//When Mario was born he was raped by toads, they took his penis and shuffed it in their mouths, they did this for several years, this made Mario crazy, but after a time he started accepting it, he started making his own penis bigger for it, because he thought they would like this, they didn't, the toads got so angry that they used an axe and cut of his penis, Mario had been sexually abused for so long that he actually liked it, he killed the toads and started raping them, he needed to get sexually abused but he didn't see the difference between getting sexually abused and sexually abusing someone, so when Luigi would come home, Mario would get naked and take him to the shower, he would make him drop the soup and he would rape him, you could hear Lugi scream everynight but nobody knew why.

Lol, no replies because communism rekt you

lel you probably think world war 2 happened as well

No world war 2 did happen tard and communism is bad!

Lol id not and communism just cured cancer!

pls don't ruin what little reputation our country has

Oh, then I was wrong, thx for teaching me about this great ideology........Everyone should be a communist

Are you.. dare I say.. an autist ?

Dude, communism just cured cancer! be grateful..go and convert like that other guy did


This is so sad and pathetic in so many ways.

Communism cured autism last year....stop with your propaganda!

Haha fucking autist lives in his autistic world and tries to communicate with others. Only on Sup Forums.

Like capitalism?

Don't worry Sven, it's clearly a proxyfag.

Autism got cured last year capitalisic jew!

I'll propagate whatever I want, m8. Go back to fatten yourself on tendies.

Lol, go and learn facts capitalistic smude. I will go and play around with marxism and become good.

Lel, people can't reply because capitalism ruins their economies. Marx warned me about these types of people

You are right, communism is the best...these are good people and they will find the path to the great marx

People, this is why you should never drink in plastic bottles. him

You amuse me. How old are you?

Communism debunked "age" three years ago, lol why u so brainwashed and listen to capitalistic media

And if I told you.. Communism debunked communism ?

Communism just debunked "communism debunked communism"....stick up with the commy news dude, you are years late!

In all seriousness buddy, this is funny as hell.

>inb4 communism debunked fun

Communism debunked the inb4 thing 6 years ago, when world war 1.24 was about to start. Our great Marx warned us about that......and no communism has not debunked fun at all. Fun is a real thing, however not the in the same that u capitalists may think about it.............Fun is communism/4.32

What's your favorite YTP ?


he's 15, but he looks and acts like he's fucking 9

Get rekt m8. I could do this all day. Doxx yourself please.

Not an argument!

Please raise your son in a better way.

Read about Marx and communism

I am actually Marx.

Marxismen utgörs av en rad olika tankeriktningar som baserar sig på Karl Marx verk, teorier och olika tolkningar av dessa. Som normativ ideologisk inriktning är marxismen en starkt egalitär ideologi, vars huvudmål är ett samhälle med klart jämnare fördelning av ekonomiska tilldelningar och politiskt inflytande. Marxismen beskriver ett samtida samhälle med stora maktskillnader mellan grupper som ett resultat av skillnader i ägande. Dessa grupper kallas klasser. Marxismens centrala problem är hur stora grupper av människor som exploateras av mindre grupper som äger produktionsmedlen, kan frigöra sig från detta genom att gemensamt utveckla ett klassmedvetande och införa ett mer jämlikt samhälle: det klasslösa samhället. Marxismen är en ideologi som i de flesta varianter förespråkar långtgående förändringar av samhället i mer jämlik riktning. Förändringarna gäller inte bara ekonomin utan även på olika sociala plan, till exempel genom stärkta rättigheter för kvinnor eller för minoriteter.

En typisk aspekt av normativ marxism är den starka betoningen av konkreta, sociala levnadsförhållanden. Marxister är intresserade av hur människor faktiskt lever och hur konkreta förbättringar kan uppnås. De är mindre intresserade av utformningen av regler och politiska institutioner. Marxister betonar istället institutionernas resultat. Rättvisebegreppet handlar snarare om utkomst än om procedur. Det marxistiska frihetsbegreppet använder oftast inte ordet "frihet". Istället talar marxister om "frigörelse".

börk börk

Eh can u do me a favor (for marx) Go in to the official 9gag discord server and write in all chat "complains you dont know about one acronym.....then does now know about several at all........tries to defends his arguments by saying pp is more relevant even though we are writing in a chat....then bans and tries to explain why one broke the rules even though i clearly explained how i did not break the rules and u just blocked me

Okay dude, he's... wow. He doesn't fucking know what you're talking about, and that explanation is shit. Wow you're so random dude.

Not an argument

Post timestamp.

first u do me a favor, then i do what u said

first u doo me a favor, then i do what u said

Real communism hasn't been tried shut the fuck up!!

I don't even know what the fuck you are talking about.

Also, 9gag? Are you 10 ?

I dont use 9gag (communism bans it), i went in to their discord to troll and they banned me for a stupid reason so just post what i said in there

Post your face and I'll do it (or not.)

My school foto

He was in a 9gag server and he got called a retard because he didn't know that 'pp' stood for profile picture. So he started arguing with the mods about acronyms and started spamming random acronyms like DIOHGASOHSERO and kept asking them what it stood for, as a way to show they're hypocrites for calling him stupid for not knowing a specific acronym. He got rightfully banned when he started to get as annoying as he is here.

Ya i didnt break any rules so there was no way they could have rightfully banned me

What the fuck, you actually know him ? Is he your fuckbuddy or what ?

They didnt righfully ban me, i broke no rules