Human meme

What is his endgame?

US Presidency, obviously

>be eloquent
>become confidence man
>buy every ad on youtube
>brainwash america
>become president

seems legit


Considering he reads "a book a day" I suppose his endgame is to find that genie and finally be released from his curse. Can you imagine? Lots of books are big and take many hours to read, yet this poor man frequently must spend all 24 hours of a day speed reading! Must be exhausting.

I never seen someone fuck bitches and get money but be so goddamn lowkey about it. If you follow him on snapchat, you know this guy's a pimp.

I really have no goddamn idea what his endgame is, but whatever he's doing is working.


Tai pls go

oh God this fucking guy..

I actually got into his stuff years ago before the crazy ad buys, my opinion of his shit has declined progressively, similarly to my faith in humanity.

Take this as you wish, but I was actually privy to information which is not public knawledge some time ago.

The bulk of his followers are actually broke, or nearly broke, low iq fags lacking any sort of critical thinking skills at all, barely able to comprehend the info being regurgitated to them in the first place. I don't know how that's reflective of the general population, but I was shocked to discover just how fucking dumb most of these people are.

I myself at the time had a very myopic view of the world, due to an aversion to reading developed in school. His shit was appealing precisely for this reason. But even then, I was still able to see through a lot of his bullshit.

There were a couple of geniunely hardworking small business owners enrolled in his high tier courses, but from my observations these people were successful mostly because of their work ethic. His advice might've been geniunely helpful to them, but it's nothing spectacular. I had access to all of his courses at the time.

I know him well enough at this point ( he even used to reply to a lot of my tweets back in the day ) to know he's nothing special. Above average IQ for sure, highly manipulative and all that. But he's just another self-help guru bs type of thing and nothing more.


>I never seen someone fuck bitches and get money but be so goddamn lowkey about it. If you follow him on snapchat, you know this guy's a pimp.
He's a very effective business man, I'll give you that. Once you have that kind of status, you don't chase women brother, it's the other way around, if you choose to have that kind of lifestyle. Especially in a place like LA.

What does he even say? did he even start a small business of his own besides the motivation crap?

theres a whole industry of pretending like you've got some great advice and charging people ridiculous prices for it

Tony Robins, Robert Kyisoki, Trump University, Lopez, I could name more

Man, this guy's a cunt and I can prove it. Send me £67 through PayPal to [email protected] and I'll tell you some proper dirty secrets about him.

You'll be fucking shocked.

His past businesses, well as much as the shit that's still public, are shady to say the least. You can see reports on his dating sites scams.

That being said, he has managed to weasel his way around and acquire significant leverage in the form of, and not limited to, powerful business connections. How much of that was pre-knawledge craze vs after the self-help business got started is anyone's guess.

I see you've read the 67 points

I'm so glad I used adblock so I'm missing out on a whole world of obnoxious clickbait horseshit.


Standing in front of more wealth than ever before. He want's to fit One Billion Dollars in a background shot

gotta get nohhhhlej to get a nulamberginiere

Exactly, and there will always be desperate people and fools to ripoff.

If I wasn't so adverse to being out in the public spotlight I'd consider doing it myself, it's a sensible career choice desu.

tldr: He makes some good books suggestions, read those yourself and don't bother with anything else.

What kind of books was he into? also you dont have time for that shit if you're a actual working member of society

>I'd consider doing it myself
Mean tbqh
Were a lot of the people there desperate, or was it mostly dumbfucks?

meh find that hard to believe but can understand given certain situations.

He has a reading list on his website afaik start there, some of those are gems.

How about I send £100 quid instead luv n you gim me tha succ?

you sound surprised that wage slaves have little expendable time

I'm in the military so i have a bunch of free time, I feel bad for wagefags why do they refuse to blow up haji fags?

>Mean tbqh
kek brother the world is not fair, there are worse paths one could follow. You could make a case he actually helps people, I'm too critical to take it seriously.

It was mostly broke ass college / highschool kids, and people stuck in shitty jobs as far as I can remember. Some geniunely dumb people, I can recall this leaf male model for instance who was writing some of the most stupid shit I've ever read, and a very, very limited number of business owners.

As a whole, I'd say you can guess the average IQ level in there given his marketing. Keep in mind all this was back when the crazy ad buys were not even that big yet. I can't imagine how his audience looks nowadays. His content must've improved but from what I'm seeing he's going after even more retarded people, if that's even possible.
