Where are the moderates?

I'm a classical conservaative that has seen the party move toward populist nationalism. I find it really upsetting to now have no party of moderates.

On the right you have this Trump centered populist party which pays lip service to some basic Conservative ideas but ignore most.

On the left you have this almost self parody only concerned with ever increasingly tiny identity groups the fundamentally fails to understand the modern political landscape.

I just want a party that will return to responsible, responsive government.

70% of people dislike the existence of super PACs.
83% think corporations are not people and sould not be allowed the same rights as people.
81% approve of universal background checks when firearms are purchased.
81% disapprove of the US Congress
79% want the ACA replaced with a Medicare style national program to cover all Americans
75% want term limits for national congressmen.
64% think immigration to the US strengthens US society
60% think current illegals should be allowed to stay but required to apply for citizenship.
61% Say people making over $250,000 pay too little in tax.
57% say middle income bears too much of tax burden

I don't understand why neither party makes any of these overwhelmingly popular things the central issue of their campaign or why their mainstream actively opposes these issues.

It seems absolutely preposterous but these are the times we live in.

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>universal background checks when firearms are purchased
>"I'm a classical conservative"
No you aren't. Saged.

the only thing in the middle of the road is yellow lines and dead possum.

You don't understand what classical conservatism is.

Most modern "conservatives" are closer to libertarians and a classical Liberals.

Classical conservatism is, in American politics, closest to the federalist party. So James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams.

They believe in using state power to ensure national stability and responsible government that either doesn't change or changes very slowly in order to avoid situations like the one we are in now.

Sup Forums speaks of the political pendulum often. The goal of the classical conservative is to dampen or stop that pendulum and govern with sense and long term practicality.

This is not the place to post this, m8

We dont live in a time of moderation

Moderates are ostracized for not being Right enough for the Republicans and not being Left enough for the Democrats.

You fit into those two parties or you don't participate in government.

I think we actually do but the forces that are the loudest are the ones that are most extreme. It's not as if a moderate is likely to be outspoken.

It shouldn't be that way. A party focused on centrism could clean up right now.

>A party focused on centrism could clean up right now
It would never catch on, they'd make sure of that.

Personally I want a far right party to have more influence, like the Constitution Party, but we all know that will never happen either.
The two party tyranny can't be disrupted, though Trump is trying.


Napoleon once said "Never attribute malice to something easily explained by incompetence".

I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories. The world is chaos and conspiracy theorists find immense comfort in the idea that everything is actually controlled. It gives them a feeling that something is at the root of their problems rather than the truth that bad things happen and rarely for good reason.

good luck getting any of this with a shrinking white population

Stability is good for all citizens regardless of skin color or religious identity. Everyone benefits from a society not constantly worried about collapse.

>64% think immigration to the US strengthens US society
No it doesn't. Maybe that might be true if we were importing people from different cultures all over the world. Unfortunately in 2017 immigrant just means some faggot muslim who wants to take advantage of gibs, rape and murder, and to instill shariah law.

Hillary and Trump were both moderates. What you're describing isn't a moderate, you're calling someone who agrees with your cherry picked opinions a responsible moderate.

Your post could be summed up as:
>Why don't more politicians do these popular things I like?
>It seems absolutely preposterous they aren't doing what I want!

I don't think you know what you're talking about

These are statistics of American public opinion.

Perhaps you disagree with the mainstream. This is not a thread to argue about immigration in though, so I'm not going to engage with you on that issue.

No. A society at peace becomes soft and starts cannibalizing itself. If it survives it wI'll platue and never again have cultural advancement.

Conflict breeds success.

Good news comrade, Trump is a moderate.

Trump is such a meme

multiracial societies are more unstable than homogeneous ones

onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-9477.2007.00176.x/abstract;jsessionid=C84D6B27A2B911B1E90F9C9C5C090DB9.f03t03?systemMessage=WOL Usage report download page will be unavailable on Friday 27th January 2017 at 23:00 GMT/ 18:00 EST/ 07:00 SGT (Saturday 28th Jan for SGT) for up to 2 hours due to essential server maintenance. Apologies for the inconvenience.

the moderates are being moderate and not needlessly identifying with a political party

as an American moderate, I didn't support either candidate this election whilst wanting Trump to win. Hillary would be disastrous for long term US foreign policy and global affairs.

You cannot be a classical conservative in a non white nation. You need something more forceful.

>shall not be infringed
Get the fuck out. Gun rights are going to be great again.

>Hillary and Trump were both moderates.
I could see the argument for Hillary as a moderate even though her campaign barley touched on any actually popular issues.

Trump however is definitely not a moderate and you would have to be extremely out of center to see him as such.

A society with massive demographic changes = society constantly worried about collapse.

I would say that I agree with most of the other points that you posted, but when you try to slip in some open borders bullshit, it reeks of globalist shilling. And believe me, unlike the rest of Sup Forums, the last thing I want is the US to go full 1933, but if that's what it takes to fight the global caliphate, then so be it.

There are no moderates. The left has claimed ownership of the middle ground and anyone that isn't on their side is a racist xenophobic misogynistic etc etc etc. With that kind of rhetoric they literally drive the entire discussion and all hope of appealing to "moderates" into the fucking ground.

Republicans can assume people who voted for Clinton are generally stupid/easily manipulated and/or don't care much about corruption in government. Democrats can assume people who voted for Trump are terrible human beings who are racist against brown people and hate women, etc.

What middle ground is left?

You speak as someone that has never been in any real war.

You do not know what war on your own soil brings or the hardship that is felt. America has not had a war on its own soil since the civil war and because of this has grown not to fear war but war is hell and if you think otherwise it is because you fundamentally do not understand the costs of war.

There are benefits of course but they are far outweighed by the costs.

There is no sense in gun control.

>I hate populists like Trump
>Here's a bunch of popular political moves that someone should endorse because of how popular they are

You're a leftist, and you listen to leftist media. Leftist media portrays Trump in extreme ways. He's always said something extreme then reeled back to a moderate position. Enforcing existing border laws isn't far right. Vetting refugees isn't far right. Taxing incoming goods at least the same as we tax goods made here isn't far right. These are all moderate positions.

Conspiracy theorists believe their enemies are profoundly competent, otherwise they couldnt do the secret things they do

The United States has been multiracial since its inception and grew to be the most powerful nation on earth so I find your argument very unmoving.

>turning your country into Brazil is sense and long term practicality

the era of the neocon cuckold is over, get with the times or fuck off

Well by "they" I meant the major parties, not anyone in control really, the GOP and DNC hold a mutual agreement basically, sure they hate eachother, but they hate anyone else more.

The fractured state of the American Far-Right (pic related) is pretty much because of the GOP, they have sabotaged anyone else to gain a monopoly on "right wing politics" using divide and conquer tactics on any party that even slightly differs (think how Ted Cruz accuses Donald of not being a real republican, and tried to delegitimatize him because he was from New York)

Trump is literally a moderate. Prove me wrong
>Inb4 "cutting taxes isn't moderate! ;_;"

>wants more gun control
Time to fuck off commie.

You are out of the mainstream and thus not a moderate.

You should be happy, your polarized special interest candidate beat the other one. The question is, why do you seem so upset?

You are right. We haven't had war here and look at what has happened. Men are no longer men. Women pretend to be men. Criminals try and become president and blame the people when they lose.

I guarantee if the Nazis had landed boots on American soil we would not be as degenerate as we are today.

We need war. The people need to suffer so they know both sides of the spectrum. Without the negative you can never truly appreciate the positive.

We need to fuck China.

>Multiracial since its founding

Those were slaves. We didn't let them or women vote for a reason. We're live in the hellscape that results from an unvirtuous electorate I.e. one that includes anything other than white males

This country was 80% plus white for its entire history until 50 years ago, with only the blacks as a single 14% "visible minority"

mostly everyone on here just hates the left, and rightfully so.

there isn't a politically ideology that's followed for the most part. it's memes and not giving a fuck.

fuck leftists.

i voted trump

>The United States has been multiracial since its inception
The US historically has been overwhelming white with a small slave population. Kys.

>muh moderates
You fags never get anything done. To fight the left (which are almost always radical) you must meet them with a movement even more radical than they are.

Moderates also ruined our government.

I didn't argue for open borders but I believe the current levels of legal immigration are healthy and sustainable. In fact I would argue for an increase in legal immigration for skilled positions that would allow greater numbers of wealthy and educated immigrants to come to the US from Asia and elsewhere.

I'm not opposed to border security but I do think the idea of "building a wall" is far too simplistic and in general just a costly publicity stunt.

Maybe. USA is heading for a crash. It's going to lose it's world reserve currency status now that it's getting more unpredictable and doesn't want to be the world police / leader of the free world.

This is going to be a worse economic disaster than 2008. People have been talking about this happning since forever as USA started cucking the world after WW2. It made sense back then but now everyone is getting antsy.

I don't think anyone expected a stooge such as trump would be elected during these volatile times which kind of makes it obvious that if it's been about to crash it'd do so now that you have a president nobody knows what he wants and he promises to take "america first" and focus inwards.

>pays lip service to some basic Conservative ideas but ignore most.

like what

I am definitely not a leftist. Identity politics is a constant drain on the political discourse and steers discussion far too often away from accomplishable or even desirable goals.

China, Europe, Russia, Ancient Kangz. Anyone. We just need an enemy that will hit us in the mouth and not stop until we see red and really fight back.

We need the perspective that only someone that has suffered and never want to suffer again can achieve.

Personally I'm a Radical Moderate.

The only answer to all of this country's problems is ABSOLUTE MODERATION

t. neocon

are you being ironic you fucking retard? do you have any idea how fucking terrible war is? do you really believe this sensationalist shit thats all over pol and the media all day about this shit? the vast majority of this country goes about their lives and goes to work and comes home with their family

jesus fucking christ you gullible shithead

Many of the key issues in the OP that Americans are close to unanimous about are directly opposed by him and the Republican Party.

That's not moderate.

You value identifying as a centrist but hold leftist opinions so you're trying to make being a leftist sound like being a centrist.

I'd not call slaves a proper part of a country.
Curiously, from 1910 to 2010 amount of blacks increased by four times, from 8kk to 39kk, while amount of non-hispanic whites increased from 81kk to 196kk, which is roughly 2.4 times. Consider the fact that growth is exponential dependent on starting numbers, it indicates that blacks breed even more rapidly.

We have had the longest peace time in world history and it has ushered in incredible new technologies, increased the world standards of living, and risen billions in the world from poverty.

All of your posturing about degeneracy is simply not something that appeals to the vast majority of people and the way they see the world.

War, again, is far worse than you can imagine. You really do not know what you are talking about.

Italians, Irish, and slavs were all not considered white for decades. Looking back you likely now consider them white when you come up with your 80% number.

People assimilate when they move to a country but it takes a few generations. Patience is key.

No you just don't see it. And because you don't see it, it must not exist.

Most of America is stagnant. That is why we always vote for change candidates. We as a country are always waiting for life to get better but are to moderate to actually come out and say something until setting drastic happens to us.

It's not sensationalism if it is true. Our stagnation is killing our culture and we won't survive it much longer.

Fuck off prick. You've had cuckservatism for years. stop pretending you need a blander more valueless conservative to support. It's time for RIGHT WING EXTREMISM.

You are clearly a member of the far right and see any moderate opinions correctly to the left of your positions but they are in fact, as evidenced by the statistics in OP, mainstream.

Because we've had fucking moderates running out countries for decades. Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same moderate coin and only work to protect their own interests. I've grown to hate moderates as much as liberals. I'm sure you would've loved that pussy Kasich to have won the nomination.

>People assimilate when they move to a country but it takes a few generations. Patience is key.
When you look at the African-american it seems pretty evident that's not true for all the races.
Your own argument also beg the question "Is it worth it"? Why suffering for 30+ years to solve a problem you could have avoided in the first place?

Cultures cannot be killed but they do change over time.

This long peace has lead to the destruction of the white race. Europe is inviting shitskins in to ravage their country. Whites will become a minority in America. Socialism run amuck.

Peace is only good for niggers and shitskins because they aren't good at it.


It is much more difficult for African Americans to assimilate because the darker skin is a defining easy visual marker that they are another race.

If you look at Latinos however, Marco Rubio for instance looks very white. He could change his name to Dave Johnson and no one would question it.

Blacks in the US may someday assimilate but it will take much longer because their skin color makes it so easy to see that they are black and apply preconceived notions about being black onto them.

>All of your posturing about degeneracy is simply not something that appeals to the vast majority of people and the way they see the world.

Dead wrong. It doesn't appeal to you because you're still grounded in the fairy tail of yesteryear and it's bedrock of normality. But Generation Z, growing up without, is the most socially conservative since WWII. The degeneracy is real.

>70% of people dislike the existence of super PACs.
>83% think corporations are not people and sould not be allowed the same rights as people.
>81% disapprove of the US Congress
>75% want term limits for national congressmen.
>57% say middle income bears too much of tax burden
As they should.

>81% approve of universal background checks when firearms are purchased.
They should read the Constitution.
>79% want the ACA replaced with a Medicare style national program to cover all Americans
idiots who don't understand budgets or economics
>64% think immigration to the US strengthens US society
Somewhat fair, but most don't realize the decreasing need for immigration as the country's manufacturing goes towards automation.
>60% think current illegals should be allowed to stay but required to apply for citizenship.
Sure, give citizenship to the people who are breaking the law by their very presence. Fuck them, go back and apply for a visa the right way.
>61% Say people making over $250,000 pay too little in tax.
Selfish morons who don't realize the rich are paying the large majority of taxes in this country. 20% of the country has no wealth at all, and others are poverty level and pay no income tax. Get them working before you start taxing the rich up the ass. Also, cut the fucking entitlements.

Cultures can most definitely die. When was the last time you heard about someone warshiping Perun or one of the other millions of forgotten gods? Those cultures are dead because they are no longer and influence on society.

And yet Indians with skin as dark or darker than a lot of 'black' people do just fine

>The goal of the classical conservative is to dampen or stop that pendulum and govern with sense and long term practicality.
Then you strongly oppose immigration from non-white countries, right?

As I have said before and will continue to repeat, you don't know anything of war or it's affect on the communities in which a war takes place.

You might be helped by watching a war movie not about the soldiers but instead about the people living in an area that is at war.

Here are some recommendations:
Shame by Ingmar Bergman
Come and See by Elem Klimov

Or maybe you'd prefer literature. If so, read the chapter in the book V by Thomas Pynchon titled "the Confessions of Fausto Majistral."

Niggers don't assimilate because they are genetically and culturally lazy. They would rather get welfare than a minimal wage job. They would rather sell drugs and not pay taxes that get a job at best buy and sell tv's. A majority of the niggers that ever do good are usually mixed. It dulls their savage genes and gives them a parent that might actually act like a human and raise them well.

>doesn't want his party to move toward nationalism
What a fucking faggot. Shove your "refugees welcome" sign up your ass.

The only Indians we get in the US are already rich because only the rich Indians have the money necessary for travel to the US.

trump says one thing to appease midwesterners, but does another thing when real decisions are made.

It's all because the rust belt is full of retards.

>rich, dark-skinned Indians assimilate well
Maybe you should double check your premise if you accept that fact.

>Niggers don't assimilate because they are genetically and culturally lazy.
There are many hard working and successful black people in the United States.

This is a false generalization as I'm sure you're aware.

agreed, the division between right and left along the lines of guns, healthcare, taxes, and illegal immigrants always seemed contrived to me. politicians don't want to abolish corporate personhood or super PACs because they benefit directly.

people who are politically extreme or blame "the times" are not good in excess.

the whole thing was extremely embarrassing. people buy into the persona and not the policies, either their evil grandmother or a man spewing bigoted nonsense in their grandmother's voice.

you must be fairly extreme to believe that. most real, working people who actually keep the lights on in this country don't care about political correctness. in fact, the majority of people didn't want either candidate.

everything else you mentioned is twitter talk, gender studies baristas vs. NEETs

Sounds like you want a populist.

Blacks are fundamentally different than every other race on a biological and neurological level. They hit developmental mile stones at a faster reach, they walk sooner, grow teeth sooner and hit sexual maturity sooner and stop developing neurologically sooner. We also know from animal models that higher levels of melanin causes animals to be more aggressive, this is true in mice dogs foxes and every other animal studied. But you expect it to not be true for humans.

Every race of modern human on this planet has neanderthal dna, but not blacks. They are not modern humans.

I don't blame them for being what they are but it is a real disservice to put these semi feral animals in human society and expect them to act like humans.

I'm a humanitarian, I think it would be wrong to kill them all, it would also be wrong to send them back into the wilds of affrica but clearly something must be done. That is why I propose we offer long term government assistance to only those who get sterilized. They can live out there lives in peace and dignity and we will be done with the nigger problem in a generation or two.

The kikes are really pushing for a "moderate" like a Silicon Valley (((venture capitalist))) or mayor (((Bloomberg))) in 2020 to get White male coward cucks like you away from Trump

>what are statistics
The majority aren't unless you consider a median income of $35k "successful."

I have seen war. I have lived it. It is one of the most freeing and sobering things you can experiance.

We are degenerate in this nation. We will fall unless we change. I'm can understand your reluctants to accept it but you need to.

>with sense and long term practicality.

Anybody who has to tell you they're doing it with sense and long term practicality isn't doing it with sense and long term practicality

>81% approve of universal background checks when firearms are purchased.

shall not be infringed




War is a necessary evil to remove the vast sums of low IQ hordes that will economically, culturally, and genetically annihilate the West. War is literally a requirement now for humanity to survive.

>Blacks are fundamentally different than every other race on a biological and neurological level

>having high-tech racist arguments
>delineating a species based only on one environment-induced macroscopic feature

You're literally describing most democrats.

>anti-science moron makes a post because truth hurts his fee fees

Most of them are extremely mixed and usually have a white parent. Sure there are some outlayers but you cant base your worldview on a minority perspective.

Fuck you.

I'm going to do a line by line response since none of this surprises me:

>70% of people dislike the existence of super PACs.
And yet superPACs are currently the most effective tool for incumbents to get reelected. You honestly expect a bunch of elected officials to come to a 60% majority consensus that getting reelected is too easy?

>83% think corporations are not people and should not be allowed the same rights as people.

Okay... So what? 70% have not completed a 4 year degree. Democracy is mediocre at selecting politicians. It's fucking terrible at making policy. Personally, I think we should throw out every law and precedent and start the legal system over from scratch. Because: "technical debt"

>81% approve of universal background checks when firearms are purchased.

If you rephrase the question as opposed to a federal gun registry you'll get the complete opposite reaction. Americans consistently show that they don't want to change anything about their gun laws.

>81% disapprove of the US Congress
And every 4 years: approximately half of congress does a very good job of representing this disapproval through partisanship.

>79% want the ACA replaced with a Medicare style national program to cover all Americans

I'm one of them, but I also haven't crunched the numbers to figure out who to tax how much to pull this off. Probably >79% of the people who pay more than half of the taxes in this country are opposed to the scale of tax increases required to pay for such a program. That leaves budget cuts, and every year congress demonstrates that they can't find the political capital to cut spending.

>75% want term limits for national congressmen.
You honestly expect a bunch of elected officials to come to a 60% majority consensus that getting reelected is too easy?

Making assumptions about all people of a race based on stereotype of a race or even the statistical mean of a race is wrong.

Something missed in these statistics is the fact that black unemployment is significantly larger than. White unemployment. There are no jobs in the inner city even for people that want them and the idea of getting to a job halfway across the city consistently is difficult if you live (as many black people do) in areas with poor access to public transport.

There are larger economic and social factors at play that looking at one statistic will not tell you.

It's easy to vilify but difficult to engage.

>le race is just skin deep meme
Thousands of years evolving in different environments means genetic divergence that is significant.

>actually arguing for money corrupting politics (SuperPACs)
>actually arguing for corporate personhood

Holy shit. I thought we purged you idiots already.

Where did you see war? In the American military?

That's not real war. Unless you were a Vietnam vet, you haven't been in a real war even as a soldier.

A conflict that lasts 14 years and only has 2,386 combat casualties isn't a war.

>Making assumptions about all people of a race based on stereotype of a race or even the statistical mean of a race is wrong.
No it fucking isn't. Making an assumption about someone based on empirical data is completely reasonable and rational. You don't walk around in bad areas at night for example the same reason.
>wah you can't make assumptions about people!

>Something missed in these statistics is the fact that black unemployment is significantly larger than. White unemployment.
Yes dummy. That's why they are less successful. Don't buy into the meme that blacks are not responsible for their own situation. They live closer to the cities than tons of rural whites that make more than they do.