Post memes of your conservative parties guys,we need to fight against multiculturalism.
Balt/POL/ General,vote against invasion eddition
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I will start.
Hey m8
wtf are those signs lmao
Mudslime signs
Imperial Leather
What the hell m8?
Who /suicidal/ here?
Lithi is tho.
>we need to fight against multiculturalism.
I agree, all Baltic clay should be of Russian culture only.
obligatory pic
cyka blyad! ej dirst latviesi !
Russia is more cucked then Baltic States you white nigger.Look at moscow full of chinks and tatars.
Calm down Lithibro whats the problem?
>tfw not living in a white country
Take look on Riga streets on google maps ,you will not find any shitskin,i spoke to one belgan guy he said that he was happy to visit Riga becose there where not a single shitskin while he was there.
thats exactly what I was implying. been to riga many times
pls no circlejerk
spoke to 2 germans on a friday night in old-riga about the immigration in germany, they looked like liberal faggots but to my surprise they actually praise riga for being so white
Golden age for Eastern Europe and Baltics is coming. The demographics of the west are completely fucked!
Thats Right come and spend money to see big white, ancient european city full with medieval architecture,becose your.It was our plan all along to send shitskins to western EU and make whites come and spend money here becose they whant to see beuthefull city full with white people.
>transcontinental empire has some asians in it
no shit retard
All world leaders are only puppets and it's the balts who are pulling the strings. This is the ultimate redpill.
You are the retard.
gladly, your girls a very beautiful btw. Even tinder is swarming with insane qties and they fell fer me instantly. EU KEKS BTFO
this is true
went to sweden for a month and came back, thought i was in paradise after such a long exposure to shitskin/landwhale/butterface females
Thats right come COME and spend money!Fuck some sluts and then go away.
>capital of a transcontinental empire has people from all over the country inside it
If more than half of Latvia was in Asia then there would be gooks in Riga. it's a meaningless point.
Some questions from an American. What are your national politics like? Is the nation so small that there isn't a need for like states, just towns and cites?
What is Baltic cuisine like? What is the reception to Trump? Is your nation still salvageable?
what do you guys do for a living?
>live in Vilnius
>live in a small neighborhood
>go to my local shop
>see a nigger
>then suddenly see a white woman with a mixed child
Day ruined.
Latvia = misnamed city-state of Riga
exactly what i'm doing bro
Had to be a tourist. I'v never seen any balt mix with any nigger. Hell, I'v only seen 5 niggers here in my lifetime.
>What are your national politics like?
I don't follow Latvian politics, I think they are meaningless and our people are too stubborn and politicians too corrupt to even get involved and waste my time.
>Is the nation so small that there isn't a need for like states, just towns and cites?
Latvia is the size of your average American state, so yes, there isn't much of a need for states.
>What is Baltic cuisine like?
It's quite rich, it's hard for myself to judge, but I can compare it to Swedish and food from UK. I don't like Swedish food personally that much, and UK food is complete fucking rancid.
>What is the reception to Trump?
It's pretty bad due to Trump/Putin relations. If it wasn't for that, then nobody would just give a shit.
>Is your nation still salvageable?
Well we ain't got niggers, and the economy is blooming, depends on what you mean by salvageable.
>what do you guys do for a living?
I'm a soldier in the armed forces. kek
We have states.We live of of wood exports to sweeden food exports to europe and china also tourism.People here hate Trump becose our media has brainwashed.But we Sup Forums Latvian like Trump.It was souch a plesure to see lying media cucks in election resoults in the moarning.
i have been checking out investment visas to lithuania. its dirt cheap. does estland and letland have the same?
I tried to pretend that the white woman was a tourist too until she actually spoke Lithuanian, which made me feel angry inside.
We need more people like you m8.Soon golden age will come ,if Westerners dont uncuck themselves that is.
one latvian girls sister that i know, mixed with a shitskin.. Awful and disgusting
Your a german colonist?
Also yes
She isnt Latvian in that case of scenario.
I can afford to go to Latvia every weekend just to spend time in a white country. Just to walk around the streets without feeling disgusted by the effects of cultural marxism and this awful degeneracy that is happening here
no i am 50/50 dutch german.
I see a glimmer of hope every time one of my fb friends shares an anti-immigration post. Most people here are anti-immigration and pro-nationalist, so I guess we got that going for us.
I have seen a dark-skinned person only about 3 times in Latvia.
just end it all
Medical university in Kaunas is unironically full of blacks and arabs, presumably none of them stay though since you can have a better life as a doctor elsewhere.
Looks like the jews are targetting Lithuania first
>I have seen a dark-skinned person only about 3 times in Latvia.
who cooks and cleans for you then? who mows your lawns and walks your dogs and washes your cars? Polish?
Your latvian english is cute, kek. We love latvia too.
american or latvian armed forces? by salvageable i mean a holdout of western civilization
Is there a strong sense of Nation? what is the mainstream political ideology? what was it like finding identity after the communist rule?
I know m8,but despite that our media is retarded and dosent represent moast of people here.
Fucking hell Lithi.Fix this shit now or this happens to you.
>Be me
>Bus ride to Liepaja
>End of bus blonde chick with shitskin
>Hope she becomes single mom
Many such cases the sad thing is those kids really grow fucked up from single moms.
Beautiful pic unrelated.
Gooks are not the problem in Russia. The problem is Russia is cucked by Caucasian Muslims who are favored by the government the same way Arabs and Africans in Europe are favored over Europeans.
Thats why we need NA elected!
Girl at 3:30 fancies him *smashes monitor*
Latvian armed forces. It definitely is a holdout for western civilization, we are quite xenophobic, most people think muslims are evil and we talk about it openly. I've even heard the jews being bashed by my senior officers.
The sense of nation is Very strong, the mainstream political ideology leans right/conservative. We -despise- communism, the unity was stronger in the 90s, although it has faded a little in the past decade. imo the times ahead with Trump getting elected and the real possibility of annexation will make us unite again.
This. This This.
Muslims are mad. They are paying Kadiroff tributes so he doesn't attack.
Thank you based Finland.
I live in the caucasus, there is no muslim problem in Russia at all
t. not muslim
t.Soslan Mambetov
I fucking hate latvians and russians t,b,h
how long did it take you to type that up? 10mins?
top banter lad, i rate 10 out 10 meme points
Another Valka/Valga boy we get it our infrastructure sucks and we drink but what you expect of cucked commies? Our politics consists of feminized men who limit personal freedom.
>He called me idiot
>Muh self-respect
>lets get ethical commision running to shill you
We need autists to dislike this.
not from valka, i cant explain my hate for latvians tough
i thought this was a baltic exclusive meme
then you're an irrational emotional faggot
you know - the leftist
>helped gommies into power
>calling anyone a leftie
not sure, but I've read an ancient legend that states- Most people are about 80% water, but Estionians are 80% brake fluid
Really I don't like Estonians too but I have a reason every time you meet an Estonian they think they are better than you while coming and living the same shit we are we just don't have bros Finns living next to us.Think about it this way when Poorfag becomes rich quickly he thinks hes better than anyone until they understand their wives are cucking them, sons are feminine and daughter is coalburning. Life is more than emotions and faggotry.
yeah that's why the word "stuchka" from the name Peteris Stuchka (the person you seem to be referring to) means traitor, rat in Latvian slang.
kek wtf you got more of these?
dont worry estonianbro, you're just a single entity, the first estonian i've ever the pleasure of talking to online that dislikes the Latvians, other Estonians seem to appriciate our Baltic bond. We are united.
Really he was Russian by start You are born Latvian but you loose it in one day.
>race mix
>be a criminal
>Not being proud of Free Latvia
>Being Putins apologist.
>Not wanting to make difference to your neighbor.
List goes on.
An Estonian man was reading a bedtime story to his kid ''Once upon a time, there was a kingdom in far away lands, with a magnificent king named... Oh, wake up son, it's time for school.''
Are Balts catholic?
The joke is when you start reading Estonian meme jokes it means their GDP is growing quicker than yours.
Lithuania - Catholic
Latvia/Estonia - Mostly Lutheran
Russians in Baltics - Orthodox
You spelt alcoholic wrong
Protestant and Catholics with some Orthodox in Madona and Riga.
eh, by the time they actually realise it, we will pass them in the stats