What's your excuse for not being at Trump's inauguration?

What's your excuse for not being at Trump's inauguration?

I live in the UK?

I'm not a rural and suburban retard.

I live in The Land Down Under?

Live in California

Have to work

not that interested in new mexicos politics

Never got my ticket from Elizabeth Warren.

Work. Takes hard working men to MAGA

Transatlantic bridge when?

I'm high IQ so I supported Hillary

I don't really care that much about American national matters.

Would you like to buy me a plane ticket? Gotta be fast, though

It's a continent away and i don't really care.
I'll see if i need to reconsider if he does a thing, but until then i'm just gonna do my own thing.

I simply don't care enough

I have to clean out the refrigerator and do the laundry.

I could walk there right now in 30 minutes but I'm too lazy

I'm from third worldland

I have job

If I climbed up your "high IQ" and jumped down to your actual IQ i'd probably just die from the fall.

i want to live


I can't fly

It's not Hillary's inauguration.

I'm too NEET.

i'm 5,000 miles away buddy

I'm at work

I see, you're not suburban or rural.

I voted for Jill

not american

i could drive there rn if not for the hellish traffic and disgusting protesters

I'm working.
Making American Great Again.
Someone has to pay for all the protester's welfare.

im danish

I'm working, plus DC's infrastructure sucks balls
>Shit roads
>Shittier overpriced public transportation

Work, still comfy as fuck watching live stream.

>What's your excuse for not being at Trump's inauguration?

I'm working today.

Watching it with my father

Aussie bants as usual

you're a dumb fuck canadian nigga

she's an indian giver


IQ= Ignorant Queer

I was doing 50 km/h on a ski slope
was wearing an american flag cape too

too many people which is a guaranteed panic attack

I'm working.

I can't miss organic chemistry )-:

I'm busy bang'n your wife

i don't live in dc

I'm on the other side of the world. Im there in spirit

But mountains of data demonstrate that blacks and latinos have the lowest IQs in the world, and they overwhelmingly voted for Hillary.

It costs a lot of money to drive there for just an event that lasts for about 2 hours.

I've got a 3 hour digital systems lecture.

I'm probably going to end up dropping the course anyway

Wish I had internet when I was in Guam

I'd rather stay at home and masturbating to it

I have a better view from TV

Too far to drive, Too poor to fly
Gotta love the college life

Working all day. My customer is doing their best to get shit rolling before a new administration takes over and steamrolls management from within.

I have a job.

I have a job and responsibilities, like most people who voted for Trump.

I'm not a gigantic faggot.

>Live on other side of nation (WA State)
>Have a job to go to
>Not going to waste vacation days to fight crowds and hear a speech

Why would you go? Honestly I doubt I would bother going for any president, even if I lived in DC anyways. Fuck the crowds, it's not worth it even remotely.


Best post nip

This. People telling me not to watch tv to protest. Must be fun to collect welfare i suppose. Meanwhile i have work all day.

I won't even be watching I have more important things to watch like the Snooker or Coast

But IQ is socially and racially biased. Surely you don't actually believe IQ means anything leaf?

Topkek Aussie bro.

I didn't get a visa.

I'm almost 100 miles away. Traffic is probably bad

Plane ticket costs more than my house