Trump btfo

Trump btfo


On the other hand, Trump probably knows how to use a toilet



Hire murica, buy murica,

Those are some fat fucking fingers.

Butthurt that he won't get you to make it?

I can't even begin to tell you how stale this is pal. He and Danny Zuker hashed this out years ago already.

>Feels good that muh muricans got cheated by lying orangutan
You know he being elected has no impact on middle class jobs. He can't control macro economics


Why you voted a straight out hypocrite.


>"Trump makes all his goods in China, this is bad!"
>"Tariffs won't work, free trade is good!"

Never mind the thousands of tariffs on the books preserving various american industries, preventing them from being swallowed up by child slave labor in authoritarian shitholes. e.g. auto parts, tires, basically all agriculture, etc.

If there were sufficient tariffs in place to protect american clothing manufacturers from being undercut by foreigners, the clothing would be made in the US. It's not hard. The clothing lines also aren't super expensive, it's not like he's recouping profits by making them top end (which are also usually made in china anyway because they still can't compete).


India when are you going to learn how use toilets?

Right around the time muricans stopped doing it in marts

When your college students free of debt

>Poo in loos BTFO

Fucked up your tense, Pringlejeet

Otherwise that would have been a pretty sick burn

not as burning as the curry shits you take but pretty close

Did murican scientists came to India and sucked on each dick to do that study?
Thats ego far streched out

Grammar nazi leaf


>The two-year study was carried out by the Indian Council of Medical Research.
Learn to read, also learn how to use a toilet.

So.. never then?

^---- All those comments above of grunts and insults because they don't want to parse what they are seeing. Delicious.

And best of all is that there is literally NO REASON for a luxury product to be made in China since you can always sell it for more.

Poo in the loo, Ranjid.