Would you accept a woman as your boss?
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Janeway? Fuck yeah.
If she's a good, strong boss.
Not only is a woman my boss right now, but she's any ugly Gupta to boot. Designated shitting boss
It has its perks.
Of course, nothing to do with being a woman or man, just need to be a good leader.
A Canadian almost got the role.
I would've worked for her.
This. I would have loved to serve under Janeway IYKWIM.
Fuck yes.
Very capable leader, strong character. noble intentions, big heart, sharp mind and wit. I'd follow Janeway into the depths of hell.
no but janeway was actually a good captain I liked
Janeway can boss me around.
Generally speaking, no.
I have been a consultant for 25 years and been to 50+ companies for extended periods of time. If I ranked the worst bosses & client bosses of all time, 16/20 are women.
They have a Napoleon complex and try to out men the men. They are hyper aggressive, vindictive, competitive, rude, mean, don't listen. Horrible.
lmaoing @ these cucks
Im already working under one.
yes absolutely
Yes. Fact of matter is I have a woman as my boss.
Those women would never have made it through starfleet officer training and even if they did they would never have passed the CO tests and got their own commission so your experiences are irrelevant.
You've clearly never contracted for Starfleet.
Shut up cuck, your country lost to a navy sent by a British female PM.
I just want you to know that I understood your reference to workplace sexual relations
best post
What's wrong with a competent man or woman being your boss? If they truly earned it who gives a flying fuck.
Is this thread about fantasy or the real world?
Did some GVT contracting int he old days. Had to leave due to the loser level in the Fed Gvt.
Would love to get some of that Uncle Sugar $$$ now though.
Seconded, that was a good ep. I like how the completely ignored that paris fucked Janeway in their regressive forms.
Don't go past warp 10 kids.
ATM yes because she is fucking good at her job. If she was bad then I would quit on the spot.
She is objectively the worst captain ever to appear in a Star Trek series.
She prefers saving the Borg to speed up her travels to fucking Q in order to get home in a second.
It's about Fantasy. The thread OP literally asks if you would serve under Cap. Janeway.
>compensating with a dick bouquet on their tanks
I have one (her dad passed 8 years ago, she become owner of a HVAC company).
She is competent;
>Raised my salary based on performance
>Great environment
>Iranian Christian (family values)
>Has a lot of gatherings/Co.parties
>Does manual labor in stocking/order pulling supplies/merchandise
>Never went to college (worked since 15, and she is 34 now), very blue collar
>Makes her daughters work a few ours a week (stocking/cleaning/shipping)
>Refuses non or broken English speakers applicants
my 2ยข
(you) my bad, forgot one important word, so I deleted the previous post.
>Good day m8
Season 1 Janeway? No. Last season she got pretty good
I have had one before, she wasn't terribly effective but very motherly. When I asked her a simple question about how she wanted something done instead of just answering she'd do most of the work herself.
I have a female boss but she is pretty good at delegation. She pretty much just makes sure people can operate how they wish while keeping conflict between the people under her from getting out of hand.
>Compensating with a dick bouquet on their flags
90% of women owned businesses fail, there are some sharp women though, I worked for one woman owned accounting firm and she had her shit together.
iranian girls are fucking wife tier in my personal experience
>that was a good ep
people wanted hillary for pezdespensor why not?
Depends on how she treats me.
If she acts like your average bitchy woman I am out
If she would have leadership skills, then why the fuck i would not have to accept her?
I have. No problem. She's fine.
The question says nothing about Janeway. There is a pic, but not the question.
I thought England spawned the fucking language.
10/10 would let her guide me out of the delta quadrant any day
I love how this thread would have taken a COMPLETELY different turn if it wasn't for the Janeway pic. We all know most women make terrible bosses. But not always.
several times. who gives a fuck as long as the person is competent and a good leader?
Best Janeway
You're right, you have shamed me. I am shamed.
Let me ask you directly. Would you accept Janeway as your boss?
>They have a Napoleon complex and try to out men the men. They are hyper aggressive, vindictive, competitive, rude, mean, don't listen. Horrible.
this is very true. I have a female boss right now.
But Janeway IS terrible. What the fuck are you all smoking?
You're on 4chins. The pic always takes precedence over the text.
If she's capable, sure.
this is now a star trek thread
post ur dank starfleet meemz
I said they can make good bosses, not good leaders. I see a big difference. If the people in charge of a large company is a women then i would not invest in it or want to be an employee of it
If she wasnt a blue pilled, feminazi, SJW.
Without question. Some women deserve authority. And even if I don't like their leadership style (or lack thereof) it's really not hard to do what's asked of me.
I have a woman as a boss. Even though she's bluepilled on a lot of things, she's totally redpilled on women and agrees that most females are either idiotic vapid bitches with very little value, or scheming manipulative cunts that you want nothing to do with.
never watched the show, but I know there is much love for her.
This is about as close as I can come up with - I would work for the President on "24"
Well Merkel is a terrible PM and you guys have let her ruin your country for 3 terms. It's not like you have any right to judge.
What makes her terrible? Stranding Voyager in the Delta Quadrant? She made a bad call, we all do that from time to time. Look at all the good she did getting home, and she only had to kill half her crew to do it, thats a win.
Millions of men have no choice but to do so in the (((current year west))). It is what it is.
>idiotic vapid bitches with very little value or scheming manipulative cunts that you want nothing to do with
Which one is she?
It's not degenerate to have a woman in charge necessarily - great civilizations have had queens and empresses in charge and been successful throughout history before.
My boss is a woman, so yes.
Though she kinda asks for my advice all the time, so she is only my boss on the paper.
Funny sidenote: i earn more than her (seriously)
Depends on the job and how long they've had experience.
She looks like your typical early 30s canadian.
Women are naturally more valuable and controllers of men, they evolved us to be superior slaves (intellectually, physically and we are the only ones with the capacity for true love). Most tribal orders operate under a matriarch, and modern civilization a patriarchy. So it would only be the natural order.
>she only had to kill half her crew to do it
she's one of my favorite captains
in fact > picard but == the guy from deep space 9
She's married already, as is I.
She married an Irishman when she was 22.
But realistically speaking is it earned with women most of the time?
She's a bit of a cunt, but surprisingly less of a cunt than you would expect, given that she's rich and the owner/CEO of a company...
I've worked for 2/2 female bosses
Current one is a republican She was homeschool and is based as fuck.
MY last one was from a family of democrats / teachers.
>Dems parents were divorced ( OFC)
>Reps parents helped their son start a business at 12
Anyways the lefties only gave me 5% of the clients first order versus the Righties giving me 1.5% of all orders forever.
senpai, the problem is lefties.
>people liking Janeway
How can you be more bluepilled than fucking Sup Forums?
>What makes her terrible? Stranding Voyager in the Delta Quadrant? She made a bad call, we all do that from time to time
Men are better bosses all-around
The manager at my restaurant is a woman and I'm the assistant. Personally I love it, but I've known her for years before working directly under her, so she lets me do what I see fit to run the restaurant.
If she was competent.
Step-mother co-owns a business with two guys, she's the only one keeping it afloat. She's conservative and they're lazy ass commies. Just goes to show.
Only in the bedroom.
An incompetent female boss is the sign of her incompetence by a male superior.
Of course, if the best person for the job is a woman than give her the dang job.
I have had a few female bosses and they have always earned my respect. I dont care if they or male or female if they get down in the trenched and get shit done then they have my respect.
I have had one female boss, she was good at her job. so no problem with that.
Anyone can be a good strong leader. Women just dont fit the bill AS often as men. No problem working under a woman if she's actually ...y'know. A good leader who doesnt resort to woman cards at every goddamn turn.
Reminder that Janeway broke protocol and got her entire crew stranded in the middle of nowhere and continuously refused to break protocol to get them back home.
If she was hot and/or conservative like Margaret thatcher
A woman is my boss. She's tough but understanding. Once you get to know her you can work well.
Checkout-chad reporting in.
That's because she wasn't a typical captain, and she had no mission.
She was a former science officer who got put in for a cushy science vessel command, and got whisked away to the opposite end of the galaxy with a band of federation traitors that she had to integrate into her crew, and no med team.
Kirk was specifically chosen for his job, picard and sisko as well. They were going to make the right decisions because they were out there to do just that.
Janeway wasn't, but given the circumstances, only picard could have handled it better.
Aren't iranians known to have big bootied women?
My Sister is my boss. We work at the same place.
It's as bad as it sounds.
is she hot?
Not on the inside.