Which pill is the hardest to swallow?


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the bogpill

the one where you realized that liberal propaganda is the same exact form as the propaganda Sup Forums uses to gain followers. the one where you realized pol is a group of deluded sociopath stormfront fags who can no longer recognize some humans as humans. when you recognized that pol has lost any sense of reality. the one where you realize that every person of every race political views and religion wants the same thing, to live a happy comfortable life

The gaypill

funny how recognizing blacks as humans simply wasnt a thing outside of snooty liberal social circles until marxism invaded american universities in the 60's. try harder faggot, ideology is dangerous but we need to protect ourselves from ALL threats to survive.

someone gave me this, save it quick before mods delete this thread. it's the first photograph of bogdabots operating in the human bloodstream

This right here. Daily reminder to take your bogpill

the brownpill

For me the gender differences pill was hardest to swallow. I mean I always knew there were differences but I never realized the extent of the difference until I had real world experience with women. I really had a lot of mental blocks in place that had prevented me from accepting that truth.

Race was probably the easiest. The JQ wasn't too bad either.

I had some trouble accepting the faggot pill too because I had such a "live and let live" attitude ingrained in me. I still instinctively want to say things like "well if you keep it behind closed doors and don't hurt anybody it is ok" even though I know that faggots will never, ever keep it behind closed nor will they ever stop recruiting kids via molestation.

I fucking hate you

youre retarded. the idea that some races are not people only started like 500-800 years ago. different skin colors was a thing long before social darwinism, but people back then didnt have race related pride. they traded with people all around the world, foguht with people all around the world. but they did it for their nation or their own safety, because the idea that race made any difference had not come about

lol that pic is fucking gold

The fact that there isn't some invisible boogieman to blame for all of your problems

The fact that every failure in your life is your own fault.

>500-800 years ago

you mean when people started living alongside other races on a grand scale? wowee, you sure got me bud. i guess all those mongol invasions and all were just about fascism or something, im sure the racial differences didnt play a part at all.

>which pill is the hardest to swallow?
Horse cock.

mongols didnt invade because they thought of themselves as the master race, they did it cause they had a powerful nation and wanted to conquer and needed resources. you are retarded if you think that mongols burned villages because the residents didnt have squinty enough eyes.

I hope you open your soul to the truth one day

The big ones.

well they certainly didnt invade their OWN people you fucking retard. i bet you deny the existence of ethnicity, since youre so keen on denying race.

>I never realized the extent of the difference until I had real world experience with women.
So since birth?

this one

That fucking filename


Yeah fuck drumph and fuck white people

You already know

I don't know user, probably the big orange one?

all of them without anything to drink.

Kek, best bog pic I've seen yet

This no doubt

Nah I meant like more intimate relations.

The Gold pill