Genuinely hope this trend continues

Genuinely hope this trend continues.
Personally, it'd be nice to see some of these guys bloodied up a bit more than this.

Do you think white supremacists should have a safe space?
Does this trigger you?
Let me know!

Other urls found in this thread:


don't let the left glorify violence on our board of peace

identify and report to police all law breakers

Just because you call yourself "Anti-Fascist" doesn't excuse you when you do fascist things.

Is that him?

Our Comrade.

antifa are a bunch of pussy faggots, so is Spencer though for not curb stomping that cuck

I never called myself that but it's good you can identify what side you're on. Self-crit is praxis af

How very bourgeois of you Spencer

Did you see Martin Shkreli eat dog shit the other day? Trying to find a gif for that, too.

He's turning civil rights back on libs. He's not retaliating because he's the victim.

He will only ever receive pity from the audience he's catered to his entire career. Sexually frustrated white dudes.

>about to give cringie explanation of pepe

Kek is not with this dude

Oh dude... that guy really punched the speaker cold. That was really cool. Any chance of your showing in CA to protest any milo speaking engagements. It'd be really cool to see you at one of those, randomly punching people. I'm sure you'd be totally protected and no one will be looking for you... to engage in civilized discussion of course. Come on bro, come to california and play.

>Do you think white supremacists should have a safe space?
>Does this trigger you?




tfw you will never suck the blood from Spencer's busted lip

>Kek is not with this dude



Haha yea my dude! RACISTS BTFO
btw have you had any luck with hooking up with any of these feminists? I keep going to their rallies and chanting what they say but they wont give me the time of day

Yeah that was a well timed punch

r9k taking pepe back

>leftists are now gay bashers

underrated post


So you're asking me to come to your safe space?

I hope it continues too. Because eventually they are going to fight back and they won't be using urine and eggs.

Its hard to claim martyrdom when your movement is totally insulated and rejects anyone different than yourselves.

No one will think of them as victims, were they to fight back, it would just give the left the excuse it needs to keep teaching fascists a lesson.

I want pipes and crowbars to be normalized again on these people.

Wait I thought Spencer was alt right? Is he catering to antifa?

I'm not a newfag just haven't followed this Spencer guy.

I hope this continues as well, it will guarantee that we stay in power for more than 8 years.

>white supremacists

I identify as a White Nationalist
We need a new party
Im still working on a name

>that antifa guy who closes his posts with maniacal laughing
>says Spencer deserves it for insulting KEK

Antifa takes KEK worshipping more seriously than we do.

I saw this idiot's interview with Gavin McInnes, and even he went "Yeah, right..." and his body language completely dismissed his arguments or whatever the fuck he was saying. Spencer is taking himself a tad too seriously.

It was a Battle of the Cucks.

why do leftists try to mock the right by saying " do you need a safe space?" , implying that people who need a safe space are pathetic and laughable, when they were the ones asking for safe spaces to begin with?

they're just conceding how pathetic they are

You would be surprised.


Exactly what demographics do you imagine feel sorry for neo-nazis being beaten?

Kind of hard to curb stomp someone that sucker punches you and then runs away. By the time he regained his balance the masked coward that socked him was gone.

And spencer had hobbled 50 yards in the opposite direction clenching his face.

Pussy boy.

heres a serious question

why are they wearing masks if their cause is just

heres a serious question

why do they perform a nazi salute and chant "sieg heil" if they aren't nazis?

No one cared who they were till they put on the mask.

>Its hard to claim martyrdom when your movement is totally insulated and rejects anyone different than yourselves.

this is called kettle logic folks

It'll just make them even more extreme and validate their opinions.

It's counterproductive in the end.

Hey man I'm still waiting for your advice about how to get laid with our feminist allies? I've talked to my other anarchist friends and they are also on a dry spell and feminists wouldnt help them haha

I hope it continues too, only because it will only reaffirm that Americans need to concealed carry and shoot these fucking ANTIFA subhumans down on the streets every time they try to intimidate us.

Easy, you're overthinking it. Just make small talk and ask if you can take them out sometime.

Sup Forums its been decades you haven't figured this one out yet

god damn. nice.

thats how you fucking punch someone, you leftist cuckolds.

Thanks friend

I dunno user but do you mind if we apply collective guilt for you people? Is it okay if we beat you with pipes while screaming "Justice for the great purge!"?

>Twink Arms
>Couldn't Knock down with a sucker punch

Confirmed Pussy

>Advocate ethnic cleansing
>Get punched in the face
>"Golly they're so violent all I want to do is kill everyone who isn't white. ;_; "

he didn't even get knocked over lol

why are cuckold liberals so weak?

Sure, do you think you can hop off Sup Forums and stormfront long enough to manage that?

I welcome all the violence and hysteria the left has to offer, it will only make us stronger.

Punching nazis isn't fascist, it's fundamentally American.

Lol keep going, this is just making what you hate stronger.

This, beating Nazis is a tradition.

Even american punk subcultures made a tradition of beating them until they were scared to go to public venues.

Okay he said it's okay everyone.

he's right though racemixing is rare no matter how hard it trigers idiot stormfags

Limp-wristed faggots throwing poorly executed sucker punches isn't a trend, it's a feature.

he is controlled opposition so go ahead and fuck him up

it's gonna be a long 4 years for you pal

As is killing commies.

See how that works?

Next you'll have an autistic NEET shoot up a local ANTIFA meeting. All due to an eye for an eye.

Just look at his hit technic. Faggot could have seriously hurt his wrist. Antifa are pathetic.

Is this graphic supposed to be satire? Because I see nothing wrong here.

Some "comrade" shot another "Comrade" tonight at milo's event. These idiots can't even point a gun properly.

at what point will someone do something about this jew controlled faggot who keeps making the pro white movement look bad?

I do too, because it shows us who to sock in their cunt mouths. It'd be great if it continued, you fucking antifag.

OP is a weak cuckold virgin shitposting on a friday night. Sad!

Never been kissed, not even hugged!

Antifa obsessed with us because we're winning.

Burn down some more of your cities. That'll really tear down this fascist system, man.

fuckin checked

kek confirms it, all lefties BTFO

Spencer did nothing wrong. Go back to leftypol.

Honestly, it's a bad idea. This is DC and at the most important and largest ceremony you could get. If you really think this is a precedent to start doing this shit anywhere else, you guys are just going to get shot. This is the US after all.

So leftist can want safe spaces to physically remove white people and that's fine but if whites want to not be beaten in public, they're asking too much, huh?

I hope you know the democratic party will never recover. The republicans are the permanent stewards of the military and police. Your days are numbered.

They don't realize that hate begets hate.

It's not all fun and games and sucker punches, and the more it continues, people will be on that train ride into the abyss.

Checked and rekt, praise kek.

>So leftist can want safe spaces to physically remove white people and that's fine

Like, if a person is telling you to leave their private property what makes you entitled to stay

Checked brah.

Fuck OP

Sevens are the most powerful number

it must be true

Adam Spencer's rise to infamy or whatever it is was a blatant example to me of the failure of MSM.

I had never ever heard of him until after Trump won and he was never shilled on here.

Video related.

They all got off because it was self-defense. Remember that next time you punch a Nazi, he can pull out his CC and blast you away and it will still be self defense.

So is punching Communists, so you will negate any sympathy you have with regular Americans.

It was actually leftists who ended true freedom of association in the US, so you are entitled to stay.

antifa just got BTFO by kek

>when you hate Trump so much that you destroy the nearest Starbucks

>I genuinely hope people continue to be attacked for holding opinions I don't like
Hi Adolf when did you get back in town?

>wants a white nation because niggers are violent
>act violent
>see? White people can be niggers too!

You sure showed him, bud

I would love to stab you to death. Hit me up pls.

Antifa are the most pathetic, resting at the feet of Bolshevism like dropped turds. The lowest rung of the clown ladder.

The last 6 months have been detrimental to leftists. They've brought to light so far:

> dnc widespread corruption

> they're the biggest sore losers ever seen on a grand scale

> hypocrites

> violent and destructive

> cuckolds

> anti white

> and now limp wristed even while sucker punching

I hope it continues so we can justify the RWDSs.

his name is SAM HYDE of Fall river massachusetts he is 5'7"!

>Do you think white supremacists should have a safe space?
Thats the whole point. An ethnostate.

No, it's meant to prove your point. You can see that the AntiFa member is beating up somebody who he has identified as a nazi, and someone in AntiFa would never beat up somebody who wasn't a nazi because they're reasonable people with a firm grip on reality so there's nothing to worry about.

Who is this man? What's his story? I want to become him.

Sjw white males hate themselves and their race.

Wasn't he also a convicted school shooter? This guy needs to get caught.

You know legally Richard would have the right to blow that guy's life away

Dude bolted pretty quick after punching him. Hope spencer would've been able to make a case his life was still in danger with that right on camera.

We Need Right Wing Death Squads.

KEK it looks like he's tearing up a bit. I guess punching a "nazi" made him a bit emotional.