Really makes you think

Really makes you think.

Other urls found in this thread:

Wow, we get free propaganda pictures from the left.

How kind of them.

>Niggeress in the back
>Literally not a single immediately obvious white person.

Keep fucking with white people nigger and see what happens.

>bird representing the Holy Spirit of God
>flying over the sodomites to support them in the struggle against whiteness and males

>some ghost goblin holding a spear that looks like a cross
>nazi wolves

This really made me laugh. God is going to kill these people.

nice meme

I bet they wish they hadn't banned guns right about now, huh?


Hahaha. Niiiiice.

You cunts keep on posting the edited version

Actually you can't be red pilled unless you are a Christian, it's a prerequisite.

Do you notice how they demonized Christianity, whiteness and men? They have non-whites and females as their army.

Satan and the other fallen hate God and everything about Him, so they hate everyone who is in the image of God.

This is the secret key to understanding red pill.

>against God (communism, leftism)
>against whites (communism, leftism)
>against men (feminism, leftism)
>against the family which God intended (communism, feminism, leftism)

That's where transhumanism also comes from, the hate of the man, and are lying to people to convince them that if they submit to die, they can copy themselves in to an immortal machine.

That's why you see all these cuckolds and shillposters with their black male/white woman threads, they want to push this sin so hard that it will take effect before people realize what happened. They don't want people to look like man, they want a hybrid. They see it as an insult to God.


Really makes me think I want to strangle liberals.

holy shit this post is almost as cringy as that fucking picture

Holy shit. Good job! I love all the detail!



fucking alberto lmao

Really makes you think.

Really activates the almonds

So Sup Forums is the devilman army?




seriously though jesus holy hell are we fucked

They didn't even draw the right swastika

Nice lmao

Didn't catch (((it))) at first. Made me kek.

>love trump's hat
That made me laugh more than it should have


> >Literally not a single immediately obvious white person.

It's like they want a race war.

Imagine being so retarded that you look at this photo and think "that is exactly what's happening right now."

>all minorities on the left
>trump and demons on the right
>white people are literally demons


He is right about them not wanting man. They want an image completely different. It is an innate evil.

oh yeah because the people opposed to Trump haven't been largely an uneducated and violent group. its not like their largely unaware of the actually state of affairs. and what about the fact that most of the people "protesting trump" didn't even fucking vote. so before you act like the left is a bunch of peace loving political martyrs realize that they're just whiny fucking kids acting out violently.

Leftist cringe thread?

damn. really activates the almonds


City people all voted for Hillary.

My precious monyyy

cool man

Oy vey

The white people are on the right. This is literally how minorities see us

It's not humanly possible to be this fucking dim.

>no rare meme peepee frog

are the even triggered?

>ynb a badass nazi werewolf killing minorities

Why even live

top zozzle

maybe you won't

they only see themselves as people. if you dont agree with them youre an animal who should die

fuck these people

>Leftists refuse to recognize that enough people voted for Trump to get elected
>Like actual people that they see every day and are an integral part of their lives

The mental gymnastics you need to pull to see this as the truth is staggering.

>hate is bad
>love is good
Why do liberals think this is an actual political argument?

>Bernie flying away with the money

>Hillary wanted to cuck Russia in Syria to the point where the Kremlin celebrated when she lost
>Trump will cause a nuclear war
I don't even like Trump and I'm also from Europe but god how can progressives be this fucking retarded? What happen to people's ability to think critically and evaluate based on credible evidence? Maybe we should let the Jews take over and join the Mars colonisation plans. Leave the liberals to their Jew overlords while we build a decent society on Mars

Don'the forget
Atheism has a large group that came from Jewish families yet Atheists never fully criticized the Talmud like they did with the Bible and the Quran.

Atheism is just extremist Judiasm.

The Talmud states to remove all other religions by any means necessary


absolutely based

Weak fucking hat pile



The joo in the background kills me every time.


This picture was made by a muslim, you just know it. In fact, of course it was made by a muslim, just look at the crowd on the left. You don't even have to dissect their typical hyper-emotional depictions.
skip to 19 seconds

Production is up 25%
Quality at 70%!
It's almost like not winning this time made them realize they have to try or something...


Keep dreaming, the truth is you are fighting for the Globalist Owners, against the 99% movement.

Trump loves America first, not the owners, he has no strings but you are blind to all this from media and owner lies.

Not White Nationalism, American Nationalism. Until you learn the difference you will continue to be ass-rapped and butt-hurt

You are being played for a fool by the DNC and Hillary

"Russians influenced the election!"

Hillary has owners, she needs money, she has fake allegiance, she puts herself first, not America

Fuck off leaf don't get raked now

Makes me think that the left have no complexity to their views.

Nothing but plain old "we're good, they're evil" bullshit.

>lives in the largest city in my state
>most people i know voted either for trump or third party

>Atheism is just extremist Judiasm.

im laughing so hard it hurts