How do we ensure that the pendulum stays to the right?

How do we ensure that the pendulum stays to the right?

Turn off gravity

shift the overton window

we can't
someday, somehow, someone of the right will fuck up bigly, and then the pendulum will swing to the left

i actually think it's good this way, if a pendulum stays in any position it won't be good for anybody

Lots of tape

And by tape I mean gas chambers

You don't have to do anything

Modern Leftism is a historical anormality that started in the 60s as a result of the rise of television

The internet will be its end

there is no way
left in power - right becomes counter culture ergo appeals to edgy teens and young folks
right in power - left becomes counter culture ergo appeals to edgy teens and young folks

it would take a truly exceptional person and set of circumstances to significantly change this

Cut the strings at the right time and let them roll

Kill all the leftists.

thats anarchism

immigration quotas
right to work laws
national voter ID
voting age raised to 25

>muh pendulum
When will this meme die?

Realize that radical centralism in better

Loaded with Zyklon D right?

people here don't really understand just how historical abnormal the civilization created in the 60s is

hes absolutely right
plus after a while the ideas from a certain ideology get stale and its necessary for a change of paced.

>radical centralism
what is this meme?

Come up with something even further to the right so that Trump is left-wing

Let liberals keep doing what they're doing. The pendulum always swings back eventually, but they haven't learned their lesson yet, and 4 years really isn't long enough for a complete overhaul.



Why would you ever want that? Society has to re-experience it's both polarities constantly in cycles to be fully optimal. States where that didn't happen for prolonged times as you suggest (Soviet Union) collapse beyond repair. Even despotic monarchies had a polarized leadership.

front page of time magazine next month


Trump is already pretty left wing tbqh. His infrastructure plans, appeals to the working class and economic protectionism are all left wing ideas.

You can't stop it

Just enjoy the Trump train while you have it man, if you want it to keep going, better hope Trump can keep his base or else you'll have another Bush-saster and hope that people don't vote in 2018 and 2020.

Play GTA my man

Use our knowledge and technology to engineer diverse humans that are peaceful and happy and in their own god damn fairly made borders.


You literally can't. Life, indeed the universe, is cyclical. Existence is based on the fundamental law of entropy; the breakdown of energy and transformation of it into something else.

Wrong. You take back the schools.

This is why the left owns our culture and will still win down the road.

They own our schools and colleges, and so train our youth in their petulant, hateful ways.

Even as we speak, kids are being taught that men cannot be raped, only white people can be racist, and universities are teaching classes on how Trump is Hitler 2.0 and how to defeat him.

We need to take these places back.

Magnets OP.

Or more appropriately, keep the right as close to a magnetic pole as possible. Why else do you think the equator is full of unguided degenerates and deviates? They've got no functioning body compass.

>Modern Leftism is a historical anormality that started in the 60s as a result of the rise of television
>the internet will be its end
Agree that modern leftism rose mostly due to mass media but IMO this current rightward swing is temporary. Mass media and technology have destroyed cultural institutions and tradition, and ultimately the Trump era will still be a left-wing era in the scope of history.

Are we shutting down the atoms? Is this happening?

Can't. Abolish the two party system and maybe we'll end up with more of a gradient. Maybe a dose of patriotism and a good economy would help forestall the leftward swing

Is this even a thing?

> Mass media and technology have destroyed cultural institutions and tradition

it does not matter. Darwinism takes care of that. Leftists don't breed

Sure, you can change your tune to radically fuck with people on both sides to shame/encourage them to be centralists.

Is Darwin, dare I say it, /ourguy/?


ayo hol up

>pic related

I agree that the education system in some Western countries (especially higher education) has been infiltrated by radical Marxists, and that they need to be evicted from these institutions.

I don't agree that doing this will stop the inevitable counter culture that will spring up, with or without leftist teachers pushing it along, it might slow it down at best, or it might even accelerate it at worst.

I want to hear more about that son.

Help Le Pen win the French election. National Front are basically ethnic nationalists.

Change the text
>kill all leftists

I fear for the future because once Trump is gone, the far left will take over because Dems are going to openly embrace socialism and there is no stigma on it anymore.

They're gonna go full fascist SJW open borders and kill the United States. You can recover from the most extreme right wing fascism because it's just about preservation, you can't recover from extreme left wing fascism because it's about destruction.

The right will inevitably push too hard just as the left did and then it will swing back. Over and over until we destroy ourselves. It'll be a fun ride

Kill all liberals

Preferably in ovens

Will Sup Forums be liberal in 4 years?


The Left will do it for you. They're the ones who pushed it this far to begin with due to their I.D politics and lack of arguments.

It seems they haven't learned their lesson, but rather they've doubled down.

We can't. It's the law of nature that extremes be culled in order to achieve balance. If it swings to the right for too long, then there'll be a massive swing left. If it stays to the left too long, it'll swing massively to the right. Don't be a nigger and ignore the natural law of order.


>We need to take these places back.
while also saying
>why should I study librul artz LUL I want to make shekels

you basically hand over culture and education to left because for you (most conservatives) money > culture

therefore you don't have that many conservative writers, film directors, historians, sociologists, 'its full of libtards and why should I study art history when I can study finance'

its a self fulfilling prophecy

Darwinism doesn't factor in such a radical technological shift as social media

We must maintain control of the internet, do not surrender it to (((them))) no matter the cost

Sup Forums will never be liberal, because Sup Forumsacks are too smart to drink that particular koolaid, especially the absolute ideological shitpost that modern liberalism has become.

You might find a few classical liberals on here, but for the most part the Sup Forums pendulum swings between libertarianism and fascism.

Things haven't been hard right since the 60s so we've got a bit of time.

>Push "inter-sectionality", create divides on the left whether its gender/race/sexuality/wealth/education/disability, this enables divide and conquer
>Criticize anyone who is "more privileged" than you to the point of where it's borderline bullying

Basically do everything (((they))) try to do to us.

Sup Forums will only be liberal when nigger/kike killing becomes mainstream, which is never.

obviously you don't remember /new/

Our system of government ensures it doesn't stay to the right or left. The checks and balances in place make sure it can't deviate too far one way.

Kill George Soros.

>not going chaotic neutral

But without any balls left to it, that ball isn't right anymore.


We have to go so hard right the tethers snap

nigger vines & top ten lists != control of the internet

Black men and women can't into backend dev en masse

We don't. The racism here is fun but it gets tiresome. When Enoch got doxxed, nobody here brought up how tragic it is that real people in a real marriage could have their family destroyed by hateful political opinions. Nobody. That was all I thought about.

Many of your white brothers who stood by your side against the eternal juden will turn heel and betray you. Myself included. It's only a matter of time...

>/new/ and Sup Forums are the same thing

nope, /new/ was absolute cancer and moot did everyone a favor by nuking it

you can't, it's impossible

you cant. people get to comfortable for their own good and over step their bounds every time

both sides fail its more about who fucked up more recently. in theory if the right doesnt do stupid shit it wont swing back

Focus on the space progression narrative and science.

Definitely science. Also wall

Sup Forums always swings against the mainstream.

Now that Trump is president the redditors will return to the donald and Trump will be rightfully ridiculed for his shortcomings. Probably will take a year or two.

Get SJWs put in positions of visible influence in the Democratic party and media machine. Which is what we are doing.

Only those immune to the sterilizing effect of such media will breed

Is Gen Z just an anomaly then? They're extremely conservative.

> Sup Forums always swings against the mainstream.

the mainstream will remain firmly left-wing

Trump WILL cuck in immigration, he has given every indication of that

>How do we ensure that the pendulum stays to the right?

The pendulum is not on the right, right now. Donald Trump lost the popular vote, and he won the swing states by very narrow margins. The only groups that voted for Donald Trump in majority are white men and white women. And since the demographics will mean that America will be less white in the future, all indications are pointing to a more liberal future.

Before you call me a shill or whatever, just consider what I said. It's all true, and this is something we have to be aware of. Trump's presidency does not represent a cultural shift for the majority of the country, it just means white people are starting to feel like they're being put against the wall, and enough of them voted in critical states to elect him.

The pendulum is already on the left because Trump is very unpopular right now. In order for it to swing right we need to:

-Actually publish stories about crimes commited by blacks, hispanics and muslims. Most people are completely unaware of the massive crime and terrorist rates of these groups
-Emphasize that feminism, multiculturalism, etc is anti white
-Emphasize the decreased quality of life in nations and areas brought about by immigrants (just point to sweden)


Hold a finger on the the left ball and the the pendulum will just swing back immediately without the left one.

So..? We suppress the left? We gotta do it legally do, so instead of censoring them, we shit on them and BTFO them hard.

The problem you "Sup Forums will never be antifa!" guys have is that you imply that Sup Forums will convert to *specifically* the current state of leftist ideologies, which will obviously never happen. However, new ones can be explored, some more aligned towards the center, some directly aligned with preserving white identity and abandoning key elements of raw communism, like national communism. Other ones will surely arise that most people would prefer over a supposed nationalistic government, like technocratic socialism.

It's a huge, dark, unexplored room that Sup Forums has never bothered venturing into before and surely contains a lot of things that may attract a relevant portion of the browsers here, especially the newer ones. It's really a lot like a political Streisand Effect, where you're trying to repress leftist discussion by constantly ostracizing it with stuff like "lmao saged lol helicopters", and by doing so you're only building it up to eventually explode in an eventual "self-discovery" identity crisis.

The pic here is most likely what's going to happen.


>But without any balls left to it, that ball isn't right anymore.

It was always right. Removing everything to the left doesn't make it wrong.

>*screaming about having no opinion*

Gain enough political capital to smash the Federal bureaucracy and enact real immigration reform ie. a return to 1924 era policies. Until we do that, the left is still in power as far as I'm concerned.

You change the perspective

You should check out to refine your intellectual points. Just don't shitpost over there, they will ban you. You don't even need to make an account, just have to read it.

Constant leftist shilling is what has accomplished as much as it has. We are so desensitized to it as a whole that as long as they keep doubling down on it and kick and scream we will be good to go.

You know what I meant nigga.

You're conflating society in general, which is subject to the forces you described, with Sup Forums, which is an echo chamber.

In reality, Sup Forums will swing to whichever ideology triggers the most people at any given time. If Sup Forums existed during McCarthyism in America, I am 100% sure that most of Sup Forums would be hardcore Stalinists.

A vast majority of posters here do it for the lulz, only occasionally having serious political debates. The small minority of actual political activists are all shills working for various groups, be they left or right wing.

Yes we do this by advocating genocide of the non white races. The left will call you literally Hitler regardless so give them what they want. At the very least it shifts the window far right

Each generation needs one left government so they can experience first hand how fucked up it is, and cam then evolve to the right. Its part of growing up.

>societal collapse

You can't. There is no Republican without Democrats, no light without darkness, no good with evil. Like the flowing wind or the tide of the ocean, human nature can not be completely controlled. Revel in this moment, savor it, but prepare to fight it when it goes against you.

> Sup Forums, which is an echo chamber.
> In reality, Sup Forums will swing to whichever ideology triggers the most people at any given time

Not really, Sup Forums is a free-speech space, that is why it is right-wing

Sup Forums isn't right-wing because it triggers people, it is because leftists can't argue with facts and get triggered and leave

i.e. there is no possible argument for a leftist to make that would make any reasonable person say "wtf I love mass islamic immigration now!"

Also, a lot of people won't like this, but I don't think you can get tons of white women to your side if you are against abortion. At some point I think conservatives will have to embrace abortion, because so many women just vote on that. At this point it's about gaining the votes of white women and making them see that the left will just make things worse for them.


Extremely conservative History major who wants to go into teaching from California here, I exist!

I feel like no one around me has the same views on anything as me though.

Kill all smart people.

conservatives need to embrace abortion because it kills nignogs more than anything else

Dude get out of that shit hole while you still can