him
>within a few minutes this faggot has a convey backed up behind him about 25 cars deep
>i make a phone gesture with my right hand over and over again mimicking hanging up a phone
>shit dick finally notices...
>he didnt like that i disturbed his world
>he begins break checking me
>i back off
>he slows down, speeds up, slows down over and over
>he's pointing to the shoulder
>this goes on for a solid 5 minutes with the colon commando contantly pointing at the shoulder, swerving, slamming on his brakes
>i just keep a bit of distance
>eventually i get to my destination and turn off
>thanks for the nice drive, faggot- i think to myself
>im in the parking lot getting ready and talking to one of my PM's about golfing and what not
>i hear screaching and squealing tires come into the parking lot
>sister fucker from earlier before was seriously touched by my phone gesture...
>he gets out of his car and starts screaming about something
>fuck you this, fuck you that he says
>i'm going to fucking kill you he says
>at that point i had already pulled my .45 out and laid it on the roof of my car
>he finally notices my pistol
>he gets super quiet
>he looks at my PM, then looks back at me
>awkward silence from ass fucker
>he backs up, gets in his car and drives away
>my PM looks at me and i explain it to him later
I wasn't quite sure how serious that guy was, but he was obviously unstable and i would have laid him out if he came at me. That's the closest i have come to pulling a gun on someone.
not exactly a gun but once police at 6.20 morning knocked on my door and when i opened one of them with balaclava on was aiming on me with taser so close enough. They was looking for firearms and explosives in my home.
No I don't live around niggers
Very large
Also had palm trees so somewhere near the coast
most of thought mexican'ts were trying to hijack there beer.
>roll up to another vehicle at a traffic stop
>knock on their window
>startled to find passengers treat my hostile move as a hostile move
>they warn me a way with a weapon drawn, ready to legally defend what the law considers their domain
>put it on kiketube to let everyone know how fucking stupid I am
Motorcyclists are fucking terrible when it's just one of them, when it's a swarm it's pretty much guaranteed trouble
>knock on their window
>hostile move
Is knocking on someone's front door a hostile move in the US as well? Our cultures are more different than I realized.
motorcycle faggot btfo
remember to get that organ donor card
>Be American Biker
>Get shot
such is the life of a burger
I hear Mexico is a pretty dangerous place to live.
Are you seriously saying someone knocking on a window is a hostile move? How sensitive and scared are you ameriniggers?
Not sure if it was pointed directly at me, but i got shot in a hs brawl a few years back.
Knocking on someone's door is normal. Knocking on someone's car window in traffic is not
Yep, still remember that night clearly
>be highschool fag
>fall for this chick hard
>her ex is the son of some meth dealing biker gang leader
>did not know that
>he finds me one night after work
>pulls short barrel .45
>can see HP down the barrel
>"She says you have money, now give me some"
>tactically shit my pants and say I'm poor as fuck
>a minute goes by before I pull a $20 out of my pocket and he decides to leave
>she's back with him a year later
Redheads man.
dont fucking touch my car. In context of the situation, it's extra shit wipe of you to do so. I dont know who you are, or if you plan to pull anything, so might as well draw a clear line in the sand with a gun.
> The mirror
>America is so unsafe that this is considered 'hostile'
Bit of a dick move if it's unnecessary, sure, but 'hostile'?