Why is fascism so autistic


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you have to create rituals and ceremonies
you got to make a atmosphere


I hate fascists, socialists and communists.

Fascism is extremely weaponized autism.

so your a useless apolitical spectator

anything not ironic=autistic

>Fascism is extremely weaponized autism

You're right. A bunch of LARPERs taking that stuff way too serious.

Hitler is basically a dude who watched Wagner for the first time.

It isn't serious, it isn't intellectual. Its self evidently bad.

As opposed to a deluded and dangerous ideologue like you? How many millions are you going to kill this time potato head?


Many autistic people have OCD... So they develop and obsession with purity and order.

Everyone is OCD when they're kids, but among autistics it lasts much longer, sometimes it's permanent.

you dont have any vision for the world
your dead wood

You are doing gods work , fuck collectivist bastards and fuck islam

White people are naturally autistic

It's what gives them advantage in everything

>How many millions are you going to kill

more than last time innit

Also, few Americans will never understand Fascism as it is a uniquely European movement


Capitalist life

No Americans can understand the Old World.

Just as much as you can understand the New World.


They're all authoritarian faggots

It's why I laugh so much at ANTIFA thinking they're freedom fighters. They're just as authoritarian as fascists.

nazis were autistic because they were german, germans are incredible autists

italian fascism wasnt autistic at all, it was just a bunch of hand waving and hyperbole

Fascism is just as much a hypothetical in the UK as it is in the US.

Then we have 20th century models like Argentina and Chile, what of them? Not fascist?

>"no true scotsman" fallacy in 3... 2... 1

cos falangism is the superior choice.

>Not being Authoritarian in any form

Is Chile fascist? I'm admittedly ignorant about the government and society of Chile

probably due to the autism

>hand waving and hyperbole

So life in Naples?

Chile wasn't fascist

Jorge Luis Borgias obviously distinguishes between them.


It was for a minute there.


Also, we have to define fascism. As I see it, Francoist Spain, Mussolini's Italy, and Nazi Germany are all good examples. Some thinkers and historians may disagree, but I'm taking an inclusive view here.

Military dictatorships aren't universally Fascist, just because Pinochet killed communists doesn't mean he followed any of the economic doctrines of the Fascist movements in Europe. The main difference between Europe and the United States is that Europe leans towards collectivism while the United States leans towards individualism. Fascism is rooted in this collectivist mindset and can therefore appear alien to Americans who were brought up to believe in the values of freedom and the individual.

IDK... Nazis were basically the Sonic and MLP fags of the 30's


He was a jewish free market lover like every south american dictator

that was the gommies

don't know about the 30's but I'm pretty sure the MLP fags of the 50's were cucks with miniature trains in their basements.

America is not everywhere else in the world that isn't Europe.

You need to narrow down your operational definition of fascism to something more specific to be convincing. Again, it's essentially a hypothetical everywhere else in Europe that isn't Italy, Germany, and Spain plus you haven't accounted for South America which very much has a collectivist tendency although perhaps not implemented in a fascist context (only a leftist one).

Fascist drumpfkins will be unfriended


"Borges’s support of the military regime of Videla seems to be founded upon his intense dislike of Videla’s predecessor, Juan Peron. This dislike began in the 1940s even before Peron became President for the first time. A liberal who had favored the Spanish Republic, Borges objected to Peron’s fascistic policies and in particular to his support of Nazi Germany. When Peron became President, he demoted Borges from his post as municipal librarian to the rank of poultry inspector. He even imprisoned the writer’s mother and sister."



Leftism is the result of oversocialization, is it really a surprise that autists who tend to be asocial go right?