apparently trannies would be suicidal today
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They're always suicidal
Just call and MAGA the shit out of them
so much win today
Being suicidal is part of being mentally ill.
>kill themselves before they can be pressed by Trump
Checkmate drumpfkin.
tfw tranny and voted for trump
>Trump says nothing but positive things about LGBT
>promises to help everyone
>speaks out against bigotry
But they still hype their own fear so much they kill themselves.
He can't even do anything as president to hurt them.
Really made me think.
what' tw mean?
Suicide is painless and brings on many changes.
Call um up OP. Play this song down the line.
>Somewhere in this world a tranny is slitting their wrists as I'm fapping
>it's raining
>Trans friends please remember the Trans Lifeline...
How the fuck do trigger warnings even work?
How could i even approach that tweet without being triggered?
Its like PBUH.
Spics will self deport and trannies will self euthanize. Trump is winning already.
I saw plenty of them at the inauguration.
It's funny because Trump has done literally nothing against Trannies.
Or blacks for that matter. Besides just now saying he's coming down on the gangs and the drugs.
I wish them the best of luck with their transition from subhuman to corpse.
Are you one of the cute ones?
Sup Forums what can we do to make them even more suicidal? or is PRESIDENT TRUMP just too much for them?
Came here to post this.
Why would Canadians give a shit about foreign leaders?
post pics if passable
Top fucking kek
actually real trannies(the legit gender dysphoric not the liberal attention whores going after oppression points) love Trump because they don't want to get killed by muzzies
troll the shit out of those hotlines, keep them jammed all day
post bp
>Only mention of suicide is in the trigger warning itself
These people really are god damn retarded aren't they?
>Trannies just can't help, but off themselves because of non-consequential things thousands of miles away from them
pls post boipussi
flood it with calls
Trump has never said a single transphobic thing.
All the fear mongering has come almost exclusively from the left.
wish there were more of them and less marxist shitstains
>Being so mentally frail that the election of a candidate you don't like drives you to suicide
and they're trying to say it isn't a mental illness
they're just mentally ill people really, there is no rise in transgenderism, the increase in numbers is just deranged leftists trying to rise in the oppression ladder
One less sodomite to hang.
They're suicidal every day. Its just part of their mental disorder.
> my chin is too masculine
> new potus
> my sisters husband won't talk to me
> high heels got scuffed
> that hot guy doesn't see me as a woman
> noone liked my fb post
> teenage kid looked at me weird today
> my dad reads the bible
All valid reasons trannies think for ending their lives.
do we clog up the lines?
>real trannies
They are part of a larger problem, and that mentality, that there is anything real about a (((feminine))) penis and the delusions this brings about in homogenizing the entirety of the species.
They're always suicidal.
true insight there
Good. Hope they all kill themselves.
This, people who aren't SJW drones realize that the left is full of shit. They try and speak for you about stupid bullshit and turn on you if you ever disagree, and completely disregard the fact that Muslims are like their complete opposite by oppressing women, hating gays, etc.
The whole Pulse thing and the left's reaction was a big red pill to a lot of them as well.
Trump hasn't even done anything against LGBT people and I'd rather take Mike "Zap the Trap" Pence over being thrown off a roof by sand niggers any day.
they're so mentally ill that an imaginary threat is enough to push them to suicide, but they think they should be treated like normal people
>Men & Women
good riddance
saves us the trouble
>mfw this new gender bender trend is already at a 66% suicide rate
>mfw it's barely even started.
Glorious. All problems work themselves out.
Pic related, that mouse later killed itself in less than 24 hours after the procedure.
I fap to the idea of that mouse weeping, trying desperately to reattach his severed, bleeding mousehood, whilst rats rape it's mate.
spam calls so no Trannies can reach it
am tranny. No more suicidal than usual. Actually slightly less so because god emperor.
>call in
>"i'm going to kill myself"
>"i'm just so god damned tired of winning"
are your tranny friends freaking out?
Digits confirm.
Praise Kek.
>kidnap tranny
>bound, gagged, restrained completely
>call hotline
>cry and complain that I'm a suicidal tranny who has a mutilated pussy
>kill tranny myself
>make it look like suicide
>leave her phone with her with the last number being dialed as the suicide hotline
We can make this happen.
I don't really have tranny friends (or friends at all for that matter), but the various trannies I do know are all pro-trump
Katelyn Jenner even endorsed him.
I volunteer to be kidnapped
Can confirm.
IMO 250 already dead
How long have you been a gender monster?
>Hitler digits
It checks out
We're done here, next thread.
Forever senpai
You're not healthy, man.
If someone is going to be irrationally upset by suicide, why is the rest of that tweet any more inflammatory than just reading the word "suicide" in the trigger warning?
I think I could've lived my whole life without seeing that.
John Oliver is such a goddamned faggot.
they need some sort of pre-trigger warning
Isn't Trans Lifeline a scam that has been investigated by KiwiFarms for ages? They pick up like 12% of their calls.
suicide watch on suicide watch
That video gets me right in the pit of my stomach.
That shit is fucked up.
Lets stop pretending this shit is normal
>inb4 feminine penis
Because they mutilated their own gentical for virtue signals
>wanting more trannies
>Overwhelm their lines so the suicidal ones can't achieve help.
Do it!
>setup fake suicide hotline and siphon off the donations
what kind of lowly scum would do this?
It's not normal, even I know I'm mentally ill. But sadly, the best way we can treat it is with hormones. Eh. It is what is is.
>implying help will be given :^)
let's pretend mentally ill people don't exist instead
great plan faggot
Also, the idea that some psycho could/would just hold a torch to the flag of our democracy and kill our Democratically elected leader is just disgusting and horrifying to me. I would never want a democratically elected leader of this country to be killed, regardless of how degenerate or blue pilled he/she is.
you meant to say
>start up a trans suicide hotline
>tell them to kill themselves when they call
Please, sickos. Do it an kill yourselves.
You are scum. You are sick, mentally ill scum. You are brainwashed people who let their fetishes run your lifes. You mutilate your dicks just for a feeling. You spend thousands of dollars of people's taxes just to try to be something that you will NEVER be.
Even your families want you to kill yourselves. You think they are happy having a mentally ill, snowflake son who gets offended if their grandpa doesn't use their pronouns of the week? Do you think your father likes when you try to sit like a woman even if you are crushing your litte balls, or when you dress like a meth slut? Do you think that they didn't wish every day that you were normal?
Do it. The world will be better without people like you.
What the hell are trannies worried about?
Trump waved a fucking LGTB flag at a rally and the Republican crowd cheered!
Some people are blind in their bubbles...
Is there a full video?
fucking hell what BS. how many trannies committed suicide in the last 8 years? Was that all due to Obama being President?
tranny here, not feeling suicidal at all today. Feel more like celebrating