Swedes on trump

This is the expectations of the swedish people for trump's performance as president.

Red - very bad job
Darkred - pretty bad job
Gray - no idea
Black - neither good or bad
Darkgreen - pretty good job
Green - very good job

Wow drumpfkins, you don't have much support to get in Sweden.

Why am I not surprised, Sven Al-Ahmad?



Can confirm.

the only reason to 'get in' Swedenistan is to bomb the shit out of it.

Lol, Sweden is literally beyond saving.


There. Get original

This bodes well for Trump. If the Swedecucks don't like you then you're on the right track.

I wish we had more Indians posting here...

Stay shitty & dark skinned

10% dont give a shit kek

what is that?

I'm ashamed it's not higher. Why are we so americanized our normies care about the us election? I understand autists on Sup Forums but why these people?

What difference does it make, retard?



Speaking of shitty dark-skins...

nej sverige är bög bög palle palle hans

>"Other country thinks X of you!"
Much interesting, such wow.
Admittedly with so many Americans doing the same as you it's hard to bash you too harshly, but seriously who cares what others think?
Acts and deeds are where it's at, and any would be foolish to act on ideology over pragmatism.


Used to be a country where white people lived and pospered allegedly

Fuck off Ahmed

Allahu akbar, cuck. Remove kebab.

Is this a seal of approval? Sweden doesn't like you and nobody wants to be like Sweden, so that must mean you're on the right track.


Our media was shilling Clinton 100%, and was basically parroting the CNN/WaPo/NYT narrative all throughout the election.

Since almost all normies here don't follow american politics, they just assume everything is correct.

Your country needs to catch up and realize their news is partisan shilling, too. Maybe the local economy hasn't been looted enough for seeds of doubt to take root. Everybody wakes up when they go from feeling rich to poor.