How would liberals feel if Trump, after four years, turned out to be a good president?

How would liberals feel if Trump, after four years, turned out to be a good president?

even if he improved america they would still say he didnt


That's Peter Fonda

they'll still be butthurt


the mental gymnastic would qualify for a golden medal, even if he reduced the debt by 15 trillion, gave the military exosuits, proved that trumpcare is superior to obamacare and eliminated ISIS and every other terror group

Somewhat surprised.

His policies are awful and he only wants to appeal to a minority of Americans. His foreign policy will be worse than the king roach too.

Like if he doesn't start a nuclear war that is already decent enough for me, I'll still vote against him though since pushing our luck is not something we should be doing.

but their idea of a good america is very different to actual good america

their ideal america is haiti

They would never ever admit it. And that's good, let the sane people see all the positive change he brings, it will bring him another term and hopefully the death of SJW histrionics.

I do wish him the best, as long as his interests do not conflict with mine. One of the main reasons people hate Trump is just his personality.. his bragging, his speaking always in general terms. I honestly do wish him success, but I still don't like his personality.

Somewhat surprised.

His policies will drive up the costs on everything while attacking any industry that oil companies seem a threat to their interests and he only seems to want to appeal to a minority of Americans instead of trying to work with all Americans. His foreign policy will be worse than the king roach too.

Like if he doesn't start a nuclear war that is already decent enough for me, I'll still vote against him though since pushing our luck is not something we should be doing.

They would still hate him just for his mannerisms and "political incorrectness". He could be the next coming of Jesus and all liberals would care about is him mixing religion with government and triggering atheists.

they still would be angry

This is true.. many just don't like him for how he brags and speaks in generalities. I admit I don't like like his personality, but for the sake of the country I hope he is successful.

whatever their media masters tell them to feel

>that smug trump picture

So I'm assuming you voted for Hillary. I find it funny that you say "if he doesn't start a nuclear war that is already decent enough for me" while likely having voted for a person whose policies would have led directly to nuclear war.

They will never admit it, read some comments on r politics threads like the fascist one posted on the front page today. These people are truly, truly indoctrinated. Don't read too much or you'll feel suffocated by the insanity

They're going to say that he is going to do all the racist, sexist, xenophobic stuff in his second term.


He could end all war, create a welfare system where as ll the work would be done by robots and humans lived in luxury, stop all crime, and help humanity as a whole ascend to a higher plane of existence and spiritual enlightenment and they would still hate him because he likes to grab pussy.

To be honest, and this might get me some hate but I'm pretty liberal myself, I only come to this portion of Sup Forums to have my views tested and see what people on the other side are thinking without being subjugate with constant reeeeeing from people more liberal than me.

That being said, I truly hope this man can do what he thinks he can do, I want America to be great, I want 'The forgotten people of America" to be forgotten no more, as he put it. My only concern is the ACA being repealed, I'm not a fan of it as it stands per say, but the lack of replacement worries me, especially considering my Mother has cancer and I'm afraid out insurance company will reject her claim if she goes into remission and the cancer comes back.

TLDR; a lot of people more liberal than me will continue to sperg out thanks to the media, but I hope the Don the best.

They're versed in doublethink. Any good things will be seen as bad things or things attributed to people not-Trump, while any bad things will be inflated. A couple years down the line, they'll have re-written history.

Just look at Obama's "legacy": a healthcare system that benefits niggers and fat spics, praised for helping a large number of people that wouldn't get it otherwise; "job creation" in the form of part-time jobs so that companies don't have to provide employees with outrageously expensive healthcare; etc.

They would find some way to say everything Trump did was just Obama's policies finally taking effect. You know, the usual.

Accomplishments don't matter, man. All that matters is their current perception of him, which will remain unchanged because liberals are hateful cunts.

They would never admit it, libshits are scum

How about you end your life instead, cuck

Wouldn't matter. They would probably claim it was their protesting that did it or their minority control in Congress that had the positive impact. American politics has devolved into a sporting event, the majority of people pretend to know all the ins and outs but in the end they are just rooting for a team to win.

If Trump cured cancer tomorrow, CNN would blast him for taking so long and blame him for all the people that died because he didn't cure it earlier.
Then they would show pictures of little girls dying of cancer and claim that their blood was on Trump's hand.
Expect this for every issue for the next four years.

Why should that be expected? Usually even good people turn out to be shitstain presidents.

>he actually believes this

How do you suppose? Where's your degree in nuclear war causes and American nuclear policy?

Oh, that's right, you're just retarded. Ohhhhh

I hope you hang yourself and livestream it when you realize how wrong you are lmao

[insert republican]

Obama could have personally colonized Mars and invented cold fusion and you would have still called him a dumb bigger. The double standards here are impressive

They will seriously insist that the country only got better because of Obama and it just took a few years after his presidency to take effect. They have been performing mental gymnastics for the past 8 years claiming the economy under Obama was actually still GWB's economy.

They'd never admit it. They don't have the integrity and backbone.

How would Sup Forums feel when liberals opinions and stances matter?

2 voices is the sole reason why American liberty is so great. Yeah yeah you bash each other shit opinions but in the end, you find the balance between 2 groups

Therefore liberal do play a big role if trump does good president job

First we need to establish what would constitute a good presidency and what would count as a failure. What metrics are we using here?

Every political party ON EARTH does this though. Watch, every fuck up Trump makes, and don't pretend he's going to have a perfect presidency, he will blame on the previous administration.

Say they knew he'd be good, you people are remembering wrong

This is actually what they're really afraid of. No sane Democrat really fears Trump. What they fear is the Trump precidency turning out being not so bad - and their whole racist-sexist-homophobe narrative, with which they've hold the country in their grips, going out the window.

Why do you think that?
Can you name one -actual- lasting accomplishment of his, rather than strawmanning?

I think they'll be surprised to know that Trump is actually somewhat liberal on certain policies.

How will Sup Forums feel when after four years Trump turns out to be a bad president?

In denial. There's your answer.

No matter how bad the president is, those who voted for him will defend their choice. No matter how good he is, same applies to those who voted against him.

T b h I'd be thrilled to be wrong about him, I want the best for this country and if he actually improves things I'd give him credit

He's just given me every reason to think otherwise, between his cabinet choices and behavior regarding the Russian connection it seems he will just use the office to profiteer like Bush/Cheney did

>They have been performing mental gymnastics for the past 8 years claiming the economy under Obama was actually still GWB's economy

I don't think they want to do that. Because despite all the memes it hasn't been anything close to an unmitigated disaster.

They're terrified of it.
Because if he turns out to be good, their entire Politically Correct facade will crumble.

He literally can't hold half the promises he made.
It's a matter of months before the retards who elected him start realizing they were rused

just like republishits did with obama

Tell me more about my country Ahmed

Like with Obama?

Progressive here. Surprised and maybe feel like I'd have to consider some red pills more seriously. But currently, pretty much all evidence is stacked against him and none of his policies makes sense. I'm currently sitting here waiting to see if he'll actually do anything remotely to what he's promised and I still don't see how he can prevent people from booting the US dollar as a world currency and fucking the entire economy up

But we'll see. Just feels very "insert image of man ready to shit on table saying you don't know if it's shit until you see it come out"

Like do any of you fuckers realize that the USA isn't this super cool god-powered hero state that just happens to win more than everyone else but that they grabbed a big world leading role after WW2 and put themselves on the worlds payroll by acting as the world reserve currency holder and thus could print as much money as they wanted. But now you see trump supporters going "man sure would be nice to stop worrying about the rest of the world and just focus a bit more on america" which totally goes against this entire thing and seems totally ignorant of your lands economic situation.

But I sincerely hope that Trump and whoever holds power will manage this carefully as a stable world is good for everyone.