Trump loves honesty, it is now your turn to be honest

Trump loves honesty, it is now your turn to be honest.

How many of you honestly believe in Trump and which ones of you are LARPing as Trump supporters for the bantz and liberal tears?

I've been shitposting as a Trump supporter since about the first debate.

I lost hope in a good person being president a long time ago.


Shill detected.
that is basicly :"I am a nazi just ironicly XDDDD"

here's a (you)

I genuinely supported Donald J. Trump for President

I donated $10 to the campaign

Same. The world is going to hell anyway.
Might as well trigger some people by supporting TEUMP for lols.

I wanted Trump to beat Hillary, but I could never like or trust a fat person.

In all honesty, I'm just in it for the memes. I voted Trump because of the memes.
Let's see how far the memes will take us. Praise Kek

I thought he was full of shit at first, and I started as a LARP, but then I listened to him for a bit, and then I realized meme magic is real. Now I support him. PLS ANNEX CANADA AND KILL TRUDEAU, IT'S A GOOD TRADE FOR ALL THE OIL WE HAVE

I have genuine faith in Trump, so much that I'm working out and brushing up on my math so I can do well when I enlist into the army.

He's not perfect but god damn it if he isn't inspiring.

I don't actually care about any of his policies, and I didn't even vote, but I still kinda like him and want to see him succeed just to btfo the libshits even further

I'm a gay, ultraliberal vegetarian and supported Trump. Trump is now the face of the Republican party for the next 4 years and all of Republican congress is going to have to eat the shit that falls out of his ass and apologize his moronic statements away and start talking up Russia as being America's best buddy. Its going to be hilarious.

Who is this cyborg? He was always at trumps side yesterday at the inauguration.

good point

First time voter here. I at first thought he was batshine insane but then I started to listen to what he really says and what the media said about him. I hope he incorporates stronger borders. I hope he does eliminate radical islam from America. If that makes me "islamaphobic" fuck it. Maybe if he creates more jobs these feminazis will get a job for once.

>How many of you honestly believe in Trump


I dont like trump as a president, but i REALLY dont like hillary as a president.

The bantz and libby tears are also great


>Maybe if he creates more jobs these feminazis will get a job for once.

The feminazis have "jobs" at starbucks and retail stores. They are butthurt because their social justice degrees are worthless.


Honestly, I thought he'd moderate extensively and end up being another middle-of-the-road president up until his inauguration address yesterday. He went full national workers party and the past 24 hours have seen him start on what he promised the whole time.

Right now, I'm not sure what to think, but I'm suddenly hoping he is all that he campaigned for.

My bluepill illusions were shattered about half a decade ago and I was sinking into despair and nihilism, and then somebody posted an article on Sup Forums in summer 2015 talking about how Trump was the troll candidate. As I followed him through the primaries, I began to support him more and more, donating money and going to his rallies. Now he's president. It feels good to have seen it through since the beginning.

>naming the Jew

I genuinely believe Trump to be a patriot. I think he really believes he can make a difference and wants to fix his country. However, I also think he's ill prepared for the job and that he has too many cuckservatives whispering in his ear.

I want to believe he is going to be an effective President and I hope he will succeed at much of what he's set out to do. I just temper my expectations.

Mostly, though, I'm here for the memes and the brewing shitstorm.


I think Trump will be one of the best presidents of all time.

Trump is so truthful sometimes I can't stop smiling.

I voted for Trump for the sole reason to make leftist pieces of shit bawl their eyes out and screech autistically. I was not disappointed, in fact it turned out even better than I expected.
Also Hillary's a cunt.

It doesnt pay to be honest in this day and age

not on the internets

not irl either

I actually don't really care about politics at all. I just find it all to be funny.

I genuinely believe he will be the greatest President since Lincoln.

What is agent 47 doing there??

Looking at his cabinet picks, it's pretty clear he doesn't really understand what's going on. He chose Ben Carson for HUD specifically because he's black and grew up in the projects. You're telling me there is no one more qualified for that than Ben Carson? He's just picking his friends for the cabinet; and seeing how he has no clue what's going on, it's a fair assumption that most of his cabinet picks are sailing in the same boat.


>I genuinely believe he will be the greatest President since Washington.