To think that we've reached this moment because one woman couldn't keep her legs shut

To think that we've reached this moment because one woman couldn't keep her legs shut.

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Is Eron, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

It's literally her fault. I hope she eventually realises this.


By cucking him, she gave us the weapons to destroy them.


I've seen this before but I don't agree.

Whilst payola and dubious practices in game reviews are concerning, I don't see a strong connection between that scandal and Sup Forums backing Trump

She will never accept that everything that has happened in the last 3 years is her fault.


What's all this about?


It was the trigger, and it redpilled a lot of normies and gamers. Sure, something else would have been eventually, but it was GG.


All women can't shut their legs, if they could nobody would be able to reproduce.

nip-rings ew

It made a lot of people realizes what the left was trying to do.
Which was (putting simply) turn everyone into happy tree hugging nu-males.

She triggered Gamer Gate.

Even though GG ended up being an ultimate failure and a total cringe fest, it gave internet autists the training necessary for the then-upcoming Great Meme War.

So yeah, all of us should be thanking Zoe Quinn.


HE identifies as a male now SHITLORD.
Respect HIS pronouns


Thanks for such an unlikable whore, Zoe.

Are you serious?

No wonder she wants to transition now. It's her last avenue to finding peace.

What's based mom doing now?

Wait are you serious, wasn't she with another nu-male that was helping her with a new "game".

Thank you Zozo, we couldn't have done it without you. Tonight I'll have a coke zero in your honor.

Not a man, just another attention-seeking tranny.

Gaming is one of the last bastions of escapism for millions of people
The left's attack on it redpilled a shitload of people

So that's where the pork sausages got to.

Actually she identify as "they" now.


maybe for you

i was already shitposting about kikes and niggers on /new/ in 2011

>thinking gg had any relevance outside of gayming
>thinking anyone even knows about gg

>that fucked up grill
fuckin haram

I do not think gamer gate was a failure. People such as myself who used to believe in the so called benign ideal of everyone born a blank slate. It made me look deeper and to rethink my views. Myself and many of my mates were all once what I would call today a libtard. GG triggered, (pun not intended) the mostly aimless youth who wasted away their lives in video games - who finally attacked in their last "safe space".

The entire story of the last 5 years was about hundreds of millions of people world wide living in abject post modern apathy with no cause to follow and no leader to admire. Who knew, deep down inside the world sucked but had no motivation or more importantly no target to attack. In war you should never completely surround the enemy but give them the illusion of a possible retreat or you will face a valiant last stand that could turn the tide of battle.

Nerdy geek culture like video games, comics, table top, card games, D&D, online atheism movements - which were nothing more than outlets for people apart of ultra religious families looking for others who thought as they did - non mainstream music, film and literature, sports of all kinds ( including both enthusiasts and spectators) etc were all glorified containment areas for people unsatisfied with society who would gladly follow a distraction but did not want to commit to the hard vices like drugs and alcohol.

It has worked for generations. However the impatient brash Jew and the easily led could not help themselves. They NEEDED to rebel against something heinous so they could be the heroes of their own story, Entire generations raised with participation medals did not understand what it was like to lose, even worse what it was like to compete in a non-rigged game. They were untrained, lazy, and quick to declare themselves the winners. Meanwhile all those people of every age - had their collective safe spaces invaded. They had no where left to go.

Whats on her wrist?

capcha knows

thank you, SJWs, for trying to censor everyone and everything with accusations of misogyny and racism and false rape claims.

>To think that we've reached this moment because one woman couldn't keep her legs shut.

Congratulations, you discovered the cause of everything bad ever done by anyone. Everything good as well though.

A bunch of gamers got redpilled over a liberal scandal fronted by anti-feminists and after they got hooked on drama they went over to trump support. Some of them feel like they created the trump movement and now takes credit for it.

nah,it started with anita in 2012.

It kindled a major distrust for media. People saw the lockstep coordination between "gaming journalist" media concerns, and got really suspicious and untrusting. A lot of people dismissed it at that, though, saying "well, it's just gaming shit. Not real news. We all know it's just a bunch of bullshit anyway."

But then the exact same patterns were noticed on mainstream news. That's when it really had it's impact. That's when a lot of people finally clicked despite thinking GG was a bunch of losers whining about videogames.

but we identify her as a prostitute. so who cares

closet nazi?

A swastika.

She wants a second shoah.

We all did Hans, but the impact of GG cannot be underestimated. We know what it was, but more people was ok with it, they still bought the progressive tale.
When they started being banned from Game`s forums and be attacked is when most people changed their minds.

dad probably molested her briefly, made her want to be more masculine as a teen, then became a slut as a young adult, and see-saw back to this point.

Hers and Anita Sarkeesian's. And Brianna Wu.

Recycling logo

As of last week, Zoe is now male. Check your privilege.


>one woman

She voted for hillary or some shit


Slash marks.

How do you figure that? What are the chain of events, starting with her, that led us to this?

This. When the "fake news" shit started spreading instantly across various media agencies that should have been rival corporations, that instantly rang in my mind as the same tactics driven by those "Gamers are dead" articles that followed Gamergate. I was following the Trump movement a bit before that, but that was when everything clicked together for me.

Gamergate prepared us for this war.

GG is, for better or worse, when a lot of young men realized how fucking lockstep and ridiculous the media is

It all began with "This lady cheated on her bf with some game journalists, obviously for exposure for her shitty lackluster game", and all people wanted was to laugh at her and condemn her


It was a major redpill moment to see someone so vile have the media so on her side with such coordination and contempt for everyone else

Cleopatra all over again.

Does she still have a twatter? Sup Forums should bombard her with a single sentence: "Thanks for making President Donald Trump happen"

she was a qt once, cultural marxism fucks everyone up

She's a (normal) feminist, what can you say? Trump doesn't appeal to her demographic.

What even was the shitty game she took a bunch of dicks for

Why did her face have to be so nasty?

>pathological liar in an echochamber accepting responsibility
I'd be impressed.

This is the important point. Maybe GG affected perceptions outside that particular demographic too and the importance of that cannot be ignored. But the real main event was the losers in vidya press acting as gatekeepers, versus the fledling meme wizards. They were beaten, and now the wizards were ready to do battle in the real internet.

Go away Quinn. Stop shilling for yourself on Sup Forums. Nobody gives a shit.

Tumblrinaction and kotakuinaction were my intro to Sup Forums back around 2013. People talking about gamergate and general regressive left lunacy made them more accepting to further right wing ideas.

>in b4 REDDIT GET OUT!!!

Depression quest

No, seriously

>To think that we've reached this moment because one woman couldn't keep her legs shut.

Depression quest

>not a joke

Thanks Sup Forumseddit for ruining Sup Forums and the rest of the imageboard.

I don't even remember her name any more. But I'm forever thankful to her for evoking within us the energy needed to change the world.

I think it was named depression quest or some shit like that.

Normal Feminists consider her a pseudofeminist.

>mfw I became a race car driver thanks to gamergate.

Started my own site because fuck kotaku, earned enough of a reputation for the right people to notice me (aka sponsors), today's my last day of normie work.

Thanks Zoe.

just wanted to play DOA volleyball games and fap

now I'm part of a goddamn RIGHT WING DEATH SQUAD and egyptian frog-worshipping cult

Fuck you chelsea

fucking leafs

>I don't even remember her name any more. But I'm forever thankful to her for evoking within us the energy needed to change the world.

I don't remember her name either, but I do have a sudden craving for a burger and fries.

beautiful. well said.

Jokes aside, was Gamergate really some sort of turning point? It really does seem like it was, at the very least, a powerful catalyst for the spread of SJW cancer.

And now she's turned into a F2M tranny.

Dare I say that she's our /helenoftroy/?

Funny, never used to be misogynistic. Just saying that word makes me feel stupid, like problematic now.

But over the years women really have shown that 90% are fucking useless nation wreckers.

And it seems the points with womens suffrage and the fall of the west are fairly accurate. I thought the original suffrage movement was great but then I heard about the bullshit attacks of guilt people would give men to go to war.
In the end the only true example of a women demanding to be an equal, who showed that she was truly an independent person of strong character, was Susan B. Anthony.

You fucking faggots, Kek will bless you with a women of true moral character but only if you press B to pay respect to the only woman with a true spine

The coordination was what did it for me.

Most notably forbes.

When Forbes published an article I was convinced. I knew that most news companies reported the same stories since they all got them from AP and Reuters, but for then all to report on the same opinion piece?

And on a business/financial site?

It was then I wholly believed the media conspiracy and leftist bent.

It made a lot of younger people aware of how cancerous the progressive cult had become.

damn i want to fuck her soo bad

I was pretty apolitical before GamerGate. That shit opened my eyes to how fucking coordinated everything progressives do and how much influence they seemed to have.

Honestly I think the rise of the right on the internet and the world really began when the Zimmerman case was happening.

praise kek

Do autistic "gamers" think they have that much influence in the world outside their basements?


It was Occupy Wall Street

It spawned several ecelebs that ended up bridging hundreds of thousands of people into being redpilled, like InternetAristocrat, Sargoy, and other people the hipsters on Sup Forums now hate.


She's would look fine, if not with the rings and purple hair. She even looked like a qt in the other pictures.

She would have been that homely girl that was cool to hang out if she hadn't drank the Kool-aid.

These all fucking contributed.

Major. What seemed like a trivial matter was actually a bee hive and got kicked. A major demographic woke up fast against social corruption and manipulation. It's a beautiful thing.



Thanks, based Zoe.

She's good for the trash though.

bet that pussy is tight and wet

>yfw you're a nu-male aspiring game dev
>yfw you're approached by this woman to program her text adventure for her
>yfw you literally do all the simple code work on Twine when a child with google could do it, but she can't
>yfw you hope she likes you and notices how much you do for her to make her steam dream come true
>yfw thezoepost happens and she gets paid huge donations for a free piece of software and you don't get shit
>yfw despite your name on the steam page, no one knows you exist or had anything to do with this thing, she never fucked you, you never got a dime, and she's still a media darling while you're stuck as a nodev barista in new england

I bet it feels bad man