This triggers the British
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I don't know who that is.
It's Kellyanne Conway - Trump's campaign manager & advisor.
Be triggered.
But why only British, please explain son.
That is Willy Wonkas sex doll project in action. Version 1.2
Dude she's basically in Revolutionary War cosplay.
I don't understand why I would be triggered.
Fucking pakis.
Ohh, red white and blue! Nah senpai, thats beautifully Patriotic, God bless the USA.
I'm white.
God damn it's cute. Revolutionary war cosplay.
She looks ridiculous, kind of reminds me of Phylis Dillar.
Okay let me explain it to the tanned Redcoats with pic related.
Those are the people that kicked out the ancestors of the country you're currently invading.
Nobody gives a shit about the US war of independence here you retard, it is not important to us at all. A lot of Brits didn't even support fighting the Americans at the time if you bothered to read anything from the time period.
Why would this trigger us?
I don't think Americans realise how little we care about American "history".
nigger your ideas on what trigger the british are outdated.
its fucking pakis and scots now
Thanks, bud
Same to you
Kellyanne is a babe, why would we be triggered about her Nationalism?
bullshit. america cucked you in 1783
This guy gets it.
We stopped caring about it pretty quickly desu senpai.
this also triggers the british
>Trump to false flag some freedom in Brazil this year
Watch yourself, hue monkey.
>''Hue hue hue hue''
What did he mean by this?
Recolutionary war Barbie (tm)
Someone post this on /fa/.
I'm a swede and I'm fucking triggered!
I really don't get it or know who this is but if she's part of the Trump team then Dog Bless Ameriga.
I think it's cute. Past is the past burgerfriend.
Nope! We kicked your asses fair and square.
>Red white blue
Bootiful british colours
>French, Spanish, and half of Germany and the Dutch all fought on the American side.
>Anglo Alliance
I'm buying shit from England just to support the effort
thought that was anne coulter. What did Coulter do? Or is she just someone who supported him?
She's dressed in a very French military fashion.
Oh I just read up on Kellyanne, she's married to some Jewish guy and she's basically an anti feminist. Seems alright actually, but she needs to ditch the Jew.
So long as you sell me some good fighter jets we're good to go. Yes I want a fucking submarine as well so you better have some good ones on sale.
I swar on mi mum m8.
what are the odds that secret serviceman has a gun in his right pocket?
I first saw her without the accessories (hat, bag, gloves) was unsure about it. They really tie the outfit together
Kellyanne is adorable
>ywn wish her a happy birthday while you both watch trump being inaugurated
>fronting this hard
your school system has obviously failed you if you consider the American Revolution to be unimportant concerning the history of Great Britain.
Maybe you've forgotten the English Civil War, it's part played in the colonial anti-Parliamentarian sentiment shouldn't be ignored.
The success of the American Revolution directly informed the French Revolution, and the debt incurred by France in backing the republic also contributed meaningfully to the situation.
dude chill off a bit, brits are too retarded to know anything about the revolution... the only history they care about is a bunch of inbred faggots whove lived in the same house for 800 years on taxpayer dime
This is America.
Everything is on sale.
You want it, we got it.
It's actually a pretty ugly outfit but she seems alright.
I read that some fashion designer and a bunch of celebrities basically told Mellania to go fuck herself and they refused to style her dress or something, which seems like a really cunty thing to do.
>The success of the American Revolution directly informed the French Revolution
From what I know about the French revolution the American revolution did contribute but not in a positive way, the Absolute Borbourn monarchy bankrupted France and they were literally starving to death. Most of the French today regret that shit and want to return to a Monarchist system. So yeah GG.
They were too busy telling us about muh holocaust and how amazing the EU is to teach us anything important.
Not even kidding.
no reeee
Just stfu and leave dad alone, tryhard.
Literally who?
The revolutionary war was nothing more than a proxy war between 3 empires in Europe.
You were essentially just a staging ground for geopolitical change between the 3 main powers in Europe. But it catapulted the UK into becoming an even more powerful empire, crushing both the Spanish and the French, so giving up the 13 colonies was a good thing.
And just to rub salt and lemon juice in French wounds, when they were starving just before their revolution we sent them food... Yeah, you didn't though.. You didn't do anything to help France, even though they begged you for help.
Thanks son, you really are your fathers boy.
Having a monarchy doesn't prevent you from being cucked. See: Sweden
It kinda is, without the hat, the colors don't exactly match in clothing. But the outfit as a whole is fine.
No one fucking asked those faggots to dress her, as if she needs them to. They just wanted to be in the news and on the right side of history or some shit
>Most of the French today regret that shit and want to return to a Monarchist system.
Well I really doubt the white French want that,
and the majority french want a caliphate sooo...
yeah gg
Honestly, the American revolution isn't mentioned in schools at all here. No one cares; it's completely irrelevant.
We have more than 300 years worth of history and minor incidents don't make the cut.
You have to go back pablo
>anglo actually pretending that the rev war was a proxy war to try to remain relevant
your shitty country has been irrelevant ever since we kicked your ass
keep pretending smelly anglo inbred scum, dont you have a cousin to fuck or something
im aryan you big nosed inbred
ehh no go ask them, they want a return to it. I mean just look, in just over 200 years they've gone toward a Caliphate and that's under a republican style system... America, a republican style system is 58% white non hispanic, your founding fathers would be weeping. Although they were cucks of their day but still.
Oh I know and it's not just Sweden, look at Belgium and Luxembourg, cucks to the core with a monarchy, the problem is they aren't ABSOLUTE. Too much parliamentary influence, parliament that rules and sends everyone down the cuck path. Government = scum.
You see it, it doesn't go well together, it's ok if it's about history or whatever but they could have done a much better job.
>giving up the 13 colonies was a good thing
no, it was undeniably a big financial loss. Don't forget the 7 Years War cost GB a lot of cash.
>it catapulted the UK into becoming an even more powerful empire
>crushing both the Spanish and the French
after fighting seven wars against Napoleon.
Does masturbation count as triggering? Cus I just triggered all over the place.
That's a really nice outfit.
The Brits got over the revolutionary war 200 years ago m8. It's barely even mentioned.
She looks like a clown
She looks derp as fuck.
But it was a proxy war, America wasn't the only battle ground, there was fighting in Europe and the Caribbean. We used German troops as well as British troops, you used Spanish and French troops as well as British troops.
If anything it was an extension of the seven years war, but this time instead of going against the French (like Washington did before) he sided with them to get more clay and more "wife's sons" because he was a cuck with wooden teeth.
i wish a brit would fuck me while i was wearing that outfit
Did u forget that u ended up trapped on a shitty island that is being overrun with mudslimes
just because no one cares on account of the fact that your schools ignore an important event cause it makes GB look bad doesn't mean that event is irrelevant in reality.
The currently dominating US global presence should inform you of the relevance of their government's founding years.
>ehh no go ask them, they want a return to it.
Yes. I will go ask every Frenchman about you claim... ??
>I mean just look, in just over 200 years they've gone toward a Caliphate and that's under a republican style system
Not exactly a good representation of a Republic either.
>America, a republican style system is 58% white non hispanic, your founding fathers would be weeping. Although they were cucks of their day but still.
>Mohammad reveals himself.
Okay. Just like we're sending the Mexicans back, you're going to get sent back too.
pic related
I don't get it.
>we kicked Britains ass man OORAH
>Yanks lose the majority of battles and have more dead
wew lad
no one in europe cares m8
Just because only like 3 things have ever happening in America's "history" doesn't mean that they are all important or that anyone outside America cares about them.
>you used Spanish and French troops
the American colonies used Spanish troops?
The only direct French military presence I'm aware of is the fleet at Yorktown. Most of what France did was in financial backing and logistical support.
>overrun with muslims
kek i can just imagine that burgers visualise muslims like blacks or spics in the USA, its not even close
you'll be minority white in our lifetimes
IE no longer a white country
That's whan I thought
What have the filthy aryans ever accomplished apart from completely fail at building an empire?
>we lost but at least we didnt fight as hard as you
and that is why angloland is a country of losers and faggots who never win
>no, it was undeniably a big financial loss. Don't forget the 7 Years War cost GB a lot of cash.
No, the financial loss was the 13 colonies smuggling, tax avoiding, starting the seven years war, going against a royal proclamation which saw the drawing of the Appalachian Line (which you kept crossing to expand) causing problems with the natives which caused us to keep spending money on repairing the towns and villages that got destroyed when the Natives attacked. The 13 colonies operated at a loss, this is well known. The big money makers were the Caribbean islands we had which were protected because the French kept making plays for them, we ended up taking a couple of islands off the French which helped push them toward bankruptcy, because their sugar and tobacco trade was hit hard.
By abandoning a lost cause new trade links were established, our country had complete and utter control over all trade routes which saw the UK's income go up and up and up. So again, abandoning the 13 colonies was actually a good thing.
you are deluded.
you don't care about Rotherham either.
Is the guy in the background Dale Cooper from Twin Peaks?
Several of your military commanders were imported from European armies also
My dude, it's not like Britain never went on the become the greatest civilization to ever grace the earth just because they lost a Colonial war against France and Spain
We're 1000 years into monarchist rule and we're still above 80% white. Maybe you should change your system of governing...?
And yes, go ask all the French, sad little muppets.
Yes you did José Moñino was a cunt too, I'm so glad that Spain was punished.
I thought we were talking about the significance of muricas great war
sorry for being deluded
>financial backing and logistical support.
But that's the backbone of a conflict, arguably the most important part.
>only like 3 things have ever happening in America's "history"
>tax avoiding
No representation in Parliament.
>The 13 colonies operated at a loss, this is well known.
Sauce? I don't necessarily disbelieve you and the Caribbean colonies were much more lucrative, but fucking fur, timber, and tobacco are worth quite a lot.
Nobody in the United Kingdom has really heard of the Revolutionary War. Colonialism in general isn't really studied in much depth which in the case of the second British Empire is surprising.
Those aware tend to associate it more with France, a country that was often in conflict with Britain during that period and the main reason the rebellion succeeded. Their contributions to the war were absolutely massive, they really fucking hated us!
>ywn kellyanne wearing her fetishistic revolutionary ensemble