Ukraine should be split between Poland and the eternal Ruskie

Ukraine should be split between Poland and the eternal Ruskie.
Everything west of east of Podole should go to Ruskies and everything west of it to us.
Such is the will of god.

>Ukraine should be split between Poland and the eternal Ruskie
no, fuck off

Ukraine and Russia should resolve the conflict by themselves. Ukraine won't be integrated into Russia, seeing things realistically. Ruthenia is byzantine, Poland is latin and roman, we shouldn't get territories that would mix our culture

We did it in the past.Its our mission to polonize the Ukrainians.
Ukraine is fucked anyways its too important for RUskies to let it go.We should do it Zalozie style.

You just got your country back. Do you want to disappear again?

And how exatly are we supposed to dissapear?
You will stop us? Just like you stopped us from taking Zaolzie from Czechs,your allies?

>Its our mission to polonize the Ukrainians
No it's not, those are old, byzantine cultures, and they don't see themselves as worse than Poland, Ruthenians want to stay separate, just like Muslims

>We did it in the past
But then Ruthenia accepted it. In the end Ruthenians all ganged up against Poland, genocide in Volhynia is an example

Who cares what they prefer? We need to secure future of Poland whatever it requires.
They were able to do it becouse our army withdrawed from that reqion,we won't make that mistake ever again.

Lemberg ist Deutsch! Everything else can be split between poland and russia as far as i care

Splitting countries with Russia. Are you sure you don't have German roots?

We learn from the best kraut bro.

Just start giving away Karta Polaka to everyone. Boom. Done. Ukraine polonized.

>Who cares what they prefer? We need to secure future of Poland whatever it requires
You're dumb and you have completely ignored what I've written, I assume you're a narodowiec or korwinowiec

>Każdy naród lubi sam sobie czynić sprawiedliwość, lecz nie chce, aby się drudzy do tego mieszali. Duma rosyjska nie przyjmuje rad i opiekowania się nimi Polaków [...]. Żaden naród nie ma prawa narzucać swoich opinii, tym bardziej potężnemu narodowi rosyjskiemu

You can apply that to all of Ruthenia

>the best
topkek, slavcuck.

>Underlings being this delusional


>morality in politics
Only idiot here is you,Krzysztof.
Their will dooesnt esnt matter,Poland above all else.We need to do whatever is required to become an empire once again or we will forever be an unimportant money leech.

>once again

Galizien with Lemberg should go to Germany, Wolhynien to Poland.
Russia can have the rest

>morality in politics
It's not about morality you idiot, but about not engaging in shitshow, which the East is. Just leave those people alone

oh right, like the last time you had your polish-ukrainian (and lithuanian) commonwealth you totally didnt disappear afterwards

Annexation of Zaolzie was made by the Second Polish republic you retard.
Learn history before you shitpost.

>not an argument

>He genuinely believes poland was ever an empire
yeah nah

hey just a friendly warning not to trust the russians ;)

right now you only share an insignificant border with prussia. Lots of meat between you two that will keep the russian hordes occupied. Ukraine is much better as a meat shield than to occupy parts of it. Keep the conflict there going for hundreds of years and you're safe.

>Ukraine should be split between Poland and the eternal Ruskie.

You can have half of Ukraine if we get pre WW2 borders (without east prussia) back.

you can take it all, Poland