What do you think about homosexuality Sup Forums?
What do you think about homosexuality Sup Forums?
It's okay as long as you're not an annoying faggot.
its gay
You know what we think about them faggot.
Don't care. Everyone should do what they want inside doors. But now having the need to announce to the world that he or she is gay, is really annoying.
Electrocute them until they are straight again
do you guys happen to be christian?
If being gay is okay ask yourself would it be good if everyone was homosexual? Use that answer to answer your own question.
Homosexuality is tolerated because it's expected that there aren't going to be a lot of homosexuals compared to heterosexuals.
Sup Forums is a Christian board.
what's wrong with homosexualty
It denies people a joyous life of producing offspring.
>oy vey, why won't you turn the other cheek when I strike you, filthy goy
pence arrives soon
I've seen people defending gays on this board many time before
>Everyone should do what they want inside doors.
Like killing each other?
If we allow any homosexuality to be accepted at all, the inevitable outcome is that they start pushing for it to be legalized and accepted in public. You know, "why is it okay for consenting adults to love each other in private but not in public?"
Any inch given will be turned into a mile until we end up with the Burning Man level faggotry we have today.
Ultimately don't care.
I mean, they're a reproductive parasite, but as long as they aren't a budget one, their choice, the demographic recession isn't their fault at their percentages.
It's fucking disgusting.
Result in STDs, domestic violence, mental diseases and depopulation
if it's consensual yes
Accepting homosexuality legitimizes hedonism, which leads to low birth rates.
Homosexuality isn't really a big issue by itself. The cancerous sub-culture that surrounds it is the problem.
That's stupid.
>nuke me I consent
do you think trump/pence should do something about this?
Gay as fuck
Institute the shock therapy thing and take an anti-lgbt stance.
Not to hijak this post or anything. but i am a right-wing gay who is against degeneracy. I have a couple friends in the same shoes, will fashy gays ever be accepted by Sup Forums? And if my friend and I wanted to make a podcast/youtube channel to propagandize white gays, what would be a good name? Top idea right now is "The Gaystapo"
This I agree %100
I would argue that very few people have issues with homosexuality as a general concept or lifestyle. The problem that many people seem to have is with the modern day LGBT movement and how outspoken and tyrannical as it has become. This is a group whose members now define their whole existence around their sexual identity and want to warp every issue into being some sort of "gay right." It's being interjected into every aspect of their lives and every issue that they face. It never stops. And the "you're either with us or you're a sexist, homophobic bigot" attitude through which they seek to push their agendas, no matter how amorphous they may be, only serves to further push away reasonable people that might otherwise fight for their more reasonable causes
It's a problem avoid these shill proxies.
that's the same pic that made me want to make this thread
Do it faggot. I would listen.
>t. right-wing gay
I am so pro-gay I became gay.
why are you on here? you know Sup Forums hates you right?