So, how are you Mexicans taking today's inauguration of Trump?
So, how are you Mexicans taking today's inauguration of Trump?
good, why should i worry?
Probably trying to get over the border asap.
pretty good, having a coffee and scrambled eggs getting ready for uni
latin americans love trump
florida proves this
i have all my papers to go legally to the us, no problemo
I earn in usd and spend in mxn, so I do not care
Your friends will return home soon
mexicans would have a based af flag if their green was lighter
let me be the first burger to thank you for respecting the rule of law. You're welcome any time to visit. Also, checked
fucking stocked
great day
They're taking it to go hahahahahahaha
for now you do pedro.
but tomorrow it's gonna change!!!! All you leeches are done.
Wondering how much our currency could fall.
Ah the Mexican special
Miscellaneous Latino here, would jump the border just to congratulate Trump.
Looking forward to it.
Its actually stabilizing right now, Trump is making Mexico great again, a stronger peso means no need for dollarrs, so there is less reason for the pochos and illegals to leech of the US, also B.C. Fag here, seems there might be a walk of shame for those coming back, a well deserved walk of shame straight into jail for those fuckers
lol there is no food or college in beaner land stfu
That is in Venezuela buddy, wonder how long till they star eating each other
Placing bets on Forex against our currency while watching our "intellectuals" moan endlessly in a local stream of the inauguration.
I love this shit, can't wait for the final meltdown and see how far it goes.
Why would they do that? They can just wait for the bus to come pick them up.
You know, I didn't even think about this.
Florida is mostly Cubans who fled from Castro, however. Other Hispanics seem to look down on Mexicans the same way britbongs kinda look down on us.
Stream plz, for the keks
I'm happy for you burgers
You finally got rid of the nigger
I wish we had a Trump
supposedly there are instances of prisoners eating each other in venezuela prisons. It was largely covered up until an escapee managed to get a letter out detailing it..
I'm smiling.
Family will disown me if I let them know I convinced many (and their friends) to vote for Trump.
Legal Naturalized Citizen, I was rooting for trump and took a ton of shit from friends and family, but I laughed my ass off when he won!
Who's car is that?
No, they will be dumped at Canada.
Why do you think mexico helped Trump win? Our elites have conned him in the past.
God Emperor Trump
1/3 jobs in mexico are due to nafta.
I'm born here so no problemo
mexican intellectual
Pretty comfy watching it right now.
Can't wait to see the liberal tears at Uni
Really fucking great, I hate your country so fucking much and seeing it self destruct becoming a Russian puppet state feels wonderful.
Frankly, I'm worried. Not because of what Trump will do to Mexico, I'm worried about what stupid shit are Mexicans going to do.
>Mexicans somehow manage to destroy the wall.
>US now force us to build it again and pay for it once again.
>In a sign of protest all Mexicans start to assault convenience stores and super markets.
>>Burn statues
>>Wreck homes
>>Burn Dollars
>>Anti Trump Paintings all over the buildings.
>>Start a war at anyone who uses US merchandise or any object that resemble it.
>>>All this just in Mexico
i dont give a shit honestly
What about all the Mexican vato loco gang bangers that will be going back there?
i don' think mexicans have a friendly view of chicanos
they cross the borders to save their lives
dude, the ones in mexico are the ones who are not leeching you lmao
My family is pretty happy and excited.
yes plz i wanna enjoy it too
Yes they are, shit puke maggot mexico is a parasitic nation.
>No, they will be dumped at Canada.
It's actually pretty nice of the leafs to take in all of the migrants nobody else wants.
Bretty good
Bought 50 dollars yesterday and will skyrocket later in the day.
Its a good day
That sounds like everyone won in that equation.
This is a good burger
Those are the north side's problem.
The leafs get their wish of becoming less white, Mexico keeps it's undesirables out, and the US gets rid of a lot of our undesirables. This truly is a magnificent timeline.
so whats going on in mexico right now?
there were those looting riots or whatever the fuck that was over gas prices a week or so ago, but those only showed up for like 3 days
I think they like them about as much as we do. Maybe you should take them Spain. They are your rape babies after all..
No one here should really care about trump. Our president is a lot worse and not only that, we have like 1000 federal politicians wasting our tax money and no one does shit. This country should be nuked and rebuild.
And please, dont bring up the nafta shit, because i work importing stuff from the US so if a trade war starts BOTH sides will be fucked, and the US has a lot more to loose than us. Most stuff sold at costco and sams and all those stores is imported from the US, we have a ton of american shops here including HEB from texas.
We can survive on cheap tacos for 4 years, can you survive on potatoes?
Indifferent. But if he invades mexico id be happy to get rid of this shitty goverment.
I mean, if the intellectuals say that nationallity and pride are toxic they wouldnt care about this.
Nothing to worry about. Just prepare to pay for the wall.
Mexicans forget about the gas thing because a school shooting.
Peña Nieto is far worse than Trump can ever become, I feel sorry for you fucks who are trying to make a living there.
The trade will not break down complety. Everything will get more expensive a bit. And you will have to pay the Wall. Thats it.
>and the US has a lot more to loose than us
Just a couple of days ago news broke out about the state giving water instead of chemos to kids with cancer, Trump is a gift of heaven.
Mexican-American here
I was born in the US so no chance of me being sent back. I don't really give a fuck.
trump is a faggot and Hillary would've been worse. i guess i'm glad the lesser of two faggots won
Not much, Videgaray who has ties with Trump will meet with him on the 24th, he will probably oversee the wall project, everything is going smoothly
thank kek
you could've gotten Jeb
I'm in my comfy room right now watching the stream
I hope he will pay us a visit here in mexico
No, we aint paying shit. If we cant import from the US, we will import from other countries that give us a fair price. Welcome to capitalism.
You anchor babbies are getting what's coming to you eventually.
Are you stupid? The point of trade with America is the geography advantage and NAFTA, without free trade everything would be way more expensive, without making free trade agreements with every "new" country we trade prices wouldn't go down.
That's the point dumbass
We hate them, even libtards redditors hate pochos. Some of them are alright obviously but we hate them because they make us look bad and they think they are better than us sometimes when they are bottom of the barrel humans.
Are you dumb?
We dont have any other agreement with other countries because of nafta. If nafta is gone we get new deals.
what is good for burguerland is good for me.
I mean, the dependence México has with USA is too damn big, if something goes bad we suffer from it, if something goes fine we benefit from it.
THIS so much
Pinche pochos, mátense pls!
Yeah because making free trade agreements is a fast easy process specially when intended to be made with multiple countries.
The backlash on mexican economy would be to o big, México is not prepared to lose NAFTA just like that, cut the positivism crap.
fellow mexican here
hope he doesn't depoort me
We more or less have the better "Mexicans" in our country already, any decent intellectual hard working person would understand that the US has the better benefits than the country they were previously living in.
If the wall is built, we would have already taken your best welders/doctors, Cartels will ravage and take it out own its own populace (oh wait nvm).
i wish we could have better relations with our neighbors, something where BOTH countries can benefit.
also trade wont stop between the countries, it will just simply change
i'm avoiding every social media because i'm gonna get fucking ebola if i don't.
I hope trump takes over mexico.
NAFTA was just Salinas threatening Clinton with allowing central americans to flood the US if he wasn't allowed into NAFTA. There was also a china-mexico treaty in the works that made Clinton nervous.
even Trump News claims that we deport more (for now).
Like a god bless
Nice try Italy
Mexican american reporting in.
My family who lives here is all legal, I just hope no one gets hurt or treated wrongly in the next 4 years.
Get-A-Load-Of-This-Chairo CAM
Shouldn't you be prepping the Muslim bull for your girl Fritz
same here, Latino American all here legally
Like a God blessing
Enjoy buying shit with a 300% mark up.
The meltdown from "intellectuals" is one of the greatest things that came out from Trump's victory.
They are all like pic related
Good, I honestly believe better times are coming for both of us as long as we stay on each other's cunts
You are all legal so it means you are US Citizens ?
Will he block the entrace of all mexicans to the country or just the ones without papers?
Because i just got my visa and wanted to travel around there.
Personally, the only thing i care is having a cheap dollar.
I don't care if Pence goes full Punisher on lgbt or Trump raise the wall; if US goverment does something that makes the dollar value go down, i'll be happy.
no him but yes
When Cheeto-man ruins your economy i will be there to drink your tears
or a green card
A 10% additional tarif should be enough to pay for the Wall.
Are you retarded?
What does basic understanding of economy has to do with chaironess?
You fucking idiots think that we can create free trade agreements with the whole world and they will be open arms ready to negotiate for our good.
You fucking idiots believe that losing NAFTA just means consuming more mexican products and problem fixed.
You fucking idiots don't have a clue about economy at all.
I'm not syaing Tump is bad, but he WILL have economic consequences on us like it or not.