why do liberals like mocking people for their physical features and disabilities so much?
Why do liberals like mocking people for their physical features and disabilities so much?
Literally body shaming. literally.
Hypocrisy is fine when its for a "good cause" r-right?
"Dont body shame me for something i can change!!!"
"Look at his small hands he must have a tiny dick HHUEHUEHUEHEHEHEUUE"
Wew, no wonder they lost.
I'm on it sempai
Found the manlet
Liberals are the biggest hypocrites, and that's coming from a centrist.
Where did the "small hands" meme even originate from? His hands look pretty normal to me.
they're kinda proportionally small to be honest
Is there any disease where the hands get small?
its just because he is a big guy with normal sized hands
for you?
They're actually pretty big. One of my friends shook his hand in 2012 and told me about how great the handshake was.
It came from Rubio
>make an sjw hyperbole twitter
>call them out for using ableist language
>they either get a little dumber or they redpill up
What a story. Thanks for sharing.
I never understand, his hand is normal in size. Where did the tiny hand meme come from?
A reporter once wrote an article about him and mentioned his hands were small. Trump spent the next 10 years mailing the guy photocopies of his hands with letters that said "Not so small, huh"
> "To this day, I receive the occasional envelope from Trump. There is always a photo of him—generally a tear sheet from a magazine. On all of them he has circled his hand in gold Sharpie in a valiant effort to highlight the length of his fingers," Carter wrote.
>body shaming is cool
>trump's default impression of a person he doesn't like = specifically making fun of a cripple
Because it's different when they do it, like everything else. I can at least respect an ideologically consistent opponent like a communist or whatever. But these liberal faggots are so incredibly inconsistent and hypocritical for whatever suits their needs at the moment.
Tons of uneducated black men vote for Obama? Good for them! Black pride worldwide!
Tons of uneducated white men vote for Trump? Fucking racists and sexists! Fascism is coming back!
Sounds like made up bullshit to me. They're a bunch of fucking liars because they know nothing will happen to them if they get caught lying. Just today CNN pushed a story about Sinatra's daughter being disappointed about Trump using her father's song, and she came out and said that's not true at all.
What will happen to CNN for this blatant lie? You guessed it - nothing. It's just another one on the pile.