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Would have great if it was like the movie scarface when the guy thought he was going to the airport to report to frank, only to be thrown out with a noose around his neck


Good riddance imperialist piece of shit.


My favorite scene in the Wizard of Oz was the flying monkeys too

nice banter


Someone shoop an RPG on his arm.

Nige is so fucking based. Bringing the ways of freedom to long-oppressed Bongland. I consider him an honorary American.

Top kek


We got the Clinton's to close down the money-laundering Clinton Global Initiative only to have Obama start up the Obama Foundation. Are the first donation's he's getting coming from Saudi Arabia and Qatar and Iran? #StayWoke #resist #DrainTheSwamp

WTF? Nige is here! Why?


All he did was weaken Europe and empower Asia/Russia.

Nigel hopes he goes down in a crash like he did

>all he did was weaken europe
Impliying European pussies aren't already weak, and that the weakest cuntries leach off of stronger ones like UK, France, Germany

>weaken Europe

He weakened the European Union not Europe,big difference.

oh my god who broke british-trumps hand?


A crash you say? How many Survivors are we looking at?

I would rather ally with Russia than the cucks who run shitholes like Germany and Sweden. Having a strong Europe means nothing when their leadership is rapidly replacing their population with third-worlders. If you can't save the whole ship, at least get your lifeboat ready.

Where's the STA missles at?

trump will fuck you hard boy. gun be funny


tell pinochet that obama is not a commie. HURRY!


Why tho?

He was a guest of the president you mong


not gone yet. still costing

>The White House said the Obamas would attend the inauguration of Donald Trump Friday, then fly to Palm Springs from Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. The Obamas are expected to fly on the same plane that he used as president, although it won’t be called Air Force One

Team rockets blasting off again