Why is is impossible for civilization to form in the southern hemisphere? Moreover, anything south of 30° is basically trash tier, why is that?
Why is is impossible for civilization to form in the southern hemisphere? Moreover...
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God made it that way.
Straya and chile m8
Straya are just transplanted northern hemisphere folk
Malaria and more dangerous flora and fauna. 'Straya doesn't count because it was founded by Britain.
There's just not the same amount of landmass in the temperate parts of the Southern Hemisphere to have been a cradle for civilization.
Yet it still sucks ass here.
not enough potassium
There was a Swedish study on this. Where humans living in northern climates ended up becoming more developed because the wilderness and disparity of the climate in the winter seasons forced organization and innovation. If you slept outside in the winter season in Ecuador, you'd be fine. If you fell asleep in the winter season in England or Sweden, you'd freeze to death. Evolution (both physical and cultural) only helps a species adapt better to its environment. If there isn't a need to become organized or innovative, it doesn't happen.
that doesn't make any sense
How about Sumeria, Egypt, etc?