So proud to see a Scot as leader of the free world

So proud to see a Scot as leader of the free world.

A good sellick man.

Mostly German, but close enough. Congrats

Yeah PM Cameron was a fucking disappointment. A real shame to the Cameron clan.


He's half german and half scottish

>tfw trump is scotch-germanic

Is the (((anglo))) terrified lads?

Good stock either way.

>nothing but bagpipes and brass at the parade

I'm full Scottish on both sides. this is the first time i've been proud of that

Fuck yes boys

Now let's get rid of Sturgeon and appoint a REAL nationalist for ourselves

To celebrate the rise of our Jock emperor, deep fried mars bars on me lads!

I don't know why you're trying to hog glory, Scotland literally tried to ban Trump from entering the UK.

The SNP no less!

YOU FILTH, he is of English now!

trump has literally stolen scottish land to build trash hotels and golf courses on from farmers

he's a nigger with money

No one cares about a bunch of bracken farmers when a billionaire turns up, least of all Scottish politicians who say one thing then do the opposite.

Golf tourism brings in a lot money into the country though, a lot more than some shitty farms in Aberdeenshire will make.

You could just do what Ireland did and let the Marxist elements run around during the independence scramble, and then elect non-stop right- centre-right governments for the ensuing 80-odd years after independence.

SNP will face serious opposition once they win the Scottish referendum, hell they already are from Scottish Tories.

t. NI nationalist who sees Sinn Fein as nothing more than a means to an end

Americans consider Scots and Germans as Anglos

He is German tho.

>politicians lie

What on earth are you talking about?
Pic related

>Elect a right wing government post independence
I hope it happens but I have my doubts


Nobody stole anything, the farmers sold the land. Like they're going to say no to a billionaire, us scots are cheapskates you know.


He's actually 50/50, his mom was born in Scotland. It's just a shame most scots are cucked beyond belief, I guess it's the Americanized ones that are good. Opposite goes for the Irish, the ones in America are cucks, but the ones in ireland are based