

Will join a nazi gang soon.
i will need some good pics about sweden so i can make good posters and put it around town.

AMA & give me good tips, idea about how we will make Sweden swedish again!

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please mister fbi don't do this, Sup Forums is a board of peace

we only meme and no real violence

Thank you. Each time I feel France is totally fucked I think about Sweden and a magical effect rises.

Stop using the label "Nazi" for white nationalist interests. Unless Hitler is alive and running that party and you are a member you're not ever a Nazi

> join a "nazi gang"
> print and post pictures from Sup Forums

Fuck off back to Sup Forums you teenage autismo

Also i hate that pic. guy looks like someone stuck a bicycle pump in his ear and went to work

make spurdo posters

>Joining a Nazi gang
Are you retarded?

Just put up pictures of Pepe

at least some of you are opening your eyes

here in sweden, if you say you are pro-swedish, you will be called a nazi by the left(media and alot of city people)

but you are right, my misstake.

sweden is going down, but i will not make the super left make our country brown.


Tbt its not really a nazi gang, more like activism against our cointry sick policy.

okey kek

my school was the first school in sweden that banned the national theme.


If you want reverse psychology use this.

if it's actually a nazi organization stay the fuck away from then
join the nearest swedish democrats group and help them instead


its not really a nazi, maby a little bit of facist.

the swedish democrats is somewhat good but when its 1vs7 in the parliament

sd will not make a diffrent untill they get 50.1 % of the vote they cant do much



I know this sound stupid but help them get 50,1 with your presence. You plan to support an organization anyway, might as well stick to those who have actually a possibility to change things


I feel like i have to come over and help out you guys.All the memes aside, lets do it it again lets purge europe.

You could start by changing that meme. The guy on the left is from the UK. Find a Swedecuck for accuracy.

This would make for a hilarious poster.

svenska motståndsrörelsen?

>Will join a nazi gang soon.
Why the fuck would you do this to your life?
You will regret this and it will destroy your future

What future do you have, bro?

Only one you need.

We have no futures tho. We are on Sup Forums


jag var med dom den 12 november när vi gick till riksdag, fanns vissa subhuman med när vi gick men gick bra ändå.

>supporting SD
>left government for 8 year
>30% immigrants by the time they leave of mirror government with muh immigrants
>SD getting cucked by a bully wall by the 7 other partys

i said no to them, they are not annonym.
but they are okey i guess.

good my brother

didnt know that

will save, get me that girl that got raped by a nigger from usa


University degree, good job, recreational activities on the side, rent apartment / buy house, settle down, have kids

That would be true if you don't try at life

Yeah, they label people with white interests as nazi. Its word association. It stirs up all the history of nazism and ties it to whatever cause they dont like. Cheap tricks.

I did try at life, I wasn't born a plutocrat so there is no hope anyway. For example you said you got into University you were born rich.

Hvis det ikke er motstandsbevegelsen du blir med i så kaster du bort tiden din.. Det er på tide å enes, ikke å splittes. Hvorfor vil du være anonym? Om vi i Norden ikke gjor noe nå snart så vil vi tape...

Hvorfor bli med i en random skinhead gruppe istedenfor å bli med ekte nasjonal sosialister?

There won't be a future if nobody stops Sweden becoming a third world nation smartass

>"The left is degenerate because they call people by buzzwords to stifle debate, that's part of why I dislike them"
>"Let's call this guy 'cuck' and somehow claim I'm any different from the left"

Dont do it, these folk are kikes.
These movements destroy the rights image, join some less radical folk.

I have a hard time telling if you are a shill or not, mostly because of your atypical English

Var engelska ett av dina svagare ämnen? Oavsett, så bör du inte gå med i en nazi-grupp. Du gör oss alla en otjänst genom att villigt kalla dig nazist. Men mest dig själv. Det kommer att vara med dig och folk kommer att ge dig så fruktansvärt mycket skit för det, det är det inte värt

Länge leve Moder Svea

The left is degenerate because of:
-Economic Policies
-Homosexuality/Trans/Pedophilia and other degeneracies
-Liberal drug use
-Mass immigration
-Destruction of culture
-Wars raging all over the world(syria, afghanistan etc)
-Funded by kikes(Soros)
-Destruction of moral, and family values leading to few to none births
-Bailing out Big Biz
-Removing free speech

And the list goes on

University is free here, we even get paid to attend and pass classes. I just plan on getting a degree in something average that will guarantee a job in the future job market.

True, will stay here and milk the country for as much free stuff I can get before I move somewhere else, maybe Norway :)

It's not really free. Because it takes a shit ton of money to bribe the admin to alter your marks and takes a shit ton to donate enough to universities until they accept you. My dad donated 100K to moderatly ok Uni here and they didn't accept me.

Tviler jeg ikke på, men ta det med ro. Snart vil sånne som deg bli kastet ut av Norden. Og hvis du er hvit, så vil du bli fengslet eller bli domt for landsforræderi. Nasjonal Sosialismen er okende i hele Europa, takket være sånne som deg. Egentlig burde jeg takke deg for tjenesten du gjor oss

Right, but that means you're going to compromise on your living space and everything else. Don't think they didn't try this before.

>A Warning from South Africa to Europe and the United States

Checked and kekked.

> sweden goes to shit because of socialism
> i`ll join socialist gang to fix that
Working from the inside, aren`t you?

yeah this is a good one but full colour would be very ink intensive and bad for the environment

OR he will be the leader of the new Swedish Schutzstaffel. Got to dream big, kiddo.

> id rather be Russian
Well, if he is sweden, he is part of Russian family.
Finns and priebalts call "sweden" "rootsi" not because they are ethnically far from us.

Same for Prussia [now part of disgusting multiculti shithole named "germany"].

It`s not then et. now. Blood is eternal.

Alter the marks? Just study, broseph. Granted, I'm pretty fucking smart, but even average joes can study at uni here, they just choose the average-joe educations.

I think it's a damn shame that the muslims and niggers are making racist Swedes hate ALL foreigners, such as asians and slavs and the like. I'm racist as fuck, but at least I know where the problem lies (with niggers & muslims, possibly jews as well).

Du bor ju i Norge, du ska fan vara tacksam att din regering bryr sig om sina egna invånare.

förlåt om du inte kan läsa min engelska?

När/har var du i Köpenhamn och kollade runt?
har varit där några gånger för att festa, men du ska bara veta hur många knarkare och horor det finns. knarkare bruka samlas och skjuta heroin i armarna nästa mitt i centrum och hororna bruka gå runt och fråga om man vill ha avsugning.

men vad vet jag, kanske det är framtiden och varför ska jag hindra det.

Jag vill bara att Sverige inte ska bli som Köpenhamn.

Socialism didn't ruin Sweden. It's one of the most livable countries in the world because of socialism. Letting SJWs completely take over their government was what ruined them

Rootsi = Rus
Rus = Rusland
Rusland = Russia?

Roslagen = Ruotsi = Russia.

> SJW takeover is not exactly what socialism for outside viewer is

Lame meme

dumb pic, this will stay forever on Sup Forums

Tbt i want all immigrants from africa and arab country out from sweden if they get here after 2001.

Asians and jews can stay and even more here if they want(only if they are from japan ofc)


I'm on my phone and can't post pics for some reason but if I were you I would print simple stadistics that show how damaging refugees are.

Print rape stadistics from 1980-1990 and from the 2000-2016
With titles like Sweden is now the rape capital of the world topping countries like Bolivia, what happened?

20 years a go we had 3-6 rapes a year now we have thousands, what happened?
Shit like that.

good idea, will do that


Norske regjeringen bryr seg om sine innbyggere? nei..

Nationalsocialismen växer inte i Europa, det är populism och nationalism som växer, men då enbart på en nivå som handlar om minskad invandring.
Europeiska länder kommer inte börja döma sin egna befolkning för landsförräderi för att man inte drev väpnad kamp för minskad invandring.
Ifall du på fullaste allvar tror det så borde du ta och sticka ut huvudet ur huset och titta dig omkring.

Socialism has been working for REALLY small countries that wants to join the big gang.
Now, when they become civilized countries with increased population, larger industries and such, they HAVE to change their policies, or else sweden will happen.

the best thing to do is leave sweden entirely it's doomed to turn into a third world shithole

Klart har nasjonal sosialismen i Europa vokst. Man må jo være blind for å ikke se det. Du ber meg stikke hode ut av vinduet, men det er helt klart at kanskje det er du som burde det. Ingen nasjonal sosialist går til væpnet kamp for mindre innvandring, er hollywood-nazisme det og det har ingenting med nasjonal sosialisme å gjore...

Sånne som deg som bare utnytter landet derimot og er stolt av det vil få problemer i lengden. Og er du ikke hvit så blir du kasta ut til slutt skal du se

You're the first Northern European I see in here who is actually going to do something instead of whining, good on ya m8.

Also, find stadistics about grenade attacks, these were non existent in Sweden, you can use titles like "this didn't happen before,what will happen when more of them come?

då kan vi skicka dom till ditt land, du verka tycka att alla är lika mycket värda.

n-not yet

saved, but a stadistics about gangrape would be better i think :^)

You don't join a stupid fucking nazi party you fucker. You don't lower yourself to the liberals.

You act with words, convince other people of what's good. You don't become what you hate like they do.

It's not that hard. Good luck.

we do use words.

We go to stockholm, talk to people, give flyers and put poster

Tror det er noe du misforstår jeg hvis du tror jeg mener at innvandrere er like mye verdt som nordiske innbyggere..

>Will join a nazi gang soon.

You've probably read it already

Sounds like a good group to be apart of.


Era problem i Norge år våra mål som activister, ni har en rik ekonomi med nästa ingen

När en invandrare våldtar här i Sverige blir det 1-2 års fängelse medan i Norge så blir dom utkastade till deras skitland dom kommer ifrån

skillnaden är att Sverige är cucks är Norge är inte cucks.


it is

pic saved

will go to sleep soon, give me pics of elin krans or whateven her name was

Nice try, schlomo.

good night

Jeg vet ikke hvor du har inntrykket av at Norge ikke er cucked. Når en innvandrer voldtar i Norge så er det som regel 1 års fengsel maks. Rikdommen kommer fra olje, men vi blir fattigere og fattigere pga den enorme innvandringen(den er ikke like ille som Sverige, men ganske ille). Hvis du noengang har vært i Oslo så vil du se at store deler er rene ghettoer. Islamister kan true med å drepe helt fritt uten fengsling og nasjonal sosialister ansees på tross av dette å være den storste trusselen mot "rikets sikkerhet".. Hvis du vil ha det som Norge så har du SD, forstår ikke at du sier du blir med i en "nazi" gjeng som har som mål å bli som Norge...

Are you saying penis size is also poised to shrink ? Are we living in peak Nordic penis ?

Dont join a gang

Act anonymously on your own.

Plenty of ways to sabotage and ruin the lives of those from elsewhere with little money and little means to survive the cold