What is the best way to obstruct Donald Trump from implementing his policies?
What is the best way to obstruct Donald Trump from implementing his policies?
Feed him laxatives.
Keep calling him racist. That seems to be working.
Killing him
Shoving a lit blowtorch up your ass.
Call him a racist, hunt white people in the streets, some more Chicago esque kidnappings and torture, some other gruesome acts. You know the whole stick. No way that could backfire.
Set yourself on fire
me on the right
This way, obviously
If you kill yourself he can't impose his policies on you, you win
have sex with men, film it and upload it to porn sites title the videos donald trump. also burn it to cd and deliver it around your neighbourhood mail boxes and scribble on truth about donald trump on the cds
Threaten to kill self if Trump is inaugurated.
Carry out threats.
This is the ONLY way to stop him. If you don't believe me try it. If I'm wrong come tell me about it.
Shit your pants in protest.
Ayyy invasion
If you kill your enemies, they win. Therefore, if you kill yourself, YOU win!
Selena is so hot. What ethnicity is she anyways?
Your going down leftist scum. Enjoy your last 2 hours.
Make celebrities do antitrump videos at legalporno
Killing yourself. That'll show him.
Moving to Canada. He'll never get you there.
Disruptive protests that obstruct the average citizen
Yeah she is hot. But she's white..
Also if something like that wants to immigrate, I'm sure she can find someone willing to bring her in as a wife.
By supporting him.
Because every time you retard lefties cry like you are now, you fuel the fire. You spark something in the everyday man who tells himself "enough". We don't ask people to join our cause, they FLOCK to us thanks to you.
know how i know your gay
he can't do shit without congress.
most republicans want to be reelected so they won't vote for the crap drumpf promised.
Vote for democrats in 2018.
Or you could just do what liberals will probably end up doing, which is not bother voting and just complain.
Sorry, no amount of tears is going to stop our lawfully elected president.
discredit your movement even further by sloppily getting caught telling lies while ramping up hostility towards neutral fence sitters for simply questioning your deceptive, underhanded methods
Fuck off, jew.
4th Reich before 2020
Top kek!
Get a black bull to breed your wife
Cut your dick off and call yourself a woman
Have violent demonstrations
Have gays twerk in fornt of people's houses
Set your selves on fire
Jump off of bridges
Remove yourselves from existence. If you don't exist. Trump can't hurt you.
Get infected with Ebola.
Shit your pants. #TrumpDump #Feces4Fascists
Go back in time and run a better campaign that's less holier-than-thou and doesn't include race-shaming.
Selena Gomez is an average fat mestizo with makeup. She is not hot.
Go back in time and change the election results
Keep scapegoating working class whites. Continue to push the idea that policies that benifit the dense inner cities while hurting medium cities, smaller towns and rural areas are in the "financial best interests" of everyone.
Relabel Latinos as whites when It's convenient.
Shit on libertarians as much as possible.
Stay silent for he next 20 years. I guarantee it will work.
shit in your pants and ride the bus
Damn! Selena gettin' dicked by THAT?!
but you forgot to that so now you expect to overturn the democratic proces and the votes of some 150 million people by shouting a lot and threatening with violence
move to mexico
>run for your local city council/school board to get some political (lite) experience.
>in 2 years, run for a seat as a legislator
>in 4 more, run for a house seat. Lose. Try again later.
Good Luck user.
Will only happen if republican congressman oppose him. Good luck with that though, those impotent cucks talked themselves into servitude once Trump won the nomination.
Continuino exactly as you've done untill now: call everyone that disagrees with you a stupid imbred nazi and assure everyone You're smart without showing it in any way. Smugly hint at leaving thousands of people of your cote electorate without a job And use your influence to get bribes from external powers And blame it on Trump.
Sponde or later we'll accept that You're smarter than US and we'll all become Fabián socialists like you with a minimum of fuss. You're on the right side of history after all.
You kidding? He does his best tweeting on the shitter.
He can't deport you if you go home.
Commit sudoku
vote for hillary !
oh, blame the russians !
oh, fuck fake news !
oh, you guys are just a deplorable bunch of neets
Start a national movement ridiculing his name. Something like, oh I don't know, Donald... Drumpf? How does that sound?
win the house and senate. whoops
Calling him and his supporters names
>that feel when no average fat mestizos in Denmark
All girls here look like this. Life is suffering.