How did men in the 1910s get cucked into letting women vote?

How did men in the 1910s get cucked into letting women vote?

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most white women voted trump so it's mostly due to culture the women were brought up in that affects their vote

It was them.

Bump: someone that knows. I know Britain's came as a result of the ww1 and displacement of men causing women to get industrial jobs... of course (((they))) definitely had a major influence.

Women used to be the most socially conservative group in society, wouldn't you know?

When did the jews start doing all this nefarious shit? How far does it go back?

Women always voted right more than men here until 1997


When Titus didn't finish the job


someone with more balls than me post this to their normiebook

This article displays some of the prominent (((activists)))

Many 'ladies' thought it unladylike to vote when they first got suffrage

Probably Egypt.

It wasn't just that. Not many people know this but women's suffrage already had majority support in Parliament by the 1900s. It's just that it either wasn't voted on or scheduled. Then you had the Suffragettes burning churches, smashing windows, and blowing up houses, which turned some supporters against it temporarily, and the government couldn't be seen to give into violence. Plus there were bigger problems at the time like Home Rule which occupied the government's attention.

It only came about in 1918 because there was a coalition government which could agree on provisions (the parties previously couldn't agree on what terms women should be given the vote, stopping it from being passed through Parliament) and also the Suffragette violence had stopped.

There's no real starting point, they've always been like this.

wew, must be brave to do that

>How did men in the 1910s get cucked into letting women vote?
it's was the prohibition movement.

Republicans had been losing traction against southern dems for decades, and needed a new voting block.

Women were like 75% in favor of prohibition (basically the anti-alcohol movement was meme'ing that blue collar husbands would spend their paycheck in the bars on Friday night, come home, beat their wives and leave the family penniless). Since women were solidly behind prohibition, the Republican party became the party of Prohibition. Then they gave the women the right to vote and gained a HUGE voting block that basically locked them in power till Roosevelt and the Great Depression.

The league of women voters (which is the group that got women the right to vote) is still a solidly republican group, over a hundred years later. Of course they're also a largely irrelevant group too.

The XIX century created a romanticized image of females.

I blame the poets

When did Jews start being allowed to immigrate to American en masse?

>White women voting
>Bad thing

They voted for a man who grabs women by the pussy over the first female president. Doesn't get more based than that

Abraham probably.

Their evil doings are well known in the roman world too

You're a fool.

Trump is a meme.

Not much different than Hillary, just more populist

democracy is only for the people that agree with

It wasn't Jews you retards, unless you have any bit of proof to back it up. White men are just cucks, plain and simple, so they voted like cucks. Yakub should have gassed you all when he had the chance.

Vote didn't matter anymore anyway. Hasn't since.

All the alpha males died and only the cucks were left standing

Don't be so dense. In that sample, it also means there are those against abortion.

Also, 51% of white women voted Trump. All things considered, I'll take what I can get.

predictable voters

You're focsing too much on the narrowest of margins in one election. White men were vastly in favour of Trump, white women only marginally.