Why is drumpf's coat so long?


to cover his long horse penis

You know he's hiding his protective gear

He's the Jotaro of our journey


To cover the heavy duty bullet proof vest

More importantly why are those two secret service guys like 6'5?

Hard to conceal a full size PTR in just a suit, nah mean?

Stop creating this useless thread over and over you lousy britbong.

he has to wear a lot of bulletproof coverings so his suits/jackets are loose to compensate

Because it doubles as a cape.

A pimp's gotta have a pimp coat


Also he is a fucking gangster

covering chubby



They're not.

>mfw i have a coat like that

He's the fucking sheriff, that's why

to hide his fat ass

4th reich

It looks bad ass. Aparently obama has caught on to this because he wore a nearly identical coat today and I've never seen him do it before.

To conceal his shotty.

Because he's fighting in the Matrix

Maybe this'll start a new fashion trend.