Well well well
Well well well
Other urls found in this thread:
>Be in the way and cause inconvenience
>We win
We did it reddit!
>surely this will make america like us and vote for us in 4 years
>we stopped other people from freely traveling and supporting their political views
>we are the good guys!
>Annoying people going to a political event
So what do they win exactly?
win what exactly?
This is why it should be legal to run over these tards
They do realize that there are a couple thousand policemen and soliders ready to fuck their shit up, don't they?
They get to be paid to protest again in 2020 when Trump wins reelection. They did it!
they win by blocking difference of opinion!
See, when they do this, the hate and scorn in those trump supporter hearts will melt away and they'll all scramble to try and get Hillary president instead!
They feel invulnerable. If policemen and soldiers do fuck their shit up, they'll cry about brutality.
Wow so this is it pol. What it is like to be triggered
Where are the bikers?
>block the checkpoints
>ceremony starts
>terrorists happen
>hundreds of innocent women and children dead
These people are fucking disgusting me
blowing eachother in a wall of meat
Law that allows you to mow down "protesting" negroes can't come soon enough.
See what happens when you let leftists infect your state, media and education system
Oh no a bunch of emaciated people with rainbow colored hair are standing at the entrance, what ever will we do?!
>What democracy looks like
Wow, one whole black person.
Right, but they don't care. and they will do it many times during these 4 years. You need better arguments to make fun of them or convincing people this is bad.
every single one of these protesters looks like they stink and have AIDS
>Barring people from moving freely to attend a political event is now democratic.
Because they stink and have AIDS.
Oh, who is being inaugurated?
>You need better arguments to make fun of them or convincing people this is bad.
If you're the one protesting, you're the one in need of a reason.
If that reason is screaming racism and sexism every few seconds, guess which way society will turn to shut you up.
>You need better arguments to make fun of them
Or better muscles.
Shes reaching for a gun....
the only people who will listern or watch are the in-between people who most likely just want to get by and pay bills.
We're not the ones blocking people and causing problems.
We don't need to do anything to convince others.
>not even half of the checkpoints shut down
>we win :^)
Based Dave will save the day!
Won't this have the exact opposite of their desired effect and just create more people who hate them?
Bullshit I got in just fine.
Leftists want democracy with only one party to vote for and take a guess which one. Good thing they're failures and not very good at math. 6/14 is not very effective.
Hahaha, fuck lawful elections that we don't like!
No we don't, we need to keep encouraging them to do more of this shit so we can guarantee a second term. Make the left look as delusional as possible to scare voters from them.
"We win"
What does this parasite think she has won?
The new President. President Trump.
Their goal is to signal that they are the stronger side and thus we should bow before them and their inevitable victory when it comes, and to make the crowd of trump supporters smaller than it would be, ideally to the point that their crowd is bigger, thus creating the illusion of greater popularity.
These things are not meaningless and you should be concerned.
Too bad they couldn't organise their voters on November 8th.
yes. same as when niggers block highways for no reason
>i lost so the rules don't count
I keep underestimating how infantile these SJW types are desu desu.
They did, but Cali just isn't large enough.
This is why we need to dox all of these people
Dox their parents
Contact their employers and make them lose their jobs
Contact their neighbors accuse them of pedophilia
SWAT them when ever we can
We need to go full on old school Sup Forums on these people
Top kek my dude
Underrated, someone should tweet her that
you have to remember, these people live in their own echo chamber and bubble of society. It all came crashing down when Hillary lost and they realize there's OTHER views and opinions that exist outside theirs.
You really think they care or even know that what they're doing is inconsiderate?
Not even on my fucking banana republic people are so god damn retarded, what the fuck is wrong with Americans?
If your enemy gets elected, you win.
42% is a fail
i hope they all get gassed desu. Same group of people that freaked out when donald wouldnt accept the outcome of the election if hillary was elected cant accept the outcome now.
And this affects Trump and his actions in office, how?
Sup Forums has been source of inconveniences for a long time and we have considered it to be a win. Suddenly it is just a reddit thing
take off your Trump goggles sometimes
All these celebrities and media figures are starting to convince me. Maybe we're wrong about Trump. I don't want to be on the wrong side of history.
>we win
>we will win
Apparently they can't decide if they're "going to win" or "already won".
Who's going to break the news to them that they didn't do either?
Not really. DC is already convoluted and has heavy traffic on a regular day. The set up for inauguration made it unbearable to drive or even walk in. Blocking half of the entry points is a significant deal because people will he stuck there for hours, even after the crowd is gone.
It encourages more antagonism until someone does something that will require a forceful response, which the media will spin so that he looks like a tyrant.
Fair point.
I wish I was in D.C. right now.
They do all realize he's still going to be president, right?
Wtf, I hate Trump now
Trump supporters are so fucking beta.
Get in here FUCKERS! MAGA
he might not if the new head of the DC national guard, who we know nothing of, orders a coup, which could use the disruption to its advantage.
Shouldn't you be attacking the Great Wall of China, Mongoloid?
Thanks, based biker dave.
>so that he looks like a tyrant
and the liberals and media will begin praising the 2nd Amendment? You know, the safeguard that gives citizens a fighting chance for when tyranny takes over? The same amendment the liberals and media have been trying to destroy with great effort for the last few generations?
Don't interrupt your enemy, when they make a mistake
This is why we need to disrupt their women's marches tomorrow. They'll be held all over the county. Find one and disrupt it.
yea, that won't set off the civil war at all.
Run them over. Only solution. Down with antifa.
It causes you to lose the culture war and ability to enact change
When the fuck did obstructing the normal activities of people become an okay form of protest? Protest all you want but stay the fuck in your corner. Why do libtards like blocking highways and entrances so much?
You KYS you fucking little bitch. Enemies of Trump have to stand back and watch in awe :)
If only there were 8 unblocked ones
They would encourage other potential rebels to buy guns but they wouldn't mention the law that lets them do so. And even if some did realize this, the society they would put in place would still be worse. Furthermore they would just interpret the law to mean "the right of the people who agree with me (the rest arent the people) to keep and bear arms".
If they weren't fucking retarded none of this would be happening
But...he'll still be President...
Sounds so childish
l wish l was there to stomp commie skulls
I agree. I don't care if you want to protest, but preventing people from doing shit should not be allowed.
Better attention getting device. Not by that much when the media is on their side, but they still think half the media is conservative.
Thanks, Based Biker Dave
>the entire leftist hoarde out to throw themselves against the God Emperor
>40% efficiency
> (((Frieder)))
Thanks, based biker dave
I don't think they give a single shit about "winning" or being right to be honest.
They are simply antagonistic little fucks who hate nothing more than white people and republicans.
I mean, that's why they treat Trump like he is Turbosupergigahitler even though out of all the republican candidates, he is actually the closest to their political ideology (apart from deporting useless illegals)
Their political statement is their hatred for white people, nothing more, nothing less. They don't want to convince you, they want you to die so your opinion doesn't matter to them anyway.
Thanks, Based Biker Dave.
Don't ever take a civil war for granted. Someone has to start it and unless you make an effort yourself, you cant be sure anyone else will.
No, dumbass. Let them keep using these cheap and slimey tactics. These are fringe people and they will alienate *themselves* if we just let them keep doing their thing. If we fight back with the same tactics they could look like the victims.
Remember they have the media on their side.