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Why do burgers call Bush 'Dubya'?
He's George W (Dubya) Bush
Because his father was George Bush. He's George W. Bush.
Will donald be Donny?
>Jeb waiting in the car until its over
>George W. Bush
>Double you
>Dubya (said with redneck accent)
>Miss me yet?
It's his name.
where did the hair go?
He did 9/11
Are those new Suburbans or Yukons or something?
Satanic pieces of shit. Deserve to burn slowly.
He's the Donald, or Trump, or, if you have a black dildo up your ass, Drumpf
No. Trump is a man. Dubya will always be a little boy.
>Dubya is jewish
You learn something new every day
He's 70 years old. Let's see what your full mane looks like when you hit 70.
Was he as dumb as he seemed to be ?
Did he leave Jeb in the trunk again?
>"Someone is expected in the wreckage son."
he looks comfy
No, he was more intelligent than people gave him credit for. He had bad people around him, who he was unfortunately not smart enough to trust, or had no choice.
Jeb we will only be gone a few hours just finish your coloring books we will be right back
Where is Jeb!?
Incredibly smart. He just had this dumb shtick to fool idiots and seem harmless. Did you fall for it?
>implying all 70 year olds are bald
Not really, but his folksy persona made it very easy to make fun of him.
No, Dahnald
Bush was incredibly smart. He played liberals like a fiddle with his Bushisms, giving comedians a plethorea of things to mock him about, yet he used that as diversion for all of the (((agendas))) he wanted to push.
Cunning man.
I self admittedly just got BTFO
Probably preparing for the first debate. Slow and steady.
(You) (You)
The Golden Child has arrived.
Why did you go into the future and copy my post in the past?
because when he gets done fucking, you'll be seeing double.
check m
He needs a speechwriter, desperately.
He talks like fucking Hank Hill, straight to the point but to a fault.
It's the time difference, bro
he is a complete idiot. he is just a pawn in his father's game. dick cheney was the real president. george was a scapegoat
he got his dancing shoes on
It's all the coke and Jim Beam he downed in the 80's
Same reason we say vidya
Clever girl
I always thought that gave him charm.
>Fool me once Shame on.....shame on you.
>Fool me-you can't get fooled again!
It's fucking adorable.
Whwt did Kek mean by this?
>Is our children learning
He aren't wrong though
Cheney was the mastermind. Both need a bullet
>He was totally just pretending to be retarded
He was smart, it's just he used his brains to fuck the world up.
>Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.
this fucking guy
his retardation landed him 2 gigs in the WH. What has it done for you?
tfw have an autistic sleeping pattern but not autistic enough to stay up for the inauguration and just going to bed now
i wish I could travel in the past and do my sleep then and then wake up and watch this
It's how Texans say "W". Like WW2 is pronounce "Dubya Dubya 2"
you're retarded if you think he got the job JUST BECAUSE XD
He may have flubbed a lot of what he said, but I consider him to be a better speaker than Trump desu.
The Holy Guac has spoken. Kek wills it.
sleep tite, kiwi
>there are people in this thread who are misunderestimating Dubya
but why
watch his debates user. he isn't dumb, and the dumb persona is what let people lower their guard around him
He's the president though, he was the laughing stock of the western world because of his weir speeches
no, he's a legitimate retard. he wasn't even the real president
yeah europe was allowed to make fun of us from about 2004-2010
then they proved they were even dumber by ruining their contintent with muslims
This made me laugh harder than it should have.
He never ran to be a wartime president he ran mostly on education. Cheney and donald rumsfeld are the true evil doers
>was dub y'all dumb as he seemed
No. I meet him several times when he was running for Gov of Texas.in situations of more than about 5 or 6 people he would trip all over himself. It was like he was trying to impress people and just came off goofy.
no u